Cathlen looks at them in suspicions. 

"Base on what you're all reaction. You all must already know who Lady Vendia is," She mentions. 

"Yes," Sir Arnold replies.

"And you all also know about what happened between us, am I right?" 

"Yes," Sir Arnold answer.

"Well, that is not surprising," Cathlen responds as she continues munching the half bread. 

"Why you want to talk to the Marquis daughter?" Sir Arnold asks as his brothers only listen to their conversation. 

"Well, I have something I want to clarify to her. That's why," Cathlen answer lying to them.

'Because I want to visit and be with my best friend tomorrow, and also I don't want that idiot prince hanging out with my Yerre!' Alda thought, pissed off.

"What is your plan of doing?" Sir Arnold asks. 

"Well, since you guys are experts at sneaking. Maybe you guys can help me sneak inside the Marquis mansion tomorrow morning?" Cathlen mentions. 

"I'm afraid it will be hard for us to sneak inside," Sir Arnold answer, which made Cathlen shocked. 

"What do you mean?" 

"The Marquis residence is simple and kind, but that is only their disguise," Sir Arnold explains as Cathlen only looks at him, confused.

"Huh?" Cathlen responds, buffering can't quite grip what he means by his words. 

"My God, your so imperceptive," Jin joined into their conversation. 

"I guess you don't know about all the Marquis servant capability yet," Jin added. 

"Huh? Wha, can you guys get to the point already? Stop making dumb," She demands, annoyed. 

"The servants of Marquis are all trained for battle and harsh environment," Sir Arnold answers, making Cathlen drop her jaw from surprising information. 

'Wh-what did they just... But how co-' Alda thought, speechless (?)

"Yes, they don't hire and accept servants without special skills and talents," Jin elaborate. 

"You mean no one had ever sneaked inside the Marquis residence before?" Cathlen ask.

"There is one his name is MeiFang," Sir Arnold mentions.

"Yes, he's part of our circle, but because of her greediness and selfish personality, he died along with it," Jin finishes the sentence, which made Cathlen confused again.

"What? Wait, wait, wait. I'm lost. So, you said that MeiFang, your subordinates died because he sneaks out inside the Marquis residence?"

"No, the Marquis won't kill him if he only sneaks inside without reason," Jin answers.

"Well, of course, duh," Cathlen reply with an eye-rolled.

"He died because he tried to take the precious treasures of the Marquis, the sword of the late Marquis," Sir Arnold responds.

"What? Why he tried to steal such an old thing is not worth it," Cathlen reply.

"Your wrong," Jin inserted.

"Huh?" Cathlen looks at him, perplexed.

"The Marquis sword is superior status and price," Sir Arnold explains.

"Yes, because the sword wear made from gold, silver, and pearl," Jin mentions making Cathlen shocked and curious.

"Eeeh~? How come you two know so much about the Marquis," Cathlen asks.

"Well, that is because our both father was once the late Marquis servant but when the previous Marquis died. The new Marquis, Lord Marthen, then replace all the servants in their manor and build a silent armor inside their mansion," Jin explained as Cathlen looks at all of them in astonishment.

"So you both say that you all can't help me this time around?" Cathlen asks, disappointed.

"Yes, I apologize. We also promise to our fathers that we will never step foot into a Marquis manor no matter what happened," Sir Arnold responds as Cathlen gritted her teeth from much disappointment. 

'Tsk! I only waste my time tonight!' Alda thought, irritated as she stood out from the wooden chair with a straight expression, gripping both hands into a fist then deep sigh calming her self. 

"Is fine, I understand, but how did you guys sneak into the Astrod kingdom that day?" Cathlen asks, talking about the past events that happened.

"I told you earlier that we had a past source inside the castle, so it is easy for us to get in and out with no one noticing," Sir Arnold mentions as Cathlen nods. 

"What a wise move," Cathlen mentions. 

"I'm sorry we can't help you at your request today," Sir Arnold apologies again. 

