"Yerre... is me... is me. Is Alda..."


"Yes is me, your best friend, Alda,"

"Alda? Your Alda?"

"A-alda..." Vendia blurts out, wearing a puzzled expression.

"Miss!" Mary shouts louder because of worried as Vendia turns around and gazes at her with the same expression.

'Who could that other person be? Wait, we are on the terrace, so that means…' Yerre thought, surprised her heartbeat fast, not from fear but hope.

"Miss..." Mary calls as tears fall onto her face. Vendia got surprised and wiped her tears away with her left hand.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" Vendia asks, concern.

"What happened to you, Miss?" Mary asks between her sobs.

"I remember some memories the other day," Vendia answer making Mary stop crying and look at her with a shocked expression.

"Mary, tell me, is my parents see another person on the terrace that night? Other than Lady Cathlen and me?" Vendia asks in pace.

"No, Miss, they only saw you two," Mary answer, which made Vendia's heart beat fast from excitement and happiness.

"Are you sure?" Vendia asks for assurance.

"Yes, I am sure, Miss," Mary answer.

'So that means Alda is, she's Cathlen?' Yerre thought, full of happiness.

"Cathlen... she is..." Vendia smiles wide and felt like all exhaustion she felt earlier had all gone as she gives back the soup to Mary, then jumps up and down to her bed full of happiness and excitement. 

'Yes! I found her! I found her! I found my best friend, Alda,' She keeps repeating the words inside her head until she falls back to her bed in relief. Mary blinks four times upon seeing Vendia's cheerful attitude and reactions. 

'Why she acts as if she wins into some challenge?' Mary thought.

"Miss, are you okay?" Mary asks, worried as Vendia stood out from her bed full of delight then gazes at Mary with a smile.

"Mary, help me change into a beautiful dress that fits my color skin and body," She mentions making Mary confused. 

"Wha? Wait, Miss, you haven't finished your soup yet," Mary answer. 

"Oh, yeah. Give it here. I will finish it fast so we can then go meet Lady Cathlen," Vendia mentions with an excited tone of voice. 

'Why is she so excited?' Mary thought concern. 

"Wait, Miss. You are aware of the situation between you and Lady Cathlen, right?" 

"Yes, I am," Vendia answer with the same tone of voice as she eats the soup while sitting on the couch in front of her table. Mary went over to her then stand beside her.

"Miss, before we go there, we must send a letter first to make the Duke aware that we are visiting," Mary mentions. 

"Why? There's no need for that," Vendia respond. 

"But, what if we go there and they're away?" Mary mentions concern. 

"Mary, they won't go anywhere. I'm sure of it, and besides..." She pauses her words as she thought with a smile engrave on her face.

'I can feel Alda is also waiting for me,'

"Miss?" Mary calls upon hearing her pause her words.

"Finish! Now come on, let's go! Hurry, help me a bath, come, come!" Vendia utter excited as she drinks a glass of drinking water then drags Mary with her inside the bathroom to help her get ready.

It takes four minutes for Vendia to finish bathing as Mary then dash over to the wardrobe to choose a dress and other accessories for Vendia to wear.

"Miss, come here, let me help you dress now," Mary mentions calling Vendia out into the bathroom, and Vendia goes out with a bathrobe covering her entire body. Mary then helps her dress for two minutes. After that Vendia, then sits down in front of her desk, facing the mirror.

"Miss, what style of hair you want today?" Mary asks.

"I want a style that's simple but pretty to look at," Vendia answer.

"Okay, Miss, leave it to me," Mary responds as she styles Vendia hair and puts light makeup into Vendia's face.

"Done, Miss, how was it?" Mary asks, already done helping Vendia.

"I love it, thank you, Mary," Vendia respond with a glad smile engrave on her face, loving the fresh and spring look she had today. 

"Come on, let's go," Vendia mentions as she stood up from the chair and drags Mary away from her chamber. 

"Wait! Wait, Miss, wait for a second!" Mary struggled to walk well as Vendia dragged her away in haste, but after they exit the chamber Vendia, then let go of her right hand, and they stride to the hallway in haste side by side.

