Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 2052: Nine-grade Cordyceps

Qin Feng did not know, because he arranged a set of methods, but let the snowy city a top of the gods, the headache, even in the future, triggered a huge battle between the snow city and the Dead Sea.

When he left with the alchemy, the nine-day snowfield just opened, and a huge white light gate emerged in the sky, and Qin Feng rushed into the door with the square.

After transmitting a certain distance, Qin Feng even felt dizzy. When his feet regained the feeling of landing, there was a strange scene of ice and snow.

Although the snowy holy land is in a snow and ice all year round, the blizzard wind in front of it is violent several times compared to the snowy holy land. Even though Qin Feng has stepped into the four places of the body, standing in the snow and the endless snow. There is a feeling of cold.

Since the cultivation to the holy kingdom, Qin Feng has not been affected by the severe cold and heat, it can be seen that this piece of snow is not simple. If the monk is coming inside, it is likely to be frozen to death.

"Predecessors, let's enter the nine-day snow." Alchemy seems a little excited.

He suddenly remembered something, and quickly suppressed the excitement. He patiently said to Qin Feng: "Predecessors, nine days of snow have a total of nine layers, the entrance of each layer is uncertain, I heard that the front door is emerging. Void, and every time you enter a higher level of holy land, the feeling of coldness becomes more and more intense. It is said that you have reached the fifth layer of snow, and even frozen the general **** of the gods..."

"This is only the impact of bad weather, and the real crisis in the snowy holy land comes from the fratricidal killing between the snow beasts and the monks here. My predecessors and my predecessors are all meditation monks. I see it in the first four layers of snow. If you are lucky, you can find the best resources for cultivation. If you can't find it, you don't have to go to a higher level of snow adventure."

Qin Feng generally understands the situation of the nine-day snowy area, but he is not running in the first four layers of snow, but intends to go all the way to the end, if it can enter the ninth snowy area.

The two have already begun to fly in the first layer of snow, the end of the snow is endless, the aura is abundant, but it is difficult to see the vitality, as if in this snow storm, there is no life.

It was only after an hour that Qin Feng was frozen.

He used to use the infuriating bodyguard before, and even the defensive armor did not wear it. It was also the case that the sorcerer did not know the situation. Otherwise, he must be surprised to die. He was the first time that he heard that a monk had entered the nine-day snowy area without wearing a defensive armor. I am afraid that there are very few people who dare to be so mad.

Qin Feng had no choice but to spur the fire of the sunflower, and the flame jumped in his palm, like a sunflower with two petals. When the fire appeared on the day, the chill of Qin Feng immediately dissipated, and there was a kind of pleasure like a spring breeze.

"Hey? The Qin predecessors found no, the temperature here seems to be getting higher." Alchemy suddenly screamed.

Qin Feng did not mention the matter of Lingkui Tianhuo, so as not to scare the alchemy, just smiled and said: "It seems to be a little hot, maybe the storm is getting smaller."

Alchemy really thought so, and my heart was very happy. It seems that after I met Qin Feng, everything started to get better.

However, at this time, several black shadows flew over the heads of the two men, and the look of the sorcerer changed slightly. He said to Qin Feng with a voice: "It is a disciple of the Sanqing dynasty. Let's go around."

Qin Feng did not understand: "Three cleanups are very powerful? Why are you afraid of them?"

Fangshu squatted and immediately thought that Qin Feng was not a local monk in Xihaizhou. He quickly explained: "Qin predecessors, Sanqing dynasty is the only seven-star sect of the Snowy City, and the squad has already stepped into the ranks of the king. At the same time, it is still a monk who rides the peak of the peak. Like him, there are very few monks with great talents in the formation and the martial arts. We can't afford to be offended."

Qin Feng is awkward, it turned out to be the case, although he is not afraid of the three clearing, but more than one thing is less.

The two are planning to move in the same direction. Qin Feng suddenly stopped in the air, and Fang did not understand: "Qin predecessors, what happened?"

Qin Feng did not answer. He was using the gods to sweep the hill that fell to the disciples of the Sanqing dynasty. On the side of the cliff on the side of the mountain, three blue-blue spirit grasses were grown, although it was the first time in reality. I saw this kind of grass, but Qin Feng recognized it as three strains of nine-grade Cordyceps.

This kind of spirit grass is the main medicinal material for refining Huitiandan, and Huitiandan can repair Dantian. Qinfeng now has the Danfang of Huitiandan, and can also refine it back to Tiandan, but has never collected the 9th grade Cordyceps sinensis. .

Both Auntie and Kuanyao were due to the ruin of Dantian, which led to the loss of a body. Qin Feng had been thinking about finding the nine-grade Cordyceps, and refining the return to Tiandan to help the two return to the monastic way. Now the grass is in the grass. In front of him, he can miss the opportunity.

"Qin predecessor, where are you going?"

Seeing that Qin Feng sprinted into the sky with Feijian, Fangshu was in a hurry, because Qin Fengfei was in the direction of the disciples of Sanqing.

However, he only hesitated for half a second. Fang Tian immediately chased him. When he rushed to the snow-capped mountain, he found that Qin Feng was confronting five disciples of Sanqing, and he was about to fight.

"Several seniors are angry, my friends and I happen to pass through this place, there is no malice, and now I will leave." Fang Shuyi said that the monks who rushed to the Qing Dynasty said good things.

He simply glanced at the other side and found that the other had two pre-psychologists, two in the middle of the body and one in the late stage of the body.

Although Qin Feng recently trapped the high advances of the seven bodies of the condensate, but Fang will not be naive to think that Qin Feng can beat the top five people, do not look at the repair of these five people is not too high, but they are The disciples of the Sanqing dynasty, the people who usually major in the tactics, are not monastic at all.

As long as it is a monk who has been handed over to the Master, you will understand a truth. If you offend someone, don’t offend a disciple of the Famen School. Because the method of a Mars is very strange, you may be able to arrange a formation. Life.

Qin Feng certainly understands the mind of Fangshu, but he does not care. He looks at the other five people and said: "The three plants are the first to be discovered. You take two of them, and the remaining one belongs to me. Is there any opinion? ”

In fact, on the Shenzun mainland, there is nothing to say when you come first, and everything speaks by strength.

The disciples of the Three Qing dynasty five swept the eyes of Qin Feng and Fang Shu, seeing a two-body condensed body, a condensed body, suddenly not in the eyes, even ridiculous for their daring to **** the grass.

"Hey! Where did you come from this ants? And dare to talk to us about the conditions of the Qing dynasty? We must all these spirits. If you don't leave, you will be rude."

The monk in the late stage of the body stood up and shouted, and there was a fierce real thing in the body. He wanted to give Qin Feng two people to come down.

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