Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 2051: Discussion strategy

Snowy city. Guangming Building.

In the spiritual building on the roof, more than 20 monks sat in a circle. In front of them, they were the best crystal table made with Lingjing. The top of the table was topped with Lingcha.

The aura in the attic is extremely rich, ten times stronger than the aura on the Grand Plaza in Snowy City. This luxurious top floor loft is the best location in the entire Guangming Building, and the most abundant place in the entire snowy city.

Those who can sit in the attic are the best of the Snowy City. If they are seen by other monks in the attic, they must be scared.

"Shengcheng Lord, now the representatives of the top forces in the Snowy City are all in line. Regarding the recent emergence of the sky above the holy land of the snowy area, you should first make a comment." Snowy City first scattered and respected the predecessors Opening.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Sheng Zhongtian. He looked a little dignified and said slowly: “On the sky above the snowy holy land, I also listened to Wang Liu’s deputy master. I learned that the day before yesterday I went to the snowy area. The Holy Land looked at it, and there was a big sky..."

"I am not proficient in the formation of the law. I will tell you about it in detail."

The eyes of the people fell on an old man wearing a green robe and a fairy bone.

If you let the disciples of Snowy City see this person, you will be screaming out. This person is the head of the seven-star squad of the Snowy City, and the rumors have already entered the seven-level squad. The level seems to be the only one in the entire Xihaizhou predecessor.

"When the news of the big sky above the holy land was heard three days ago, I rushed to observe the first time. Through these three days of research, I can be sure of two things."

"First, the array that appears out of thin air is indeed a big battle. Secondly, this array has a front line, it is undoubtedly the ancient array, and the formation has just been run. After thorough improvement, it will cover the whole piece. The sky above the snowy city will even extend to the other three major sections of Xihaizhou."

In the words of He Qiang, the atmosphere in the attic was extremely heavy.

Even if the monks who are present are the lowest in the field, there are still a few robbing powers, and even the gods who have the realm of the real world sit in the town, but in the face of an ancient world, they can only blink.

"It turned out to be an ancient squad. How did this formation appear?"

"At the time, when I arrived at the snowy area formed by the formation, there was the atmosphere of the Dead Sea ghost repair. Later, I specifically investigated and found that the vice-view of the main terracotta bones of the Dead Sea Jiuyin Temple was chasing a human monk nearby. According to the terracotta bones, it is the squad of the human monk who is in the four worlds." Wang Liuzhongming said.

The look of the people changed greatly. Xie Wanshi, the master of the Eight Stars Zongmen Tianmen, immediately questioned: "Wang Liu deputy city owner, I was rushed at the time, but I really smelled the smell of ghost repair, but I don't think the words of the Tao bones are credible. How can a human monk with a four-dimensional body set up a large array of ancient heavens? According to the meaning of Hezhangmen, the Fengtian array should be a nine-level array, not to mention Xihaizhou, the whole Shenzun continent. No one can arrange a nine-level array today..."

He Qiang nodded: "Yes! It is a nine-level blockade."

Everyone fell into meditation, saying that a human monk with a condensed body can arrange a nine-level squadron, and killing these sacred gods does not believe that the first volcano of Xihaizhou is on the scene, even if he personally shot It is also impossible to arrange a nine-level big array.

"The main character of Xie Men is that the Dead Sea ghosts are lying. Why are they lying? Is there any secret that is ulterior?" said Gao Jingchao, the master of the snowy city.

"I am only guessing. After all, the contradiction between the Snowy City and the Dead Sea has existed for thousands of years. The monks of both sides have been fighting for infighting. I heard that the ghost king of the Dead Sea has recently become a great success, and it may have to be promoted. There is nothing wrong with this opportunity. Everyone will be careful not to be wrong." Xie Wanshi said.

Another old man said: "Even if the formation is a dead sea ghost repair, but where did they get the nine-level seal? The ghost king of the Dead Sea wants to seal the snowy city, let It became a wasteland, and then it took over the land decades later? His ambitions are not that big?"

"I think everyone wants to be embarrassed. The big sky is not necessarily arranged by future generations. According to my opinion, it is more likely that there is already a snowy sacred place. It is just that the previous tactics did not open. Now I don't know why. This led to the launch of the Fengtian Array.” The president of the Xicheng Chamber of Commerce, the largest chamber of commerce in the Snowy City, expressed his views.

Many people nod their heads and agreed with his point of view. Compared with the artificial arrangement of the nine-level blockade, everyone here believes that the formation has long existed.

"You are a little bit stunned..." Seeing the scene became a bit confusing, Sheng Zhongtian said with a hand: "Everyone has already talked about it. The reason why we convene everyone today is to discuss the settlement of the snowy holy land. The big array of methods, not how to deal with that array."