Before they can exit to the entrance door of the Mansion, Butler Sebi saw them and call out to them.

"Miss, Vendia, and Mary, where are you two going walking in haste?" Butler Sebi asks as he went over to them. 

"Sir Sebi, we are going to town," Vendia answer, which made Mary gaze at her in surprise. 

'Why is Miss lying?' Mary thought. 

"To town? Just you two? Wheres Sir Aloit?" Butler Sebi asks. 

"He has not arrived yet," Vendia answer as Mary only stands beside her, keeping her mouth shut while listening to their conversation that full of lies. 

"But is dangerous if you don't have a guard around," Butler Sebi mentions. 

"Why? Did something happen?" Vendia ask which made Mary and Butler Sebi startled and flinch in shock. Butler Sebi takes a glimpse of Mary, then looks back at Vendia with a smile. 

"N-nothing happened. You two can go now," Butler Sebi reply as he then leaves in pace. 

'Sir Sebi! Why are you acting so rush! You are making Miss Vendia think otherwise!' Mary thought, feeling worried and pressure.

"Huh? Wait, Sir Sebi!" Vendia calls out, but he is already far away from them. She turns to Mary, bothered upon seeing Butler Sebi's reactions, then asks. 

"Mary, did something happen that I don't know about?" 

"That is also what I want to know, Miss," Mary answer, showing no suspicions and doubt on her expression. Vendia looks at her for a second, then she deep sighs. 

"Okay, come on, let's go," She mentions as she felt convinced by Mary's answer.

"Miss, are you sure we don't need to wait for Sir Aloit to join us?" Mary asks. 

"Yes, I'm sure," Vendia answer as they are now inside the carriage riding away from the Marquis mansion to go to the Duke residence. 

'I just can't wait to see and hug my best friend, Alda,' She thought, excited. 

At the Astrod kingdom, Prince Adam is waiting for her trusted guard and friend Sir Ken to arrive from the Marquis residence as he keeps walking back and forth until a knock on his door disturbs him. 


He walked over to the door and opened it in pace, only to see Sir Ken's straight expression. 

"Come inside," He mentions as Sir Ken then went inside his chamber. 

"Where is she? Why she's not with you?" Prince Adam asks. 

"When I arrived at her chamber, she was nowhere to find anymore. I thought she was only taking a bath, but one maid arrived inside her room and called her name but still did not receive a reply," Sir Ken reply as Prince Adam listen to him. He continues explaining.

"The head butler heard her from the outside then went inside the room too. He then told her that Lady Vendia already left and went to the town with her maid," Sir Ken's last explanation. 

"What?" Prince Adam responds, surprised. 

'Where would she go so early in the morning?' He thought, thinking deep as to where could Vendia go so early in the morning, then it clicks. 

"To my cousin's store! Come on, let's go to my cousin's store, hurry!" He demands as he grabbed his sword and went out with Sir Ken in pace.

Back at the Duke residence, Cathlen keeps walking back and forth, waiting for Angela to come back into her chamber.


"Come in," She replies without a second. 

"Miss," Angela responds as she opens the door, then went inside the room. Cathlen dashes over to her and asks.

"How was it? What is her reply?"

"I'm sorry, Miss," Angela respond, which made Cathlen twitch her right brow, confused. 

"Why are you apologizing?" She asks as Angela gaze at her with sadness. 

"Mia replies to me and mentions that she went into Lady Vendia's chamber, but when she arrived, Lady Vendia already left with her maid, Mary," Angela mentions as Cathlen looks at her in panic. 

"What do you mean she left? Did someone abduct her or get her?" Cathlen asks in haste, anxious. 

"I ask Mia about it, but she only replies that Lady Vendia went to town," Angela answers, making Cathlen's blood boil in worries and anger. 

'So the Prince already, but that is too easy. So what method that Prince uses to let the Marquis agreed-upon letting their daughter talk to him?' Alda thought, pissed off.

To be continued.

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