King Phantrel controls himself from breaking down in front of his people as he restrains his anger and emotion from not thinking deep through Sir Alfredo. He heaves a sigh, then looks straight to Sir Kurt.

"Explain how this happened?" King Phantrel demand as Sir Kurt nod.

"The other day, Voldronlians throw a festival for their good harvest and, Sir Alfredo joined them into the town. There were so many people crowding in my location, and I lost track of him," Sir Kurt explains as King Phantrel looks at him with an intense aura of anger, but he refrains himself to lost control.

"Continue," He commands as Sir Kurt continues talking.

"After that, I search for him and found him into the secluded part of the Voldrone forest, but I was too late already," Sir Kurt explain within his guilt tone of voice. King Phantrel heaves a sharp sigh as he gritted his teeth and clenches his fist, then calms himself. 

"I see, I see. So that's what happened," King Phantrel responds. 

"Yes, your majesty," Sir Kurt reply.

"Did you see the face of the person who killed Sir Alfredo?" He asks within his firm tone of voice. 

"I did, your majesty, and she is a woman," Sir Kurt answer. 

"A woman? Do you know who she is? Did you follow her where bouts?" King Phantrel asks, desperate.

"Yes, your majesty, before I message you. I followed the woman first and found out she is the Marquis servant and Lady Vendia maid." Everyone inside the room gasps and fell into a deep silence for a second.

"Wh-what did you say?" King Phantrel asks as he blinks three times in disbelief.

"Lady Vendia's maid killed Sir Alfredo, and it seems that she still unaware of Sir Alfredo's status because she looks at me with confusion when I told her that Sir Alfredo is an important person to our kingdom."

"Of course, she won't know she is only a servant. Did you mention the name of our kingdom?" King Phantrel asks.

"I didn't, your majesty," Sir Kurt reply.

"Good. Did the woman mention the reason? Why they killed Sir Alfredo?" King Phantrel asks.

"No, I forgot to ask her when we battle each other because Sir Alfredo's state distracted me at that time. Forgive me, your majesty," Sir Kurt apologizes as King Phantrel looks at him with an impatient expression, then he deep sigh.

"Investigate today, monitor their every move, and were bouts also abduct the maid. I want her life in my hand."

'How dare she take away the life of my physician? I will make you suffer!' King Phantrel mentions.

"Wait a minute, let me speak to you alone, your majesty," Butler Sed interrupts their conversation, making King Phantrel look at him with confusion.

"Your majesty?" Butler Sed call.

"Ah-yes, you all go out for a second," King Phantrel demand to his people as his people then vowed and leaves them alone.

"What is it?" King Phantrel asks.

"Let me investigate the situation to make it more specific and fast," Butler Sed request as he went over to King Phantrel and embrace him.

"What?" King Phantrel breaks the hug and looks straight at him in surprise as he continues talking.

"No! Didn't you hear Kurt's explanation earlier? The Marquis servant can fight. What if all his servants can fight too, and you will face them one by one? I can't afford to lose you too!" King Phantrel refuses, but Butler Sed doesn't want to back down yet. Butler Sed embraces him back and caresses for his back to calm him.

"Let me do this. I am doing this because I also felt an eagerness to know the reason behind Sir Alfredo's death. You know that Sir Alfredo is like a father to me. When you found me again and brought me back here, he's the one who helps me gain myself back to its normal state and find the real me whom I had lost for so long," Butler Sed explains as he continues.

"I want to repay his kindness by doing this. Please let me do this," Butler Sed explains as he pleads, but King Phantrel still felt indecisive and uncomfortable upon imagining that the person he loved for so long will face danger to find out the cause of Sir Alfredo's death. He bites his lower lip and closes his eyes for one second as he thinks over Butler Sed's request, then opens it again with a firm expression. 

"I accept your request, but you have to promise me you will come back to me unharmed. You hear me?" King Phantrel respond as Butler Sed felt delighted and glad upon hearing his acceptance of his request. He embraces King Phantrel tighter to his arms, then kisses him deep for two seconds. After the kiss, Butler Sed then gives a warm smile to King Phantrel and continues embracing him. 

"You won't lose me that easy," Butler Sed reply, making King Phantrel chuckled and embrace him back.

"I know," King Phantrel respond. 

After that night, the long process of investigation then started. Butler Sed left the Astrod Kingdom for two days to investigate and monitor the Marquis residence. He thought that his exploration, will take too long, but it didn't take long for him to figure out everything that happened before two days ended. Thanks to Sir Aloit's suspicious behavior, his investigation ends early and clean. He even learned the name of the person who killed Sir Alfredo.

"Tsk! The Marquis has a mysterious side. They create so many surprised and interesting games inside their residence," Butler Sed mentions, pissed off. Because every place and corner of the Marquis residence has a trap and materials that can kill you without a second, even the flower that holds a mesmerizing color and pattern can kill you.

All kinds of flowers that grew inside the Marquis garden are poisonous. It may have beautiful features, colors, and style. But the capability of it to poison a person when you cut your fingers to its thorn is dangerous.

"Tsk! Forget it!" Butler Sed got pissed off as he leaps up, then leaves the Marquis residence and went back to the Astrod kingdom unsatisfied. He didn't mind their plan to abduct Mary anymore. When Butler Sed arrived, he then went straight to the King's Palace, elaborating all the things he finds out and figured behind Sir Alfredo's death to King Phantrel.

"I see," King Phantrel respond, hitting his desk with his fist inside the office cause of anger.

"What is your plan?" Butler Sed asks.

'So those two join forces to explain everything that happened behind Sir Alfredo's death to me after my wife, the queen's death anniversary, ha,' King Phantrel thought, smirking.

"Nothing, we will wait for them because if I move now, they would know what I want to do next then leave an opening for them to think away for them to skip in my grasp."

"What is your plan?" Butler Sed asks. 

"I want them to hear and experience the silent scream and struggles of Sir Alfredo the moment his life has taken away from him," King Phantrel reply as Butler Sed nod then King Phantrel continue. 

"In doing that. I will use the root cause of it, which is Lady Vendia," King Phantrel mentions. 

"Wait, are you going to use the method of trading in this situation? What about your son? You know he hates Lady Vendia, and if you use Lady Vendia, he will hate you again," Butler Sed continues protesting. 

"Also, what about Sir Alfredo's life? Are you ignoring the resentment he felt the moment he died without knowing the reason?" Butler Sed asks.

"No, I will not use such an obvious method," King Phantrel responds. 


"I will use an alternative way to catch the two fish in one net. I will use the law in my kingdom and lead them to the edge, so one of them will submit, and three of them will suffer in silence. I will crush their freedom and will to live. Just like what they did to Sir Alfredo," King Phantrel answer, but Butler Sed felt lost by his second sentence. 

"What do you mean, three?" Butler Sed asks, buffering, making King Phantrel chuckled at his clueless expression. 

"Sed, don't lose track now. You already told me earlier that Sir Aloit already knows that I will use Lady Vendia as a trade for his mistakes. So why should I do those obvious tactics?" King Phantrel's answer made Butler Sed even more confused.

"Huh? Wait, you're getting further away to the point I was asking," Butler Sed mentions making King Phantrel smirk and showed an evil smile.

"You see. My son will soon be king. He will need someone who has experience in winning through every poisonous scheme of all the greedy people. My son has to have someone who is strong and knows around the war zone between the blooded throne," King Phantrel continues explaining.

To be continued.

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