"Upon thinking of someone else safety and wellness. We sometimes forget ourselves and the root end of it. That is why when you are in that kind of situation again. You must rethink things first before taking out an action and decision," Sir Albert mention, which made Sir Aloit felt glad, then chuckled.

"Looks like I still have more things I need to learn," Sir Aloit responds.

"You sure do. Come on, let's hurry is already noon. The Marquis must have felt perturbed by now," Sir Albert reply as Sir Aloit nod, then they made their horse run in haste to get to the Marquis before dawn.

Back to the day after Sir Alfredo died, Sir Kurt went back to the Astrod kingdom at dawn with Sir Alfredo's dead body holding it in a bridal style. When he arrived, the other king's shadow welcomed him with a shocked expression. 

"Is the king already inside our quarter?" Sir Kurt asks. 

"Yes, he received your message already, so Sir Alfredo do..." The other shadow worker mentions still felt disbelief. 

"I need to go meet king Phantrel first. I'll explain the full information to you all later," Sir Kurt mentions as his subordinates nod. Then he leaves them to meet King Phantrel inside their headquarters.

When he arrived outside the door, an icy wind then passes through him, making him feel shivered all over his body, but he didn't feel fear or scared because he had done his job well. Sir Kurt went close to the door and knock, making king Phantrel aware that he already arrived. 

"Your majesty," Sir Kurt mentions.

"Get inside," King Phantrel respond as the door opened wide by Butler Sed. When he was already inside, King Phantrel's heart sunk. His face showed displeasure and discomfort upon seeing Sir Alfredo's dead body. He went close to Sir Alfredo's body, scanning it, and saw the cut on his neck.

King Phantrel greeted his teeth inside as his body trembles from anger and irritation. He clenches his hands, then takes Sir Alfredo's body into his arms and lays it into the bed inside the quarter that they are in right now. 

"Go out for a while," King Phantrel demand to Sir Kurt. 

"As you wish, your majesty," Sir Kurt reply then leaves the room. After Sir Kurt leaves, king Phantrel then fell off to his knees. He felt his body had lost strength and energy as he kneels beside Sir Alfredo's bed while tears fall into his face like a flowing river. 

"No..." King Phantrel utter as he cries out all the feelings he felt towards Sir Alfredo. Butler Sed went over to him and crouched down, hugging king Phantrel into his arms as he also mourns with him. 

When there are false rumors that will spread out from the Astrod kingdom across the other empire, Sir Alfredo was the one who will encounter and correct them for him. Sir Alfredo was the first person who helps him through thick and thin from the time his wife, the queen, died and from the time he found Butler Sed again and brought him back to the Astrod palace. The person who gives hope, light, and strength to him to keep going is Sir Alfredo.

Being a king was his dream, but he never thought that being one could lead you to lose your freedom, your belief, way, and will to do what you want. He could not believe that he would sacrifice many things and will only be left incomplete, to where he was always ready to be killed by anyone who would try to kill him.

From the time that the queen died, king Phantrel suffered a loss. The people he trusted with him had faded away from his side, and his lover still nowhere to be found.

For him, living was meaningless at that time. Even though his son is with him and his people beside him, King Phantrel still never felt complete and motivated to go on with his life. His people are just an excuse to go on. Without them, he already had gone and left the crown prince alone.

But Sir Alfredo help him found his purposed again and fixed his way of living. Sir Alfredo give him everything that he was searching for all his life. All his questions were being filled and heard. Sir Alfredo was a person who never judges and never cares about the return. His a person who is ready to let go and forgive if you are willing to accept him. A person who has found peace in everything and can give you healing if you let him in. 

No one has ever laid a grudge against him because the person who only puts a grudge against him is a person who has blinded by selfishness and evil deeds. Sir Alfredo is a simple person who also suffers from loss and injustice in this world. He put the will to make other people live in harmony and satisfaction even if the world gives them injustice and incompleteness. He aims for people to believe that the rain will soon perish and the rainbow will glow again with the newborn colors. 

"Being alive is not only meant for suffering and mourning. It can also mean for fulfilling and wandering,"

"They put life on hardships for learning. They put life in confusion for enhancing. They put life on misunderstanding for powerful belief, and they build a life with roads for purpose and conclusion,"

"I may not here always by your side, but know that whenever you need guidance and peace of mind. I will always come back here to give all of it to you, your majesty," Sir Alfredo's words and warm smile flash through King Phantrel's face as he cries mess in butler Sed's arms.

A person who gives nothing but love and return has now left the world, leaving the people he cherishes and loved with bitterness and unfulfilling feeling. Rain poured into the Astrod kingdom for fifteen minutes alongside a thunder who roared like a crying dragon who lost its mate. The Astrod Kingdom has lost an honorable and wonderful person whom no one can compare to this world.

The people who are a part of the shadow organization are now all felt distressed as they heard the mourning sound inside their quarter. The Astrod kingdom fell into deep silence and sadness for four hours as a strong wind passes through with a roaring thunder joining in the cold and piercing rain.

"Bring him back in now," King Phantrel demand with a hoarse voice cause of crying too much as he stood up then straighten himself. Butler Sed wipes his tears away as he also stood up, then collects himself back to his normal state to face Sir Kurt with a firm posture.

"I will be back," Butler Sed reply as he gets out of the room in haste to get Sir Kurt back inside the room. After Butler Sed leaves, king Phantrel then went over to where Sir Alfredo is resting and sits on the right side of the bed as he gazes at the pale body of Sir Alfredo and into his neck, who has a slit caused by a knife.

King Phantrel's hands tremble, not from fear but so much anger. He greeted his teeth again and held Sir Alfredo's left hand with his as he gazes at him with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me for I failed to put an excellent protection beside you," King Phantrel apologies as he cries then held Sir Alfredo's hand close to his chest.

"I promise I will take good care of the people you left behind. I promise," King Phantrel oaths into Sir Alfredo's dead body as the knock of the room made him freeze and stop from crying any further. He collects himself back to its normal state, then stood out from the bed.

'I should not show my weakness side to my people, or else they will felt alarmed and insecurity,' He thought as he wipes all the tears away from his face and fixed himself to face his people with a dominant look and aura. 

"Come in," King Phantrel responds as the door then opens and showed his lover alongside his people.

"Your majesty, please forgive me for I fail from protecting Sir Alfredo. I will accept any punishment you will put in me, your majesty," Sir Kurt mentions as he kneels in front of king Phantrel. 

"STAND UP!" King Phantrel demand with a firm tone of voice, making all his people flinch and felt scared. Sir Kurt stands up and looks down from the floor.

"I will put your punishment later. I want to capture the person who kills Sir Alfredo first and make them suffer through the sin they created. They kill a person who never once held a sword or harm anyone. I WANT THEM TO FEEL THE ROUGHNESS OF THE SIN THEY COMMITED!" King Phantrel mentions in his rage voice as his body trembled from so much anger he feels. 

To be continued.

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