"What? Why are you apologizing to me?" Yerre asks, confused as Alda puts her down to the ground, then gazes at her with a dejected expression.

"I was not on time to get you today," Alda respond.

"Aiyooo is fine. You don't have to apologize. I understand," Yerre answers, smiling, but Alda still has a guilt feeling. Her hands tremble, not from fear but from irritation and disappointment to herself. She went over to the solid wall beside her and subconsciously punched it without thinking while Yerre looks at her, horrified.

"Alda! What are you doing!" Yerre shout at her as she dashes over to her, wearing an anxious expression, and holds Alda's right hand before she punches again to the stone wall.


Yerre slap Alda head using her left hand, which made Alda goes back to her senses and gaze at her in shock.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? Why did you hurt yourself? Are you trying to kill me from worries!" Yerre scolded her as her tears fall to her eyes like raindrops. Alda felt her heart sunk as she saw Yerre crying in front of her because of what she did to herself a minute ago. Yerre takes Alda's right hand, looking at it in worry, caressing it as she cries.

"Look at this! You, how could you do this to yourself!" Yerre asks within her sobs, disappointed, while Alda only gazes at her with a wistful smile, feeling warm upon seeing Yerre so worried about her also unhappy because she made Yerre cry.

'Aiyooo, I promise to myself that when you're with me, you will never cry, but look what I have done, aiyo,' She thought, heaving a sigh. She held Yerre hand back and dragged her close to her arms, then embrace her.

"I'm sorry, I won't hurt myself like this again," Alda apologies as she caress Yerre back to calm her.

"Promise?" Yerre asks for assurance as she continues sobbing.

"Em, I promise," Alda respond as Yerre hug her back.

Alda chuckled upon remembering those memories from before, then skip a deep sigh.

"Haiyo, Yerre, I'm sorry. I hurt myself today," She utters with a sad smile.

'I wonder what Yerre's doing today,' Alda thought, staring outside her balcony, then went over to her couch, sitting in a cross-legged pose. With eyes closed as she meditates her mind and body to relax, not thinking of anything when a knock on her door disturbed the silence in her room. Her right hand now has a bandage wrap.

Cathlen heaved a sigh and didn't budge on her place, not minding the knock on her door. But the knock on the door didn't stop. It keeps going and going until she had enough and stood out to the couch with an angry feeling. She dashes over to the door then opens it wide with a furious expression, only to see Angela with someone who wears a cloak she gives to her.

"Angela?" She mentions, then heaves a deep sigh.

"Angela, I already told you I don't want to be disturbed today, right?" She mentions pissed off.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but I was so worried about you because you were acting out of your character again earlier, and also I brought her here in silence because I know the Duke and Duchess will not permit her to enter the mansion," Angela mentions as she pointed her last words to the woman beside her who wears her cloak then continue talking.

"Is good that I spotted them outside our gate when I take out the trash earlier before they can get close to our mansion," Angela mentions as she points at the person to her right who wears her cloak. Cathlen turned towards the person beside Angela with a firm gaze.

"And who might you be?" Cathlen asks within her pissed tone voice. The woman uncovers the hood of the cloak. Then reveals her facial features as her eyes already full of tears.

"Why are you asking me like that? Don't you want to see me?" Vendia mentions between her sob. Cathlen gasp and almost spoke Yerre's name in front of Angela.

"Yer-V-vendia?" Cathlen utter surprise as Angela looks at Vendia with a wondering gaze.

"Lady Vendia? Why are you crying?" Angela asks, confused and shocked upon seeing Vendia crying in front of her Miss. Cathlen gaze at Angela, thanking her, and signaled her to leave. Angela received her signal. Then she leaves them both alone. After that, Cathlen then dragged Vendia inside her room and lock the door. Not letting anyone inside her room, then embrace her tight to her arms.

"I'm sorry, I pissed off earlier because of something. Please forgive me, Yerre. Did I startle you?" Alda asks as she embraces her close to her. Yerre hugged her tight back, drowning her face towards Cathlen's right neck as she cries. Alda looks down at her because she didn't receive a reply, then calls out Yerre's name.


"Em," Yerre answer within her sobs as Alda heave a sigh.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me," Alda apologizes again.

"Em!" Yerre answers, nodding within their hug.

"Wait, did you remember the whole thing that happened the other day?" Alda asks, worried.

"I did, but not all of it," Yerre answer, sniffing as Alda sigh in relief.

'Good then, I thought she remembers what she did the other day because if she does. She won't be acting like this to me,' Alda thought.

"Then what part do you remember?" Alda asks as they continue hugging each other while Yerre keeps drowning her face close to Cathlen's neck.

"The part where I keep hitting your shoulder and keep saying the words. I HATE YOU!" Yerre mentions as she explains the part she remembered the other day when she was drunk.

"Oh, yeah. That was very painful," Alda respond, teasing Yerre, which made Yerre raise her head then gaze at her with teary and apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry," Yerre mentions pouting, which made Alda smile and chuckled.

'Ahh... I miss those pout and angelic eyes of yours,' Alda thought, happy as she sighs in relief, then embraces Yerre tighter to her arms.

"Yes, I forgive you," Alda mentions.

"Thank you... I miss you so much, Alda," Yerre mentions, sniffing between her sobs as Alda chuckled again, finding her best friend cute, then break the hug. She held Vendia's shoulder with her hands and made her look at her straight.

"Look here, let me wipe those tears of yours, okay?" Alda mentions with a daring smile.

"Em!" Yerre responds with a nod.

"Ahh, I made you cry a lot today. I'm sorry," Alda mentions as Yerre looks straight at her with her teary eyes and lets Alda wipe it away using the white handkerchief that she gets from her dress pocket.

"I miss you so much, Alda," Yerre mentions as she cries again. Alda sigh and smiles at her.

"Aiyo, I miss my cry baby best friend too. I miss you a lot so so so much," Alda reply with an exaggerated tone of voice, making Yerre laugh, then smile.

"Aiye, look at you so beautiful when you smile. You should smile now and stop crying, or else you will turn to an old woman," Alda mentions quipping, which made Yerre giggled.

"You always say those words to me when I cry every time," Yerre reply.

"I did?" Alda asks, pretending not to know.

"Who turned into an old woman first?" Yerre ask.

"Oh, you mean me?" Alda answers as she gasps, pretending not to know, making Yerre laugh hard at her reaction. Alda chuckled, feeling satisfied upon making Yerre laugh, then hugs her back into her arms, feeling her warmth and soft fragrance as she closes her eyes with relief and gladness. Yerre flinches by her action for a second, then relaxed into her arms, hugging her back.

"Did you have a hard time staying here, Alda?" Yerre asks as Alda opens her eyes again and gazes at Yerre eyes, onto her lips, then back to her eyes, chuckling.

'I did, but not all of it. There's a part that is good, the best, and bad,' Alda thought, but she can't say it out loud to her because she knows Yerre will only feel worried about her.

"No, I don't. How about you?" Alda answers with a smile as she continues wiping Yerre tears away, but her reply did not satisfy Yerre at all. Yerre looks at her as she held Alda's hand, who wipes her tears away, then showed a worried expression.

"What is it? Why are you giving me that look?" Alda asks, confused.

"Your lying," Yerre mentions, pouting and frowning, which made Alda surprised.

"What?" Alda asks as she breaks the hug and looks straight at Yerre.

"What is this?" Yerre asks as she held Cathlen's right hand up and showed it to her.


"Did you hurt yourself again?" Yerre asks, cutting through Alda's words as she wears a concerned expression while looking straight at her. Alda gulp and sweat formed into her head like a drop of rain caused by nervousness.

To be continued.

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