"Is fine, will think of another plan instead," Cathlen responds, smiling at them, but inside, she is worried and panicking. 

'What an unlucky day!' Alda thought, angry. 

"Thank you, I hope you guys will found my lamp soon," She mentions, patting Sir Arnold's left shoulder with her right hand. 

"May I ask why you are so desperate to find the lamp?" Sir Arnold asks. 

"Well, because that lamp is a gift from my father, and I promise him I will never lose it, but I did. So, that is why I am so desperate to find it because if my father knew I lose the lamp he gives to me, then his trust will shatter, and he will be disappointed," She answers to them.

"I see, so that's why. Don't worry. We will find it no matter what happened," Sir Arnold mentions as Cathlen nods, then smiles at him. 

"Okay, I have to go back now before the sun rises," She mentions. 

"Okay, I will escort you out to the forest," Sir Arnold request. 

"No need, I don't want to delay your search on my lamp," Cathlen respond. 

"Is good that you know," Mike joined in their conversation. 

"Mike," Sir Arnold gaze at him with a warning. 

"I'm sorry," Mike apologized as Cathlen chuckled at him. 

[Suit you right,] Cathlen mouthed to Mike, teasing him like a five-year-old, and Sir Arnold saw it. She cleared her throat with awkwardness, then spoke. 

"Let's go. Let me escort you out," Sir Arnold mentions as he walks out of the tent, leaving his brothers behind. Cathlen then runs after him.

"Hey, wait for me," She shouts, and Sir Arnold waits for her as they then walk side by side together.

"Where did you put your horse?" Sir Arnold asks. 

"Oh, over there to that side of the tree," Cathlen answer as she pointed to the left side.

"Okay, go get it. I will also go get my horse," Sir Arnold mentions as Cathlen nods, then went over to her horse. 

After one minute, they then ride away with their horse side by side in haste. No one spoke. The ride going out to the forest is quiet, but the atmosphere was not heavy.

"You can go back now. Thank you for escorting me out of the forest," Cathlen mentions as Sir Arnold only nod then turn around with his horse and ride away. 

'Haaa. Let's go back home first before the Astrod knight guard saw me here,' Alda thought as she also rides away, going back to the Duke residence. After two hours, Cathlen arrived at the back alley where the stone wall doors. She jumps out of the horse then went over to him, caressing his face and untie all the things that the horse has in his body. 

"Thank you for helping me. You can run free now," Cathlen mentions as she spanks the horse butt, which made the horse run away from her. After releasing the horse she uses a second ago, Cathlen then went over to the stone wall door and went back inside. 

When she gets inside, Cathlen then heard three young guards talking through the hallway. She hides at the gigantic flowerpot in the meantime, waiting for the three young guards to pass her location. After two minutes, she didn't hear footsteps or voices anymore; she comes out, where she hides and runs back in silence to her chamber.

"Haaa, I am so tired," Cathlen utters as she sighs upon arriving back in her chamber. She untied the sword into her waist, put it at the back of her closet, hiding it from anyone except Angela. Cathlen then undresses all the clothes she wears and changes in sleeping attire clothes.

"Aiyaaa," She blurts out as she lay down into her bed, lazily flipping to the side, then takes one white pillow to her side and embraces it tight. 

"I don't know what to do... I can't think of any ideas. My brain is not running well," Cathlen utter pissed off as she grips tight into the pillow she hugs.


"Huhuhu, URGH! What's up with this world! Being so unfair to me," She utter complaining as her tears start to flood out into her eyes like flowing water.

She let her tears flow as she keeps repeating the words 'Sorry' for her best friend, Yerre. For two minutes, she cried until without a second, her eyes felt heavy, and she met the slumber with tears in her eyes. 

The night goes on as thunder strikes the sky and a heavy raindrop into the Astrod land. Sharing the emotion that Alda felt after she fell asleep.

To be continued.

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