"Sneaking out again, Miss?"

"Yes, wait, are you complaining?" She asks.

"No, I'm not, Miss. I'm only worried that something might happen to us again," Angela answer making Cathlen heave a sigh.

"Nothing will happen this time. I can assure you,"

"Then may I ask the reason you are going to sneak out again, Miss?"

"I need to go to Sir Arnold and inform them about something," She mentions.

"Then how about you tell them about that something tomorrow," Angela answers.

"No! I must tell them about this something now!" Cathlen responds with a raised voice, making Angela startled.

"Ahem! I need to tell them about this something because this is important," She added, clearing her throat as Angela only nod at her.

"But, I'm afraid if we sneak out right now, we still won't meet them," Angela mentions.

"What? Why?" She asks, shocked.

"Because they're not in their hideout right now,"

"What? Where are they then?"

"Aiyo, Miss, they're inside the forest searching for your lamp," Angela answers, making Cathlen felt unbelievable.

"They're still searching? But the sun is already asleep," Cathlen replies with a question dumbfounded.

"Well, you keep reminding them to search for your lamp in haste, and they did," Angela answers as Cathlen nods while thinking.

"Hmm... Let's go to the forest then," Cathlen's persistent reply.

"But, we don't know which part of the forest they are in right now, Miss. We will only get lost if we go there and search for them. And also I am afraid that there will be some wild animals already lurking inside the forest," Angela answer which made Cathlen breathe out a sharp sigh.

"Then you don't have to come with me to the forest. I will go alone. You only need to escort me out of the mansion," Cathlen reply which made Angela look at her worried.

"But, Miss. Is very dangero-"

"Stop worrying about me. I'm not that weak," Cathlen mentions cutting Angela's words short by her reply as she stood out from the couch and went over to her wardrobe.

"I want to take a cold bath. We can talk further later," She added as Angela nod and went over to her bathroom to help her with the things she needs for her bath.

After five minutes of bathing, she then gets change into something comfortable to wear with Angela's help.

"Are you sure you are going to sneak out, Miss?" Angela asks, concern as she keeps brushing Cathlen hair to comb it.

"Yes, I am sure," She answers as Angela only nods.

"Do you know a place in our mansion where we can come and go with no one knowing?" She added.

"Yes, I do, Miss you were the one who leads me to that place," Angela answer, which made Cathlen shocked.

"I did?" She asks in disbelief.

"Yes, Miss, is on the garden. You and Prince Adam build a hidden stone door to the garden so you two can meet up in secret every night, don't you remember?" Angela answer along with her question.

"Uh... haha, ha," The only words Cathlen can reply as she looks at herself in the mirror with a plain expression.

'So the heroine loves to invent things together with the prince ha...' She thought, showing an uncomfortable smile through the mirror while staring at her reflection upon, and Angela saw it.

"Are you okay, Miss?" Angel asks, concern.

"Yes, I'm fine. So that is where you also lead Sir Arnold and his brother to get inside our mansion before," Cathlen asks.

"Yes, Miss," Angela answer.

"Oh, after this, I want you to go out and find a man who sells a trained horse," She mentions making Angela curious.

"Why, Miss?"

"Angela... I need a horse. So I can arrive at the forest fast," Cathlen responds.

"Oh, right, but you already have a horse,"

"I do?" Cathlen asks, unaware.

"Yes, Miss. The Duchess gift it to you on your birthday. He's at the horse stable right now," Angela mentions.

'I already have a horse? Well, how can I know such a thing? I arrived here where everything already wrapped up to the ending, and I'm not Cathlen. I'm Alda, duh. But right now, I can't use that horse because I will only cause suspicions more questions will float by people which will delay me from doing what matters the most,' Alda thought.

"Well, I can't use him right now because if you let him out. It will form curiosity to all people,"

"Oh, right," Angela responds, understand what she means.

"Yes, when you find a horse for me, ask the owner to wait for me to the other side where I will sneak out in silence with the horse you buy from him," She instructs as Angela nods.

