'Yerre, I will come and visit you tomorrow, okay? I promise,' Alda thought as she raises her head and looks straight to Lord Marthen, then went over to him, carrying Vendia's body in bridal style.

"Take care of your daughter, my lord," She mentions as she gives Vendia's body to him, then Lord Marthen took his daughter to him in bridal style with a nod answering Cathlen words.

"Thank you again, Lady Cathlen," Sir Albert mentions while Madam Rose only looks at her with a discomfort expression.

"Come on, let's go home," Madam Rose mentions as all of them then leave Cathlen alone on the terrace. Cathlen releases a deep sigh as she holds her head with her right hand up, feeling stress.

"Aiyooo. One problem solves, and another problem arises, base on Vendia mother's gaze at me. My visit to Yerre will need some plan," Alda utter stress.

'Haiyooo... I'm tired already. I want to go home...' Alda thought as she looks straight to the thick curtain where the Marquis and the other two-person left with Vendia body arguing to her thought with an uneasy feeling.

'Is okay, Alda, you already found her. There's no need to be worried anymore. You can visit her tomorrow, but you need a plan first,' She thought, convincing herself not to overthink and worry about their situation.

"What a misfortune we both end up in a character who played a big part in a story. Like why the fuck this happened! Why my best friend become a Villain? They have distinct personalities! And so do I to this heroine! URGH!" Alda complains as she holds her hair with her both hands in distress.

'Okay, let's calm down, at least I found, Yerre now,' Alda thought as she sighs calming herself down, then went out of the terrace.

"Wheres my parents? I want to go home right away. My feet are killing me from wearing these heels, and also I need to release myself. I need cold water to calm this body of mine fast,"

'My best friend Yerre is such an amazing drunk person I ever meet,' Alda thought, smirking as she keeps walking through the crowd looking for Cathlen parents to go back home fast. But when she turned to her left, she again meets the person she doesn't want to meet anymore. She releases an irritation sound through her mouth as she stands still to her place, not moving while the person she doesn't want to see went over to her.

"Cathlen," A sturdy voice of a man calls out to him as Cathlen only looking straight to the crowd with no intention to face him.

"What is it?" She responds.

"Did you see Lady Vendia by chance?"

'Vendia? Why are you searching for her? Don't tell me you are already searching for Lady Cathlen's replacement. Well, too bad I will not let you have her because my best friend's soul is inside her body,' Alda thought.

"No, I did not see her. May I ask why the Prince is searching for her?" She answers with a question using her firm tone of voice, still not facing Prince Adam. Prince Adam felt like her question somehow can cause misunderstanding.

"I am only searching for her because I want to ask her about our childhood memories," Prince Adam explains as he continues talking.

"For I believe that the reason for her misbehavior. Are comes from those memories we had in our childhood days," Prince Adam answers, correcting Cathlen's thought. Cathlen turned around in disbelief.

'What is this? Are you pitying Vendia now? Well, idiot is too late, she's already gone, and no matter how hard you fixed things, it will not progress into something you want to happen. But wait, is he saying that there's a deep reason Vendia turned into a villain? Wait, what is going on? Even if I forget all the important things about this book. I still can sense that something is not right,' Alda thought, anxious.

"So you're saying that there is the reason behind her behavior?" She asks, curious.

"Yes, at least that is my conjecture, but I'm still uncertain that is why I want to talk to her and ask her about it," Prince Adam answer as Cathlen nod.

"Well, I didn't see her. Maybe they already went home," She answers, which made Prince Adam disappointed.

"Then... maybe I can meet her tomorrow and ask her about it," Prince Adam mentions, which made Lady Cathlen wear a shocked expression.

"No! Uh-ahem! I mean, how would you do that? The Marquis is not fond of you, you know," She answers in pace.

'Yeah, they hate you. So forget all the things you are thinking right now and stay away from my best friend!' Alda thought, annoyed.

"There's no need to worry. I have my plan already. I must go now. Thank you for coming to my mother's death anniversary. Have a splendid night," Prince Adam mentions as he then leaves Cathlen, not receiving her reply.

"Wait! What plan?" Cathlen shouts her words, but Prince Adam is already far away from her.

"WHAT PLAN! You! Idiot! I will visit and spend time with her first! AISH! Fuck! FUCK!" Alda shout, irritated as she felt more anxious now because the Prince also has planned for Vendia tomorrow. If she won't craft a plan and create an action right now, her promise to visit her best friend tomorrow will never happen.

"ESH! Fuck! Where the hell is my parents!" She shouts in anger as she strides, stomping through the crowd with a furious expression.

"OUT OF MY WAY!" She barks through every person she bumps into or blocking her way, pissed off. After fifteen minutes, she then spotted Cathlen's parents. She sighs a relief, calm herself, and went over to them in haste.

"Mother, father," She calls out to them with a fake smile.

"Dear... what is it?" Her mother went over to her first with a wistful smile.

"Mother, can we go home now?" She asks.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Duke Thranduil asks, excusing himself from the noble people they kept company a minute ago.

'YES! I want to summon my boys to help me formed a plan now!' Alda thought, impatient as she pointed her words towards Sir Arnold and his brothers.

"Acho! *sniff*" Sir Arnold sneeze, making his brothers look at him with worried.

"Do you have an allergy again, brother?" Mike asks, concern.

"No, I only felt like someone is talking behind our back," Sir Arnold answer, which made his brothers wonders and curious.

"You're only speculating. Come on, hurry, let's search to that side," Jin mentions as they are now inside the Astrod forest searching for Cathlen's lamp.

"Brother Jin, I am hungry and tired already," June whine and complain as he holds his stomach, caressing it circularly while showing a tired face to his brothers.

"Shut up and search fast," Jin answers, barking at June's childish actions.

"Huhu, brother Arnold, I am so tired and hungry..." June whine, still not done complaining as he went over to Arnold's side, clinging to him like a koala. Sir Arnold sigh and spoke.

"Jin, let's go back to our all tent for a while and eat dinner. We can all continue our search later," Sir Arnold request as Sir Jin turned then gaze towards June with a frown and laser eyes. Sir Arnold saw it and deep sigh.

"Jin..." He called.

"Fine!" Jin answer, accepting Sir Arnold's request as they then went back to their tent location to rest and eat dinner in the meantime.

Back to the palace, Lady Cathlen and her parents are now traveling back to their domain using their carriage. They travel for three hours, and when they arrived. Cathlen then hops out in haste to their carriage, making her parents surprised and concern. 

"I will go to my room now. Good night," She mentions waving her right hand to her parents as she strides fast inside their mansion.

"Miss! Your back," Angela calls, full of excitement as she went over to her then spoke. 

"Let's go to my room," She demand as Angela only nod and didn't ask further questions. 

"Is there something wrong, Miss?" Angela asks, concern. 

"Lock the door first," Cathlen demands as she went over to the couch and sits. Angela does what she asks, and after that, she then went over to her. 

"Did you went to the town today?" Cathlen ask. 

"Yes, Miss," Angela answer. 

"Stop standing, sit," Cathlen mentions pointing towards the opposite couch as Angela then nods and sits.

"Are you okay, Miss? Is something bad happened, Miss?" 

"Yes and no, nothing bad happened,"

'I'm not fine! And yes, something happened, but I can't tell you,' Alda thought. 

"What is the update?" She asks, impatient. 

"They're still searching," Angela answers. 

"I see, Angela. I have something I want you to do tonight," Cathlen mentions.

"What is it, Miss?" Angela asks, curious.

"I want you to help me sneak out into our mansion tonight," Cathlen mentions making Angela shocked and worry.

To be continued.

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