'Your wrong,' Sir Albert thought as he continues giving a gentle smile to Sir Aloit.

"Well, you 're right," He responds, lying.

"Oh, let me guess,"

"Okay, go on," Sir Albert reply.

"Hm... do I know this person?" Sir Aloit asks, excited and curious.

"Yes, very much," Sir Albert answer as he keeps looking at Sir Aloit cute expression while guessing the person he fell in love with for three minutes.

"Ah! Is it Mary?" Sir Aloit mentions which made Sir Albert laugh and showed a bored expression.

"Nah, I will tell you is that person soon, but for now, I need to go. I see you again soon," Sir Albert replies as he rides his horse away fast, leaving Sir Aloit dumbfounded and feeling cheated.

"The fuck with the cliffhangers? YAH! Tsk!" Sir Aloit complains but then lets it go.

'But if the person he fell in love with is Mary, then it will become a problem. Ahh, I feel pity for him. Aiyoh, I should not care about those things anymore and only care for something more important,' Sir Aloit thought as he gets inside the Marquis mansion. When he got inside, Butler Sebi then saw him and rush over to him, anxious.

"Sir Aloit, thank god you already arrived. Where have you been?" Butler Sebi asks, concern.

"Oh, I went to do some errands. Why? Is something wrong?" Sir Aloit asks.

"I don't know, but Lord Marthen ordered me to bring you right away to his office once you arrived. He has been looking dreadful and worried the whole day. He keeps pacing back and forth inside his office. I don't know what's happening, but is it connected to what happened to the Voldrone land?" Butler Sebi asks.

"Did something go wrong this time?" Butler Sebi added, making Sir Aloit frown for a second, then smile after showing a fake expression to Butler Sebi to make him not worry and not think of anything else.

"Nothing, maybe he is only worried about their business, and he needs me to take care of something," Sir Aloit answer, lying as Butler Sebi sigh in relief then smiles at him.

"Oh, okay. That's good then. Come let me escort you to Lord Marthen's office," Butler Sebi suggested, but Sir Aloit shakes his head, refusing him.

"No need. I will go there by myself. You can go ahead take care of your errands. Thank you for telling me," Sir Aloit responds, then leaves in haste, making Butler Sebi buffer at his reaction and actions.

"That's weird. What's up with Sir Aloit?" Butler Sebi asks himself as he watches Sir Aloit walk away from him, then went upstairs to meet Lord Marthen, and on the way, Sir Aloit bump into Madam Rose, who wears a surprised expression upon seeing him.

"YOU!" Madam Rose's strong remark and her expression change into an irritated one.

"Rose, why are you wearing th- Aw! Aw! Wait for Aw! Why are you hitting my head aw! It hurts. Wait! Rose! Aw! Aw!" Sir Aloit's words got cut because Madam Rose rush over to him then hit his head using her right hand because of worried and angry.

"You stupid! STUPID IDIOT! Why are you always making us worried hA! Take that! TAKE THAT! URGH!" Madam Rose protests and complains as she continues hitting Sir Aloit head hard to his head while Sir Aloit keeps protecting and shielding his head from Madam Rose's hit.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Sir Aloit keeps apologizing as Madam Rose keeps smacking and hitting his head like a punching bag, but when Sir Aloit heard a sob, he gasps and realizes that he had done something that he didn't know again.

He catches Madam Rose's hand, who keeps hitting him, then grips it, making Madam Rose flinch and surprised.

"I'm sorry," Sir Aloit apologizes as he gazes at Madam Rose, who has no tears in her eyes caused by him.

"Hic! You don't know how much you made us worried. Even my daughter Vendia can't stop mentioning your name the whole day because she feels unsettled when you are not beside her. I thought. I thought," Madam Rose can't continue her words any further because her emotions flooded into her like a thunderstorm. Sir Aloit heaves a trembling sigh and embraces her to his arm as he felt all the sentiment that Madam Rose wants to convey to him.

"I'm sorry," Sir Aloit apologizes over and over again as Madam Rose embraces him back while she continues crying into his arms.

