"For Lady Cathlen?" Mia ask.

"Yes, we have a plan to meet today in secret again because we haven't done talking about some things related to the crown prince," Yerre lied again.

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have to lie. I'm sorry,' Yerre thought, feeling guilty inside.

"Okay, Miss, I will do it," Mia responds, full of determination.

"Good. Wait for a bit. I still have not written my letter yet, Jeje. I will be fast," Yerre reply as Yerre then went to her desk to get some plain white paper and sat on her chair in front of it.

Then, using her feather pin, she writes a letter to her best friend saying that they won't be able to meet today anymore because of an unexpected situation and that they will see each other later tonight instead.

When Yerre finishes writing a letter for Alda, she then put it inside the white envelope. With a sealed blue wax that has Marquis symbols. Then lends the sealed letter to Mia as she instructs her to tell no one about it.

"Don't worry, Miss, no one will know," Mia responded.

"Thank you, but you still need to be careful not to be caught, especially Angela. Tell her to be cautious too," Yerre suggested as Mia give out a smile to her Miss.

"I will, Miss. Thank you for believing me and for thinking about my safety." Mia felt happy.

"Mia, even though you are only a servant, but in my parent's eyes and to mine, you are all part of our family," Yerre mentions making Mia felt warm and thankful.

"Thank you, Miss," Mia reply.

"You are always welcome. You can go now. Tell Mary to come inside after you go out," Yerre demands.

"Okay, Miss, have a great day," Mia replied with a gentle smile.

"Thank you, you too," Yerre responds as Mia then leaves, and Mary gets back inside her room after with a genuine smile planted on her face.

"Mary? What happened? Wh-"

"Let's pack some things you will need for your camp outside the Astrod kingdom, Miss," Mary mentions, which shocks her.

"Camping? Outside? What? Wait a minute, hold on. I couldn't understand what are you trying to say here. Why are you saying that I need to pack some things for camping," Yerre asks, confused.

"Ahh... when you and Mia still talking inside, beky arrived outside your door and said that Sir Aloit requested to Lord Marthen to let you join him have a camping outside the Astrod land for four days, and the master approved," Mary delivered as Yerre look at her with a shocked expression.

"Fo-four days?" Yerre asks, stuttering.

"Yes, Miss, for four days," Mary answer.

'But...' Yerre thought indecisive because she is thinking of her best friend, Alda.

"Are we going to leave now?" Yerre asks because she wants to deliver another letter to her best friend before they leave.

"No, later this afternoon, but Sir Aloit says that you need to pack up some things now so that you won't have to worry later," Mary answer, which made Yerre sigh in relief.

"Okay, so what should I supposed to do today with Sir Aloit?" Yerre asks.

"Oh, Beky said that Sir Aloit's going to teach you some basics technique on how to ride a horse because of later this afternoon when you two leave. You both going to ride a horse to get to the camping site fast," Mary mentions, making Yerre surprised and scared.

"Wh-what? But that's. I don't know how to ride a horse yet," Yerre complains, nervous, as Mary gazes at her with a gentle smile.

"Miss, that is why Sir Aloit is going to teach you how to do it today. But don't worry. I'm sure Sir Aloit will guide you later when you two left," Mary reply.

"Yeah, I know, but..."

'I'm still nervous. Is my first time riding a horse,' Yerre thought, biting her lower lip from nervous.

"Is okay, Miss. I'm sure Sir Aloit won't let you harm yourself," Mary mentions, making her Miss calm and stop thinking negative thoughts.

"Yeah," Yerre replies with a nod as she breathes in and out to calm her thoughts.

"Right, let's go pack some things you will need for your camp, Miss," Mary reminded as her Miss nod, then they went on finding some things that are necessary for her to bring for their camping later this afternoon.

When Mary has done preparing things for her Miss, she then arranged them inside the pack bag. That's meant for camping and set it aside for later.

"Miss, you already done eating your breakfast?" Mary asks.

