"Don't worry about it. Let's take it slow for now. You can worry about it later. Come on, let's go back inside the house and eat lunch. I'm hungry already, Jaja," Sir Aloit respond.

"Okay," Yerre answers with a gentle smile as she hops down from her horse without a problem, then they go towards to barn to put their horses back to their home and go back to the mansion to eat lunch.

At the Duke residence, Angela went towards Lady Cathlen chamber in haste as she holds a white envelope into her right hands, then knocks on the door four times.

"Come in," Alda respond as Angela then didn't wait for long and went inside in pace.

"What is it? Is something the matter?" Alda asks concern as she saw Angela panting and sweating with a disturbing expression.

"This… Mia, she, here, Miss," Angela mentions as she lends the white envelope to her Miss while she's having a hard time breathing from running fast to the hallway. So she can get to her Miss chamber in haste to deliver the secret letter from Lady Vendia. Alda takes the envelope to Angela's hand with a confused expression Alda asks.

"What is this?"

"Is from Lady Vendia," Angela reply as she now had calmed a bit. Alda looks at the white envelope, then saw the Marquis symbol on the wax. She went close to her drawer, take out a knife to unseal the envelope, sat on the chair, and then read what's written inside.

When she's done reading the letter, she sighs and lays her head down to her drawer table with a disappointed feeling.

"Aiiiyoooo, whyyyyy," Alda complains in her tired tone of voice.

"Miss? Are you okay?" Angela asks, concern as she heard Miss's tired tone of voice and looking so distressed.

"Me? Em-yeah~ don't worry about me so much, I'm fine. Fine…" Alda responds, but inside she is crying because she made a plan today on what she should do today with her best friend that soon to be her girlfriend, but all of it got ruined because of the unexpected event.

'I almost imagine the romantic moment we will have today, but… huhuhu, just whyyyyy,' Alda thought, disappointed and feeling cheated.

"Did Mia already left?" Alda asks, still in her same position.

"Yes, Miss," Angela answer.

"Okay, you can go back to your shores now," Alda respond as she stood out from the chair and went over to Cathlen guest room to rest on the couch alone. Without knowing that Angela still hasn't left yet, and followed her to the guest room.

"Miss, do you need some tea and snacks?" Angela asks, making Alda flinch in surprise, then turned around to face her with a startled expression.

"You, ha-haven't left yet?" Alda asks stuttering from surprise.

"Yes, Miss. I'm sorry. Did I startle you?" Angela asks, worried.

"No, I mean yeah, a bit, but don't worry about it," Alda respond as she felt something is off about herself today.

'Wait, why I didn't felt Angela's presence earlier?' Alda thought, feeling strange as she continues her thoughts.

'What is going on? Is my instinct technique got,' Alda thinking about herself capability as she gasps and felt alarmed.

'Wait! Did my brain had adapted to Cathlen's body? No! No, I must train this body today. I can't afford to lose my strength as a person in this world. I need it,' Alda thought as she thinks she is changing and adopting Cathlen's frail body. She looks at Angela with a straight face.

"Angela, is the knight on the training ground today?" Alda asks because she wants to use the training ground as her training ground to practice the martial arts and some other things her body capability with back to their world before.

"No, Miss. They're on seminar today with the Duke," Angela answer.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Alda asks.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but I don't know why," Angela answer.

"It's okay. Can you accompany me to the training ground today?"

"Why, Miss?" Angela asks while Alda deep sighs, then hold her head with her right hand, showing a stressed expression.

"I need to freshen up a bit, and I need someone to watch outside. I don't want anyone to know what is my capability of doing," Alda answer.

"Oh, okay, Miss, you can count on me," Angela responds.

"Good, but I need to change my dress into something comfortable first," Alda mentions.

"Oh, yeah. Let me help you with that, Miss," Angela reply with a daring smile to her Miss then went to help her choose comfortable clothes to wear.

Alda chooses a black turtle neckcloth, white legging pants, and flat leather knee boots with black color. Then tied her hair into a tight bond.

"Done, Miss," Angela mentions.

"Thank you, let's go," Alda responds as they then go out to Cathlen's room, then stride to where the training ground's location. When they arrived, some knights and servants then greet her, bowing at her for respect.

"Yeah, good day to you too,"

"Thank you,"

"Good day, to you too,"

"Thank you, have a great day too."

"Keep up the excellent work, thank you."

All five words she mentions to all knights and some servants. Who greets her on the way to the training ground inside the Duke residence.

'Haaa, I feel like some famous artist right now,' Alda thought as they continue walking to go to the training grounds.

"Were here, Miss," Angela announces as they get inside, and Alda then saw much equipment for training, but she won't be needing those. Alda only needs two things.

'I only need two things,' Alda thought as she then spotted a standing wood that has a sack formed like a human and an eleven-kilo gram's weightlifting to the side.

"Spot on," Alda mumble.

"Did you say something, Miss?" Angela asks as she heard that Lady Cathlen is talking, but she field to catch it.

"Nothing. I'm sorry to hassle you today. Angela, but can you guard outside the door and warn me if someone is coming," Alda request.

"Oh, don't worry, Miss is fine. Yes, I will do that," Angela responds as Alda smile at her. Then went to where the things she needed as she warms up her body first before using force and strength to wake up all her muscles inside her body.

"Okay, let's do this, Cathlen, from now on. Your body will endure things you haven't experienced before. I mean, you experience some heavy stuff like dealing with your mentality and physical things that are." Alda mumbles as she deep sighs and continues mumbling.

"What I mean to say is your body will experience my life routine from now on," Alda mentions as she speaks into Cathlen body then does the things that can help herself and Cathlen body.

After that, Alda then decided that they will go over to where an archery part at the training ground, and there she trained her focus, strength, alertness, and hearing to the wind till dawn.

After Alda has done her practice, they then go back to her chamber. Feeling more energetic as Angela then help her bath and change to a new comfortable cloth.

"How are you feeling, Miss?" Angela asks while drying Cathlen's hair with concern because Lady Cathlen does some things she has never done before dawn.

"Oh, I feel more fresh and active now," Alda answer with a relief expression.

"That's good to hear, but if ever you feel discomfort in your body, Miss here a liquid ointment for body pain and discomfort," Angela showed the ointment to her because she knows tomorrow Cathlen body will react.

Alda stares at the ointment for three seconds, indecisive because she already knows that Cathlen's body will experience some pain reaction tomorrow, for she went all out today, but she is already used to those kinds of pain.

"Miss?" Angela's call, wearing a concerned expression.

'Ahh, whatever, let's accept it,' Alda thought, then accept it. She deep sighs and takes the ointment to Angela's hand.

"Thank you, Angela," Alda reply accepting the ointment that Angela showed to her, then smile.

"Your welcome, Miss, now let's go to the dining room. The Duke and Duchess are already waiting," Angela mentions as her Miss nod, and they then leave the room to go to the dining room.

They stride to the hallway for five minutes, and when they arrived outside the door, Angela then bid her Miss goodbye.

"I see you later, Miss,"

"Okay, I see you later in my chamber," Alda responds as she then went inside the dining room. Angela then went back to her quarters to get something. When she arrived inside, she got surprised because she saw a familiar face sitting on her bed with a pissed-off expression.

"Where'd you go? I've been waiting here since this afternoon!" Mia complains as she stood out from the bed and went over to Angela.

To be continued.

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