"I'm sorry, I went to tend for my Miss. Wait, why are you complaining to me? Why you even here in the first place and also I didn't tell you to wait for me," Angela respond, making Mia sigh and calm.

"I'm sorry, I came here because I have something to give you, and I just got anxious because I thought you, will never come back to your room until midnight and I will be in trouble," Mia replied with a calm tone of voice as Angela sigh then reply.

"It's okay. Did you sneak your way in here again?" Angela asks because she knows what Mia's capability ever since their little kids.

Mia adopts her parent's skills in sneaking and fighting. Why does Mia learn those things? Well, that's because Mia's parents were born inside an unfair environment from the very start. Because of it, her parents had to force themselves to do dirty jobs for survival every day. Stealing, killing, and robbing.

While in Angela's case, her parents also do the same things. But Angela didn't adopt any skills from her parents because her parents want her to live a good and free life someday. Their parents were exemplary to their children, just life plays tricks on them, so they fight it using dirty tricks. And just like what they want their children to grow up to be, they grow up healthy with good deeds and doing.

"Yes, I did," Mia answer as Angela sigh.

"Haaa, I'm glad no one sees you or else," Angela reply, concern towards her childhood friend.

"Don't worry. My master trained us for something like that too," Mia reply, proud of her master as Angela give out a gentle smile and pat Mia's head using her right hand.

"I'm glad you found your place and home again," Angela mentions as Mia smiles back at her and lets Angela pat her head.

"Yeah, me too. I'm glad that you also found yours too." Mia reply as they both giggled for a second, then went back to the subject.

"What is it," Angela asks.

"Here." Mia passes the white envelope to Angela.

"Is this," Angela looks at her, wondering.

"Yes, another letter from Lady Vendia is for Lady Cathlen," Mia mentions as Angela takes it as she replies.

"Okay, I will give this to my Miss later."

"Em, thank you. I will go now and see you this weekend at the town lets go eat some things we haven't eaten yet," Mia mentions as Angela showed a bright and excited smile to her.

"Em, let's go this weekend," Angela replies.

"Okay, I need to go," Mia mentions.

"Okay, be careful," Angela reminded her as Mia nod then leave her room in haste. After Mia leaves, Angela then gets the things she wants to get to her room. Hide the letter she receives from Mia a second ago in her pocket.

Then went out to her room as she strides back into Lady Cathlen's chamber. When she arrived outside the door, Angela then went inside and wait for Lady Cathlen in the guest room. After thirty minutes passed someone, then enter Lady Cathlen chamber, and Angela went outside the guest room to meet the person who enters Lady Cathlen room.

"Miss!" she calls as Alda looks at her with a shocked expression.

"Angela, you are here already. How long are you waiting here for me?" Alda asks as they went inside Lady Cathlen's guest room, then sits on the separate couch.

"I wait for thirty minutes," Angel answer. 

"Okay, wait, WHAT?" Alda looks at her, surprised. 

"Never mind that, Miss, here. Mia, deliver this letter to me earlier is from Lady Vendia," Angela mentions as she lends the envelope to her Miss, and Alda takes it from her. 

"A letter again?" Alda asks as she felt nervous upon opening it because she felt like something is wrong. 

"Are you okay, Miss?" Angela asks, concern as she saw her Miss discomfort expression.

"Ye-yeah, I'm fine, can you get the small knife inside my drawer, Angela, please," Alda request as Angela nod then stood out from the couch and went outside the guest room to get the knife on Lady Cathlen drawer to open the envelope that has a sealed wax. 

After two minutes, Alda then had opened the envelope and read the letter. When she's done reading the letter, her expression then turned gloomy. 

"Miss?" Angela saw her expression and got worried more. 

"Haaaa," Alda sigh in distress upon knowing that she won't be able to meet Yerre for four days because she will go somewhere far. Alda whine in frustration as she holds her face with her hands. 

"Miss, what does Lady Vendia says? Why are you acting strange," Angela asks, concern. 

"Angela, when someone you love left you for four days, what are you going to do? And what would you feel about it?" Alda asks, without looking at Angela, making her feel weird. 

"Huh? Miss, are you talking about Lady Vendia? Do you love her?" Angela asks, shocked as Alda then uncover her face and reacted with a tired expression. 

"Angela… I am not talking about her," Alda answers. 

"Oh wait, you're in love again, Miss?" Angela asks, gasping. 

'No, well, yeah. You could say that, but I am always in love with my best friend. It never changes,' Alda thought. 

"No, I'm just asking," Alda reply. 

"Oh, then in my case, I will do my normal routine and wait for that person to come back, but of course, I will be sad because the person I love will be away for four days. But, I don't worry because if the person I love comes back. I will then give him a big tight hug or even kiss him." Angela giggled and blushed upon imagining the scenario of her having a relationship with a guy.

"I see…"

'You have that kind of endurance because you haven't found the one you love yet, ha. But our case is distinct. I confess my feelings to my best friend in one day, then this happened. We got separated again, well I understand why, but URGH! Is unfair!' Alda complains inside her thoughts as she stood out from the couch, then went to her terrace with Angela following her from her back.

"Miss?" Angela called as she saw Alda looking up at the sky with eyes closed as a stiff wind passes through them.

"The night is cold," Alda mentions.

"Oh, wait here, Miss, I will get your blanket," Angela mentions as she hurried inside and went to Lady Cathlen's bedroom to get a blanket, while Alda continues looking up at the sky with a smile on her face.

"I guess I have to make myself busy by enhancing this body of mine into full of endurance and muscles," Alda mumble as she distracted herself from thinking of the day where she can't see Yerre and turned her attention to make Cathlen body better for her.

"Miss! Here, cover yourself with a blanket," Angela arrived, putting the blanket she got to Alda.

"Thank you, Angela," Alda thank her as they then watch the stars together at night.

"Miss, aren't you going to go out today to meet Sir Arnold and his brothers?" Angela asks, reminding Alda.

'Oh, right? I almost forgot about that,' Alda thought, surprised

"Right, thank you for reminding me, Angela. Come on, let's go back inside and help me cross-dressing," Alda reply as they then went back inside, and Angela help her change into her cross-dress. After it, Angela then guides her to go out to the Duke Residence with a fresh horse.

"Be careful on your way, Miss," Angela mumbles as Alda already, riding away from the Duke residence with the horse. Alda stops at the forest entrance as she saw some Astrod knight scouting up ahead.

'Shit! Why are they scouting the forest already is still early,' Alda thought, irritated as she searches somewhere to hide, then spotted some gigantic bushes beside the entrance, and she went there to hide with her horse in quiet.

After three minutes, Alda hears the monitor the sound and didn't hear any footsteps noise anymore; she sighs and peeks through the bushes for a while to assure things.

"Haaa, okay is clear," Alda utter, sighing as she saw the area already safe, then goes out to the bushes with her horse, then went inside the forest, riding her horse in haste. But when she is already close to Sir Arnold's location, she curses because she saw wolves guarding the area.

"Fuck! Why this day seems so against to me today," Alda utter, annoyed as she halts her horse then turns to the left side to avoid the wolves. After thirty minutes of riding, she then spotted Sir Arnold and his brother's gigantic tent up ahead. She sighs and felt glad upon seeing it.

'Oh,' Alda thought, relief.

"I thought there's more, those wolves… why do they have to block the simple area. Why can't they take the heavy area," Alda mentions, complaining as she rides her horse at ease pace, then went close to Sir Arnold's location. When she already close to where their location, Troy then saw her from outside the tent.

To be continued.

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