Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1213: High-tech armor

The flamingo is imagining the extravagant life of the latter half of life. As a result, Qin Feng stepped on the flying sword and killed it. The angry flamingo almost jumped into the sea...

"Qin Feng, I am willing to send you the money robbed on Lisa No. 1 cruise ship for free. You can also introduce you to the Golden Road Chief. In the future, we will join hands with the three parties. This whole South Africa area is our world. Why do you help China? Do things? How much benefit can they give you?"

Ali didn't mean to do anything in front of Qin Feng. He even stopped the yacht, and he wanted to lure Qin Feng. [Muffy candy novel network www.Mianhuatang.c almost all ah, more stable than the average novel website, the update is still fast, there is no advertisement for the whole text. ] 火然????文?. Ranen

"Oh! Do you think that this money can seduce me? As a Chinese, you betray the country, do bad things in South Africa, how can I let you go..." Qin Fengbi with a sneer.

Ali has already sweated heavily. He found that Qin Feng is determined and there is no temptation to shake him.

"Qin Da Shao, money is indeed something outside the body, there is no more to go after death... But you should be clear as a warrior. There are many mysterious techniques in the world that ordinary people can't imagine, and the golden leader I know is one. A great warlock, he is proficient in the technique, and has been secretly studying the technique of longevity. Although the longevity technique has not been completely successful, it is not a problem to let the average person delay the life of decades..."

"If you let me go, I can show you the golden leader and let him help you to extend your life."

Ali has thrown all the imaginable bait out, it is a hundred billion assets, and it is immortal. These conditions are extremely attractive when placed on ordinary people and even military people. I believe no one can refuse...

But in the eyes of Qin Feng, what do these count?

"Do you know how ridiculous you are now? The purpose of my trip to South Africa this time is to eradicate the South African base of the Golden Killer Group. You used the name of the Golden Road to seduce me? Are you sick?"

Qin Feng sneered a sneer, the flamingo look changed, he really did not expect, Qin Feng ran to South Africa to kill the golden road leader?

"Qin Feng, you are too arrogant, don't think that you are very powerful in China, you can't be lawless, the golden road is long, the number of killers is countless, you want to be against him, it's only a dead end..."

The flamingo seems to have changed from a personal, cold-eyed look at Qin Feng in the void, as if the golden road is a sacred and inviolable god.

"The practice of **** is all over the sky, but it is a sinister evil. This kind of organization is the same as the Qingmen. I see one."

Qin Feng is not nonsense, the voice just took off a hand, the white light flashes, a death breath boasted in the sea, and the firebird will be shrouded in an instant.


However, it was a big bang on the yacht, and Qin Feng looked like a change. His wind blade controlled the power, and the whole yacht would not be blown up. The fire on the sea was so bright that an unknown object flew out in the flame. .

"Qin Feng, you forced Laozi, Laozi fights with you..."

The roar blasted from the flame, and the unknown object quickly approached, and the speed quickly caught up with the speed of the inner eight-layered warrior.

And this person is actually a firebird, wearing a domineering armor on his body, the armor will be wrapped in the whole body, flashing silver-white cold light under the night.


The flamingo has already thrown a fist, and the fist is blown up before it reaches the air.

Qin Feng did not touch it hard, and the flash of light disappeared.

"What is this?" Qin Feng has appeared behind the firebird, carefully looking at his armor.

This silver armor and Qin Feng's purple thunder robe and the previous blue ice magical armor are similar, but they are somewhat different. Qin Feng's armor is a system reward or purchase, synthesis of the spirit, the armor on the aura.

The armor on the Firebird does not have aura fluctuations, more like a few pieces of star technology products owned by Qin Feng.

Without a punch, the firebird turned quickly!

He is hiding in the armor. There is a pair of rockets behind the armor. Even the firebird is suspended in the air. It feels like a normal action with Qin Feng who stepped on the flying sword.

"Ha ha! Qin Feng, Qin Feng, I have already told you, don't try to provoke the majesty of me and the golden road. If you are strong, you don't know that the world is hidden in the dark, and it is more powerful. With special materials, even the inner nine-story strong guys don’t want to hurt me..."

The madness of the firebird floating on the sea, since the ship's armor, the firebird has become arrogant, and even a pair of Qin Feng is not in the eyes of the posture.

Qin Feng hangs on the flying sword in the air, staring at the firebird indifferently.

This set of armor is indeed good, can be like waste in front of Qin Feng, but also Qin Feng was curious to slow down a hand, otherwise the firebird had long been taken back to the cruise ship by his halo.

"Then let me see how powerful you are in this armor..."

The voice of Qin Feng fell, and the figure had already disappeared into the air. The pink light on the sea under the night was flashing, and the speed was unpredictable.

The flamingo was a little nervous in his heart. He couldn’t capture the position of Qin Feng. When he was angry, he suddenly raised his hand and mad at the void.

