Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1214: Princess becomes servant

Lisa said something inexplicable and confused everyone!

However, in the next second, everyone was stunned and looked at the sea under the night. The huge sea monster was coming fast, and the pair was attacking the cruise ship.

"When it's over... The big monster found us, what should we do?"

The crowd has already exploded. The rich and the rich are desperate to die. Tonight, they were robbed and almost killed. Now they have encountered a big monster attack. How can it be so bad?

"Fast, turn off the bow, run away..."

"We can't go, Qin Dashao still doesn't know where to go, we have to go find him!"

There was a disagreement in the crowd immediately. The people who were afraid of death were escaping to escape, but some people were rescued by Qin Feng and stood on the side of Qin Feng.

The Princess Lisa, who had been shocked for a long time, finally returned to God and immediately shouted: "All shut up! It is Qin Dashao’s pet, Qin Dashao is back... After Qin Dashao gets on the boat, everyone must bow down. Thanks, I want to respect Qin Da Shao, otherwise I will throw him to the sea to feed the fish..."

Just shouting that the crowd that had to leave Qin Feng to run away was scared and shut up. The rest of the people were shocked and stunned, staring at the huge sea monster that was coming quickly.

Xuanwu is getting closer and closer. The huge size is just a fight with Lisa No.1. However, after Lisa No.1, everyone found that the speed of the sea monster began to slow down and eventually stopped at the edge of the cruise ship.

Xuanwu and the cruise ship were almost stuck together. Everyone finally saw the model of the sea monster. The silver ring snake with a big mouth was scared to everyone, and a small group of people was directly fainted.


After a flash of light, Qin Feng has stood on the cruise ship, but it took a while for someone to discover him.

"Ah...Yes, is Qin Da Shao?"

“Qin Da Shao? You, when did you get on board?”

"Qin Da Shao is still alive, everyone is going to worship, hurry up and worship..."

Seeing Qin Feng again, everyone seems to see the gods, hundreds of people immediately fell, only Qin Feng, Li Ya and Lisa stood on the deck mian.

Qin Feng was confused by everyone's behavior. He said several times that everyone would get up, but Princess Lisa gave orders in front of her. Without her opening, who would dare to rise?

"Qin Da Shao, thank you for saving me and the passengers on board. I am grateful to you on behalf of everyone." Lisa has already walked to Qin Feng, before the proud and noble princess, the tone of talking with Qin Feng at this moment Like a maid.

Li Ya saw Lisa’s appearance, and quickly ran to Qin Feng’s side. He pulled Qin Feng to the side and took Lisa’s words: “Thank you, thank you, don’t bother us if there is nothing else. We still have to discuss it."

Lisa is still the identity of the princess. She is usually used to arrogance. She puts a low profile on Qin Feng, but it does not mean that other people are also lowering their posture.

"How do you talk to the princess? Believe it or not, let me throw you into the sea to feed the fish?"

Li Ya was also on fire, and Lisa shouted with his hands on his hips. "You dare to lose your old lady to the sea? You throw a try? My dear words can ruin your ship."

Lisa gas smoked on the top of her head, and Li Ya, with her hands on her hips, were the two most beautiful women on the cruise ship. Now they are so angry that Qin Feng is so angry that the male passengers on the boat are envious.

Qin Feng knew that the second woman was fighting, and she did not care about them. She was using ideas to communicate with Xuanwu.

A wave of blasts exploded, everyone was scared to look at the sea, only to see that the sea monster has turned around and left, the speed is almost faster than the Lisa No. 1 cruise ship.

Around the waves, the Xuanwu pulled a wave of speed, as if it had disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

"I rely! The sea monster is really a pet of Qin Da Shao? He sent Qin Da Shao and left."


The crowd was a hot exclamation, Qin Feng did not care about these, Li Ya and Lisa are still bickering, the second woman's eyes are red and thick, it seems to be playing.

"I made Xiaoya, I took the flamingo back, you went to interrogate him, I went to ask the news of the gold killer group."

Li Ya discovered that there was a piece of ice at the foot of Qin Feng. The ice was very hard. Li Ya carefully recognized it and found that there was a frozen firebird inside.

In front of the business, Li Ya did not bicker with Princess Lisa, watching the hard ice face depressed: "Dear, how do you interrogate me?"

Qin Feng pinched Li Ya's pretty face and shot a flame. Everyone was scared and exclaimed, but in the next second, the ice melted and the firebird snored.

"Firebird, this time I see where you are still running?" Li Ya screamed that he stepped on.

The flamingo was purple by the skin of dong, and it seemed that there was no pain. He looked at Qin Feng and said: "Qin Da Shao, you, you spare me, what do you want me, I am... ”

When the words were not finished, Lisa also stepped on it. It seemed to vent his anger in the heart when he quarreled with Li Ya: "Let you? Think about it, hurry up and shut up to me... you two, take him Go to the confinement room!"