"Ah, yes. Come on, let's go. Meet Sir Aloit now. I don't want to make him wait for me for too long," Yerre responds as she gives out a bright smile at Mary, who still felt curious and concern about what she talks about Mia earlier inside the room.

"Okay, Miss," Mary answer as they then go out to the room, then stride to the hallway to go to the farm side of the Marquis residence and when they arrived. Yerre then runs over to where Sir Aloit is standing while shouting his name, full of excitement.

"Sir Aloit! Sir Aloit!"

Sir Aloit turned around, then saw Vendia. He smiles upon seeing her well and happy. When Vendia already close to him. She then embraces him into her arms in surprise, which made Sir Aloit lose balance from standing straight, but he holds it.

"Aiyo! So heavy," Sir Aloit mentions as he embraces Vendia back.

"What? I'm heavy?" Yerre asks, worried as she breaks the hug, then looks straight at Sir Aloit with a surprised expression, blinking three times as she checks her body size. Sir Aloit chuckled, then made Vendia look back at him.

"Haha, I'm only kidding," Sir Aloit responds, making Yerre sigh in relief, then smile.

"Are you ready to learn how to ride a horse today?" Sir Aloit added, asking.

"Em! I can't wait to learn today, but Sir Aloit. I want to ask where are we going later for camping?" Yerre answer with a question.

"Oh, that is a secret. Don't worry. We won't go to Voldrone land, just someplace that is better than Astrod and Voldrone land," Sir Aloit answer.

"Oh, did my grandfather know this place?" Yerre asks, which made Sir Aloit surprised for a second, then smile.

"Yeah, he did," Sir Aloit answer, not denying it.

"Okay, I can't wait to see that secret place you are talking about, Sir Aloit," Yerre responds with a genuine smile.

"Okay, go get your horse now inside the barn," Sir Aloit mentions as Yerre then went inside alone to get her horse while Mary and Sir Aloit stay outside to talk.

"How's your Madam Rose condition," Sir Aloit ask.

"The physician, still monitoring her condition, but she is recovering well," Mary answer.

"I see. Does Vendia know?" Sir Aloit asks.

"No, the Master request not to tell her about the Madam's condition and destruct her from entering the Madam chamber for the meantime, because they don't want the Miss to worry and fell ill as well," Mary answer.

"I see," Sir Aloit respond.

'He is right is better for Vendia not to know about the situation,' Sir Aloit thought.

"I'm glad that he agreed to my request," Sir Aloit mentions.

"Yeah, me too. I want to see the Miss, to smile only. I don't want to see her sad expression again, just like from the past," Mary replies.

"Haaa, don't worry, that will never happen," Sir Aloit assures her as Yerre cut their conversation short, calling out for him to help her with her horse.

"Sir Aloit, how to unlock this? Can you help me?" Yerre shouts from inside the barn, having a hard time freeing her horse.

"Okay, I'm coming," Sir Aloit shout back at her.

"You can go back now, Mary," Sir Aloit mentions as Mary then nod the left them to have fun on their day-to-day.

"Sir Aloit!" Yerre shouts inside the barn again with her struggling voice as she has a hard time taking her horse out to the cage.

"Coming!" Sir Aloit responds as he runs fast inside to help Vendia.

After one minute, Vendia then got her horse, and they went outside the barn as Sir Aloit then teaches her some basics things on how to jump up in her horse without difficulties and how to sit in the right, posture when you ride a horse and other things for thirty minutes.

When thirty minutes passed, Yerre then smiled and feels happy because she learned all that in such a short amount of time.

"As expected, you have your grandfather gene in you," Sir Aloit mentions.

"Why would you say that, uncle?" Yerre asks.

"Because you learn fast, and so did he," Sir Aloit answer making Yerre proud of herself.

"Thank you, uncle, but I still don't know how to control my horse when it runs." Yerre opens up her concern.

To be continued.

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