"That thing! I don't want to say it," Troy mentions, uncomfortable.

"Then don't! Let's shut up," Alda responds, annoyed as she deep sighs.

"But," Troy bit his lower lip, still want to continue their conversation because he's curious about this new thing that Alda says to him.

"What?" Alda asks, impatient and irritated.

"That thing is inappropriate for a woman to hear. That is why I can't say it straight to you," Troy explains, but Alda already felt irritated by his words.

"I DON'T CARE! FOR GOD's sake! JUST SAY WHAT'S THAT THING! YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!" Alda burst out from anger as Troy looks at her, timid.

"But I don't want to," Troy responds.

"Then don't! Let's stop talking! My god! You are making me blow up from frustration," Alda mentions as she breathes in and out, relaxing while silence takes place for three minutes. They remain in their usual place and position.

"Um," Troy talk again.

"What?" Alda responds, already calmed.

"E-even that th-I means they can also do sexual intercourse?" Troy mentions.

"My god, is that the thing you want to say earlier?" Alda asks, sighing.

"Yes, sorry. I couldn't say it out loud because I feel uncomfortable saying it to you," Troy explained.

"Aiyo, is fine and yeah, they can," Alda respond, which made Troy surprised and more intrigue.

"THEY CAN? How?" Troy asks. Alda looks at him for a minute, debating to herself whether she will answer or leave it as it is.

"Through their entrance," Alda answer.

"What? But we don't have those except," Troy thinks, then gasps as Alda gaze at him with a smirk.

"Now you know, congratulations," Alda reply, clapping her hands two times with a grinned smile.

"But is impossible to feel something in there, right? That's where our dirt comes out," Troy ask still felt awkward and unbelievable at the same time.

"It's possible. Look, you can figure that out to yourself, but I am not asking you to try doing it with anyone randomly or do it to someone because you are curious. No, never do that thing because I will kill you if you do. Do it with the person you cherish and love."

"What? Are you asking me to fall in love with a man?" Troy asks. 

"Idiot, of course not, is up to you, but if you are curious, ask a man who has a husband. That is if there's one here, haha," Alda responds with a laugh.

"But, you said you saw some here." 

"Yes, but I never mention that is here in the Astrod land," 

"Oh, then where? Can you take me to where that place is?" 

'Of course, I can't, idiot. The place that I am talking about is back to our original world,' Alda thought.

"No, I can't, remember?" 

"Oh, yeah, right. I almost forgot. You can't go out without guards and maid escorting you," Troy mentions.

"Good, you have an excellent memory," Alda responds.

"Thank you," Troy reply with confidence, making Alda chuckled.

"But, you know, Troy, loving someone of the same gender is hard. Because people will criticize, judge you, and make you feel you are not normal, that you do not belong into this world." Alda continues talking while her head hangs low and some memories from her past relationship flash through.

"Without even knowing how they struggled to continue living in this unjust world," Alda mentions, making Troy gaze at her with a sentimental feeling.

"No one said that everything would be easy into this world before," Troy responds.

"Yeah, you're on point," Alda reply with a smile to Troy.

"But, I wish people will also think before they judge and react to people," Troy mentions, making Alda chuckled.

"Aiyooo, stop being emotional is not fit for you, haha," Alda respond.

"Right," Troy responds with an idiotic smile, making Alda laugh.


"Troy!" a firm tone of voice shout at their back, making them flinch and turn around in surprise.

"Brother!" Troy run over to them in a hurry.

"Why you set fire around the tent?" Sir Arnold ask as they made a path to get inside.

"Because Lady Cathlen said that they were wolves near our location, and she was right," Troy answer.

"Lady Cathlen Is here?" Sir Arnold asks.

"Hi~" Alda waves her right hands, showing a gentle smile to them.

"YOU! Why are you here again?" Mike reacted.

"She is here because she has another work for us to do again," Troy answer.

"WHAT?" June reacted.