"You're always like this. You always do and decide things on your own. You won't know that you are sacrificing yourself and making a big mistake. Unless someone will tell you and stand for you. That is why my father is so worried and concern when you are acting of your own will. I hate you for being like this," Madam Rose mentions, making Sir Aloit stunned as she continues opening up her worries and concern towards Sir Aloit.

"Please don't do things that are not beneficial to you sometimes, please, brother Aloit. Don't make me wake up in days that I can't embrace you like this again, brother Aloit," Madam Rose continues pleading as all her emotion that she has been keeping towards Sir Aloit continues flooding and bursting out. Sir Aloit felt warm and comfortable upon hearing Madam Rose call him brother again. He embraces him more into his arms and caresses her back.

"I don't want to lose you, too. You are the only family I have left. Please, I'm begging you. I understand what you did for my daughter and our family. But ignoring it sometimes is the best option and solution. I can't afford to lose you in our family. Please, brother Aloit, think of yourself sometimes. I'm begging you," Madam Rose mentions, making Sir Aloit realize something again.

He can't believe that his actions and decision can affect a loss and chaos in the Marquis's family. If Sir Albert hasn't helped him earlier, the Marquis might be on the verge of a breakdown by now. He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth as he felt guilt and regret while he keeps restraining himself from crying in front of Madam Rose.

"I'm sorry, I will do what you want me to do from now on," Sir Aloit responds as he breaks the hug and gives a warm smile to Madam Rose.

"You should grant my plead or else. I will cut your limbs so you won't walk and do some dirty works again," Madam Rose replies with a snobby expression as she wipes her tears away.

"Uh, if you cut my limbs. I will die. Also, if you do, that whose going to protect you and Vendia?" Sir Aloit asks.

"Shut up! I said I only cut it if you don't think of yourself when you create a plan and rush decisions again," Madam Rose responds.

"Okay, okay. I understand," Sir Aloit replies with a wistful smile, but Madam Rose only gives him a sulking expression.

"Hemp! Go on, get inside Marthen's office already his waiting for you for so long,"

"Uh, he's not mad, is he?" Sir Aloit asks.

"Why would he be mad at you?" Madam Rose ask him back as he chuckled and grin.

"Because you delayed me from meeting him," Sir Aloit reply which made madam Rose blushed and scoff at him.

"What did you say? What do you mean by that?" Madam Rose asks, releasing a pissed-off and killing aura towards Sir Aloit.

"Nothing, nothing at all," Sir Aloit respond, feeling the pressure as he saw Madam Rose's expression and dangerous aura.

"I see you later, haha," Sir Aloit added as he runs in haste inside Lord Marthen's office, locking it so Madam Rose can't come in and hit him again.

"YAH! COME BACK HERE! OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN IT! YAH! URGH!" Madam Rose demand shouting outside the room as Sir Aloit sigh in relief from inside the room. Madam Rose stands outside the office for one second, then leaves.

"What did you do this time, Aloit? You two never change. You two still fight like a five-year-old kid, and you still always made her angry," Lord Marthen asks, then went over to the couch and gazes at Sir Aloit with a wistful smile.

"Well, I prefer it that way than forgetting and changing it. You know," Sir Aloit answer, and Lord Marthen agreed.

"Fair enough. Well, come sit and indulge me of the result," Lord Marthen added demand as Sir Aloit nods and sits on the opposite side of the couch, wearing a serious face.

"I may not be around here. After ten days pass," Sir Aloit mentions, which made Lord Marthen curious and confused.

"What do you mean by that? You talk to the king already, right? And you explain everything to him so," He asks.

"Yes, and I did, but," Sir Aloit halt his words and gaze at Lord Marthen with an unspirited expression.

"But what?"

"Can we have dinner first? I am hungry," Sir Aloit request, which made Lord Marthen dumbfounded for a second, then smiles.

"Okay, let's continue after dinner. Come on, let's go to the dining room," Lord Marthen respond as Sir Aloit then stood out from the couch, excited and happy.

"Let's go!" Sir Aloit reply making Lord Marthen chuckled at his reactions.

'He never changes,' Lord Marthen thought.

To be continued.

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