Step on the pedal!

This is really not a weapon suit, the armor's cuff is a machine gun muzzle, and instantly fired hundreds of bullets.

The other arm slowly lifted up, but it was a rocket launcher. There was a locator in the eyes of the flamingo, and a pink spot flashed in his positioning area.


The barrel was fired, and the huge sound was like a thunder.

A rocket rocket skyrocketed and eventually exploded in the high school of the night, like a sly fireworks.

In the absence of this attack, the Firebird quickly turned to the position and several rockets were fired. The picture was as good as the sci-fi movies filmed in the movie.


The sound of guns on the sea was heard, and even people on the cruise ship of Lisa No. 1 heard it!

Qin Feng was anxious to shoot. He was dodging the bullet fire and staring at the flamingo's armor. This is definitely a high-tech warfare. It is only based on the current technological level of the countries in the world. Battle equipment.

Even if there are secret research bases in various countries, and there are some unknown advanced weapons, how can they get such high-tech combat equipment with the status of Firebird?

Qin Feng did not understand it for a time. After some dodge, a handful of cold swords like a moon appeared in his hand.

The grief of the month was slightly provoked, but it seemed to have drawn the power of the moon. The moonlight in the sky suddenly burst into bright and radiant light, which seemed to be drawn by Qin Feng.


The sword fell, and three rockets were in the middle.

The loud noise blew open in the sea, and suddenly it was a storm!

Qin Feng’s sword came too fast, and the firebird did not have a chance to prepare. The wave took dozens of meters high and squatted directly on the firebird, drowning him in the sea.


Qin Feng hung in the air, but screamed at the sea!

A sea breeze swelled, and there seemed to be an ancient behemoth rising slowly on the bottom of the sea. The surrounding waters were disturbed by the basaltic movement, and a huge wave of vortex appeared.

Xuanwu emerged from the water, the turtle's front paws swelled, and the waves rose into the sky, but they flew out of the sea with a comatose flamingo.

This is la la!

At the same time, the silver ring snake opened a large mouth, sprayed a venom in the air, black liquid covered on the armor of Ali, the armor did not know what material was made, after a while began Slowly corroded...


The silver ring snake was also shocked by the toughness of the armor. With the degree of corrosion of the venom in its mouth, what kind of object was stained with a little venom and it was instantly smouldering. The silver ring snake squirted a large scent bubble and went up. The corrosion rate of nails is significantly doubled.

Qin Feng has fallen on the back of the turtle, and the armor on the flamingo has been thoroughly corroded. He has taken a cold ice and sealed the whole bird.

The flamingo has been successfully captured by Qin Feng, but Qin Feng's brow is slightly stunned, still thinking about the source of the flamingo's armor. This armor is really powerful. After wearing it like a firebird, it can even be followed. The nine-layered warrior battle, also Qin Feng has already stepped into the real gas layer, otherwise it may not be able to subdue the firebird...

On the deck of the Lisa 1 cruise ship!

Hundreds of people gathered around the guardrail, seeing the fighting just now, and the underwater behemoth floating on the sea at the moment.

The crowd was completely boiling, and the screams talked about each other, as if to suppress the sound of the waves.

"I rely! What monster is that? Isn't it going to attack our cruise ship?"

"This, this is a submarine beast... I, I remember that there were news reports a few days ago. There were sea monsters in the vicinity of the Somali waters. This monster directly destroyed the Somali pirate group..."

Someone said that Xuanwu had made a terrible event not long ago, and suddenly he was shocked by an eye.

Li Ya is also standing in the crowd, but it is a calm color. She knows that this basaltic is a pet of Qin Feng.

Princess Lisa had eight strong guards around her, and she always had a veil on her face. At the moment, she stood on the side of the guardrail and looked at the behemoth opposite.

"How did you feel that there was no movement? Did Qin Da Shao catch the bad guy?" Someone suddenly wondered.

Everyone's heart is hung in the eyes of the blind, and Qin Feng is praying in the heart. This cruise ship hijacking incident was all because Qin Feng was able to be rescued. Qin Feng is the savior of these people. He can't have an accident. ......

"Give me the glasses..."

The beauty of the face under the veil of Lisa is a worrying color. Since she was saved by Qin Feng, Lisa has been unable to let go of this man. She found that Qin Feng is different from all the men I have seen before. Qin Feng is too powerful. And especially that domineering and majestic, deeply fascinated Lisa.

The guard immediately took the glasses and Lisa looked across. When she saw the situation on the sea, the glasses in the scared hands fell directly into the sea.

"Princess Lisa, are you okay?" Maud asked nervously.

Everyone looked at Lisa because Lisa apparently saw the situation on the sea, otherwise it would not show the shock at the moment.

"Qin, Qin Da Shao... That is the big monster that Qin Da Shao called!"

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