"Yes, but before that, why don't you guys get changed first. There's Wolf's blood all over your clothes. It stinks, ugh…" Alda replied, wearing a disgusted expression.

"All right, let's get inside," Sir Arnold propose as they all then went inside.

"Troy, aren't you going to put out the fire outside?" Alda asks as they now sit on the chair inside the tent.

"No, the wolves, still lingering in our area. So, I will put it out later when you went back home," Troy answers.

"Oh," Alda reply with one nod.

"Hey, did you give my brother some weird potion while we're away?" Mike asked as he joined in their conversation.

"Why you say so?" Alda ask.

"Because he is talking to you comfortably," Mike responds as Alda laugh.

"BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA, did you hear your brother's words, Troy?" Alda asks within her laugh as Troy nods then replies.


"Who's talking comfortably to who?" June asks, joining them.

"Oh, you guys done changing?" Alda asks, not minding June's question.

"YAH! I am asking here! Don't avoid it!" June protested, annoyed by Alda ignoring his question.

"Oh? I'm sorry, what did you ask again?" Alda reply, teasing him.

"YOU!" June glared at her as Alda only gives out a grin at him.

"So, what is it you want for us to do?" Jin asks, dragging their all attention to him, then all of them turned to silence.

"Did you encounter some wolves coming here?" Sir Arnold asks, breaking the silence.

"I didn't encounter them, but I almost encounter them, but I quickly take another path to get here. So, I didn't encounter any," Alda answers.

"That's good then," Sir Arnold replies.


"So, what is it you want us to do?" Sir Arnold repeats Jin's question. Alda then elaborates to them what she wants them to do.

"So, you haven't thought of a plan?" Jin asks.

"No, I haven't," Alda answer, sighing.

"According to what you explain to us today. This woman has a gift that not all of us possess and if we plan things today. We still can't predict her move, and she still can escape to our trap," Sir Arnold figured.

"Yes, our eldest brother is right," Clark joined in the conversation as his other brothers only listen to them in silence, observing and thinking.

"Your right. That's why. Is hard to think of a plan," Alda responds with a problematic face.

"Wait, what if you seek help from your father," Jin suggested as Alda look at him with a question expression.

"Huh? Why would I ask help from my fa-" Alda, stop talking and think deeper.

'Yeah, why I didn't think about that from the start. I can use my father's influence and name to kill that woman,' Alda thought, sinister.

"Hey, don't leave us hanging over here," Clark mentions, waving his hand at Alda.

"Oh, right? Yeah, um, you know what I think. I need to go home and clarify things first. I will come back here tomorrow with my plan then," Alda mentions.

"What?" Jin looks at her, dumbfounded.

"Okay, Troy and June escort her out from the forest," Sir Arnold demands as his younger brother nod, and they leave with Alda. When they're gone, Jin then asks his eldest brother to clarify their situation.

"Brother, does this mean that we will postpone our search for her lamp?"

"I'm not sure. But the tendency of it is higher," Sir Arnold answer as Jin deep sigh.

"I can't understand her. At first, she wants us to find her lamp in haste, and now she wants us to do some other things that can delay our search for her lamp," Jin spoke out his feelings as Sir Arnold sigh and sat beside Mike.

"You don't have to worry. We are the receiver, worker, and consumer. She is our source and provider. So we should not nag and complain about those things. Let her do things she wants us to do, but when she had passed to the limit. That's when we will take action and take things to the right place, understand?" Sir Arnold replies.

"Yes, I understand, brother," Jin responds.

"That's it, take care on your way home," June mentions as they already outside the forest.

"Yeah, I will. Thank you both. For escorting me," Alda responds with a wistful smile.

"No hassle taken," June responds.

"Lady Cathlen, can I ask you some more questions about the thing we talk about earlier?" Troy asks as Alda gaze at him, surprised for a second, then grinned.

"Ey~ okay, okay, next time. Tomorrow I will go to the town library to check if there's a book about that thing we talk about earlier, then I will give it to you," Alda mentions.

To be continued.

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