With Lisa's order, Maud immediately took a flamingo with a guardian.

The flamingo is an ordinary person. Now there is no protection from the gold killer group. Without the magical high-tech armor, he is thoroughly planted in the hands of Qin Feng...

Li Ya has followed Maud to the confinement room and prepared to interrogate the Firebird. Lisa finally found a machine with Qin Feng alone, and immediately came over and intentionally put the body on Qin Feng's shoulder.

"Qin Da Shao, you are tired of being tired for a night? Is it better to go to my boudoir, how can I help you massage?"

Lisa was convinced by Qin Feng's hand before. Just after seeing Xuanwu, Qin Feng was respected as a god.

Qin Feng looked at Lisa faintly, and looked at the shivering killer in the crowd: "You come with me!"

The three went all the way to Lisa's boudoir, and Lisa personally ran to give Qin Feng a bath.

In the outer hall, there is the killer of Qin Feng and the only remaining gold killer.

“How far is the base of the gold killer group here?” Qin Feng sat in a leather chair and opened the door.

When the killer entered the house, he squatted on the ground. He didn't dare to look at Qin Feng. He bowed his head and said: "Qin Da Shao, we are now in the waters of Neilwo, not far from Neil Island. If you land on Neil Island, Still have to walk for half a day..."

Qin Feng looked at the time, now it is the early morning, and the road is over the night, and the base of the gold killer group can be reached early in the morning.

This time Qin Feng came to South Africa to destroy the gold killer group. Now the Firebird has also caught it. Li Ya’s mission has also been completed. Qin Feng has no other concerns.

"Princess Lisa, you now command the captain, marching toward the waters of Neilwo!" Qin Feng said.

Lisa put out the bath water just out, and there was no question for Qin Feng’s words, and immediately ordered it.

Doing these preparations, Qin Feng will kill the killer with a palm. He is busy working day and night, ready to take a break, and wake up early to go to the base of the gold killer group to kill a happy.

"Qin Da Shao, the bath water has been put away, let me bathe and dress for you personally." Lisa suddenly came up and saw the killer fainted, Lisa removed the veil and exposed the beautiful face to the air. among.

Qin Feng did not refuse, let Lisa help him take off his clothes, lazy to go to the bath to soak.

The water temperature is just right, there is still water flowing in the pool, it feels like the effect of the electric bathtub, Qin Feng shoulders on the edge of the pool, closed eyes to enjoy this unusual ease.

A pair of delicate fingers fell on Qin Feng's shoulders and was helping him to massage his shoulders. Qin Feng did not blink. He knew that Lisa was helping him massage.

At this moment, Princess Lisa wore a white tulle nightdress, and her body was looming in the golden room. The royal Princess Tsao Jiao was now serving as a maid to serve Qin Feng. This scene was taken by the royal officials and local sons. When the people saw it, they would be surprised.

Lisa pressed Qin Feng's back and suddenly pulled the ribbon around her waist and lifted her slender legs into the bath.

The bath is large enough to accommodate dozens of people in the bath at the same time, but only Qin Feng and Lisa are sitting in it, and the whole room is full of hustle and bustle.

Princess Lisa’s jade hand has been groping in front of Qin Feng’s chest, but Qin Feng’s eyes have not been opened since closed eyes, and Lisa is willing to act.

Lisa stared at Qin Feng's cold and fortitude, and her heartbeat began to accelerate. As a noble princess of the royal family, Lisa was as good as jade for twenty-three years.

Don't look at her traveling once a year with Lisa One. Every trip has a dinner party, but the people who won the medal at the dinner party didn't touch Lisa at all. They used Lisa every time they entered the room. The drunken drink fainted and waited until the next day to wake up the men.

The men that Lisa met were for her beauty and family, and those men couldn’t enter the eyes of Princess Lisa. At the moment, Qin Feng is different, not only invincible, but also indifferent to Lisa’s beauty. This is the more fascinating Princess Lisa.

"Qin Feng master, let the little girl serve you tonight?" Lisa felt that her body was hot, and suddenly it was hot in Qin Feng's ear.

These seductive voices and the beauty and status of Princess Lisa, but whoever the world can resist this temptation, just Qin Feng closed his eyes, as if I could not understand the meaning of Princess Lisa, said indifferently: "Washing After the shower, you will go down, I have to rest quietly..."

Lisa had already hugged Qin Feng's back in his arms. After hearing this, she was shocked. She was the first to doubt her charm.

"It's the master! That Lisa stayed in the pool, with the owner..."

Princess Lisa was willing to be the servant of Qin Feng. She used to be a princess. She used to be a servant from a younger ambassador. Now she has become a servant of others. This feeling makes Princess Lisa feel very exciting.

Seeing Lisa didn't move jing, Qin Feng ignored her, and closed her eyes and calmed down, and slept in the past...

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