"Okay, Miss, I got it,"

"Is not your curfew yet, right?" Cathlen asks because the Duke servants have a curfew from going out at night.

"No is not our curfew yet, Miss," Angela answer, which made Cathlen sigh in relief.

"Here, pay him the half-price. I will give tell him the full payment when we meet later, understand?" Cathlen instruct.

"Yes, Miss," Angela replies as she has already done combing Cathlen's hair.

"Good, don't use our carriage when you go out," Cathlen mentions making Angela look at her with wonder.

"Why, Miss?" Angela asks as Cathlen sighs.

"Angela, if you use our carriage, the coachman will be curious why you are buying a horse for what purpose, and he will report to my father. And you know what will happen next, right?" Cathlen answer.

"Oh, right? I understand, then I will use my horse," Angela answers, smiling at Cathlen.

"You have your horse?" Cathlen asks, surprised.

"Yes, Miss the Duke gift us his servant a horse. So that we won't have a hassle when we go visit our hometown. We can ride the horse he gifts for us anytime," Angela answers, feeling warmth upon remembering the kindness of her master.

"Em, that's good then," Cathlen respond.


"Em, okay, you can go now and be careful, okay?" Cathlen mentions.

"I will, Miss. See you later," Angela answers.

"Em," Cathlen answers, waving her right hand bidding Angela goodbye as Angela then leave her chamber and do the task she asks for her to do while she waits for her inside her room, pacing back and forth.

Angela went downstairs and go over to the head butler to ask permission to go out for a bit. The head butler didn't ask any further questions. Because Angela told him that is a personal matter.

"Okay, be back home before ten o'clock,"

"I will," Angela answer, smiling at him as she then went outside to get her horse, then ride away to the town in haste.

Angela then went over to the horse market and search for a strong, sturdy trained horse. She searches for five minutes then spotted a horse that has black and white color of fur. She went over to the owner and ask for the price.

"You want this horse, young miss?" The horse seller asks.

"Yes, how much is it, Sir?" Angela asks.

"Is only xxxxxxx," The horse seller reply.

"Oh, okay. Here," Angela gives a half payment to him, and he gazes at Angela with a confused expression.

"What is this? Are you kidding right now?" The horse seller looks over at Angela with a frown.

"No, I didn't. You will receive my full payment through the Duke's daughter later,"

"Wh-what did you say?" The horse seller stutter as he looks at Angela with shock.

"You didn't hear me? Okay, I will recite it again, so listen well. You will receive my full payment through the Duke's daughter when you both meet later. So listen to what I instruct you to do, okay?" Angela mentions making lies towards her words.

"Yes, yes, what a blissful night it is," The horse seller answer, full of excitement and happiness as Angela then talk him through their plan.

After four minutes, Angela then arrived back at the Duker mansion as Angela then put her horseback to the stable and went upstairs to go to Cathlen chamber.


"Miss?" She calls outside the door.

"Come in," Cathlen responds as she stood out from the couch, then went over to Angela.

"How was it?" She asks, anxious.

"It went well, Miss. He's now waiting outside with your horse," Angela answer, which made Cathlen sigh in relief then nod.

"Are you ready, Miss?" Angela asks.

"Yes, let's go," Cathlen responds as they proceed to her terrace, then go down using her wooden ladder. After one minute of climbing down from the ladder, they then went inside the garden.

"This way, Miss," Angela lead the way to the hidden area of the garden, and after three minutes of walking, they then arrived in front of the stone wall door, which full of grassroots.

Angela pulled out all the roots so Cathlen can get through the other side. This part of the garden is unseen. Only Angela, Prince Adam, and the real Cathlen know this part of the garden.

"Be careful on your way there, Miss," Angela mentions.

"I will. You can go ahead back to your quarter and rest. Let's meet again at my chamber tomorrow, okay?" Cathlen responds as Angela nods at her as Cathlen then went inside the open stone door wall then went to the other side.

To be continued.

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