The people suddenly woke up and found that they were really wrong.

"Shengcheng Lord, that is the nine-level ancient seal of the sky, with the ability of us, there is no way to break the line." He Qianzhen said mercilessly.

Everyone looks more dignified.

"Really there is no way?" asked Wang Liuzhong.

He Qiandeng shook his head, and Xie Wanshi said: "What happens if the big array of the sky has always existed?"

"According to my observation, the big squad is not just a seal of all the secrets, its main function is to seal the world!"


Even the top gods of this group of Xihaizhou are not calm, and some people even screamed: "Seal one world? What does that mean?"

"It is to seal a large area. In this area of ​​the formation, all monks cannot fly."

When I heard the words "I can't fly," Sheng Zhongtian and Silent and others stood up directly, because these people have already stepped into the realm of cultivation, as long as they cross the realm of true God, then they will enter another new The cultivation system, that is, the dream of the monks who have been practicing the life of the mainland, flew into the fairy world.

As for the immortality, there is no such thing as a sacred one. In fact, there are a few people in the middle of the sacred day. But the gods respect the mainland has always been rumored that the gods who respected the mainland’s first person, the sacred gods, smashed the void into the fairy world.

And after the sacred gods, there are also many peerless gods who have broken through the peaks of true gods and entered a new cultivation system.

"Can't fly the fairy? He said that the head is true?" Shengzhong Tianji Road.

He Qiang nodded and looked very serious: "I have dared to say this kind of thing. In fact, even I was the first to contact the ninth-level squad, but also went back and looked at the sects." After the cheats of the array, I found some piecemeal information about the ancient squad. The information has the main effect of introducing the big squad, that is, sealing the world and blocking Feixian."

He Qianzhen’s words are all about this, and everyone has to believe.

In the attic, I suddenly fell into a dignified atmosphere. Not only was Shengzhongtian thinking about Feixian, but all of them were the top gods of Xihaizhou. No one was running in the future.

"The sky is not impossible to arrange for the Dead Sea ghosts. Even if they want to invade the snowy city, they will not use this extreme means... Since things are so serious, then I will not conceal a fact. The big sky has spread to the snowy city. According to this proliferation speed, it is feared that after three months, the entire snowy city will be completely covered."

Sheng Zhongtian’s words are amazing.

The gods in the room began to feel restless and reached their realm. Even when faced with life and death, it is difficult to have a state of disorder.

"Shengcheng Lord, if the Snowy City is covered by a large array of clouds, then we can't fly in the future. This is a very serious matter. I hope that Shengcheng will come up with countermeasures as soon as possible. If it is useful, we will be able to repair the door. Although the city owner spoke. "Xie Wanshi has no thoughts."

Wang Liuzhongming said: "You are anxious, this matter is too sudden, and the situation is so serious. Now everyone is the most important thing to calm down and want to crack the ancient world. Just because of the power of our snow city. No, everyone has to think about countermeasures together."

The silence in the attic, facing the fact that you can't fly, the mood of everyone can be imagined, it is even more uncomfortable than death.

"With!" After a long time, the president of the Xihai Chamber of Commerce shouted a thigh: "In front of Wang Liu, the deputy city owner said that in the formation of the formation method, he encountered the vice-view of the main terracotta bones of Jiuyinguan?"

Wang Liu Zhongming nodded immediately.

The president of the Xihai Chamber of Commerce continued: "And the terracotta bones are said to be a human monk."

Wang Liu Zhongming nodded again.

Everyone was stupidly watching the president of the Xihai Chamber of Commerce and did not understand what he was going to say.

"As I see it, the sky is indeed hidden in the snowy land. Now I don't know why it suddenly opened. So the terracotta bones are not lying. He thought that the array was formed by the human monks who were in the four worlds. ......"

Having said that, some of the great powers have shown a stun look, and it seems that they have understood the meaning of the president of the Xihai Chamber of Commerce.

"In this case, we will count on it, find someone to release the news, saying that the Snowy City has arranged a large array of days to deal with the Dead Sea. At that time, the ghost king of the Dead Sea must be in chaos. It is necessary to attack the formation. If there are those ghosts With the help, we might be able to break the big day."

Everyone fell into meditation. After a while, Sheng Zhongtian nodded: "Although this method is not necessarily feasible, it is the best solution at the moment."

"Now the snowfield city disciples almost all know the snowfield holy land, there is news of the seal of the big array, if the law is extended to the snowy city, it will cause the panic of the monks, we are better to preemptive, tell everyone that the formation is us The purpose of the arrangement is to suppress the dead sea ghost repair, which will not only stabilize the civil strife, but also pressure foreign enemies."

"As for the next time, let's discuss better countermeasures."


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