"Thank you," Troy thank her, making June look at them confused and out of place.

"Yah! Why are you two leaving me out of place? Brother, what are you two talking about?" June asks. He wants to know what his brother and Alda were talking about.

"Is nothing, is not something suitable for your age. I will tell you when you turn twenty-two years old," Troy answer, which made June pout and sulks while Alda laughs at them.


"What are you laughing about, ha!" June nag at her as Alda wipes the tiny tears skips from her eyes caused by laughing so hard.

"Aiyo, don't be angry, or you won't turn twenty-two years old," Alda teases him, which made June send a glare at her.

"Hahahahaha," Alda laughs at June's cute glare.

"Okay, you must go now, Lady Cathlen. The sun is almost up," Troy mentions, making her gasp and look at the sky.

"WHAT THE PAK? Is almost morning! How long did I spend my time with you guys," Alda asks, shocked.

"Jeje, serves you right," June blurts out with a satisfied expression, but Alda didn't mind him. Instead, she gazes at Troy with a troubled expression then bids them goodbye.

"I see you guys again, tomorrow,"

"We will wait," Troy shouting his reply because Alda's already riding away from them with her horse.

"Brother, do you like her already?" June asks out of nowhere.

"No, but I want to be her friend," Troy responds, turning around with his horse and ride away, making June confused and buffer for three seconds.

"Huh? So, brother, do you like her or not? Brother? Hey brother, wait up, wait! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" June exclaimed while he made his horse run faster to catch up to his brother, Troy. Who leaves him hanging and confused.

When Alda arrived back at the Duke residence, she then went to the back of their garden. Where lay the hidden wall door and releases the horse she uses. After that, she then pushed the wall door and went inside.

"Haaa, how come no guard is scouting this area," Alda asks as she observes the area while hiding in the bushes inside the garden.

'Oooh, now I get it is almost morning, so they must gather on the training ground now. Hohoho~ lucky me~' Alda thought as she goes out from the bushes, then strides back to Lady Cathlen's room in haste with an alert feeling.

After two minutes, she got back inside Lady Cathlen room, and she then undresses all the things she carried and wears then went inside the bathroom to clean herself.

"Ahh, I want to go back to our original world with Yerre, where we only think of school and weekends hangouts. I hate thinking critical things is making me crazy and mentally exhausted," Alda mentions as she drowned her lower face to the bathwater bobbling bubbles with a tired feeling and body. After her long days, she then lay in her bed and meet the slumber.

The next day Alda woke up at dawn, making Angela and Lady Cathlen's parents stormed inside Lady Cathlen's room in a panic, making her sober and completely shocked.

"Uh… what is going on?" She asks in her sleepy tone of voice as she sits up wide awake.

"Are you feeling okay, child? Hm? Do you feel sick?" Duchess Aerwen asks with a worried expression.

"Angela told us you woke up late. Is there something wrong?" Duke Thranduil asks. They're worried about their daughter's condition because of their daughter's break engagement to the Crown Prince.

"Uh, mother, father, I'm fi-"

"I call the physician over to check on your health. My god, you look thin. Angela, where's your Miss breakfast?" Duke Thranduil mentions cutting Alda's words short as Angela puts her breakfast on the tray and lays it in front of her.

"Father, I'm fin-"

"I'm sorry. We are busy, and we couldn't check on you every day," Duke Thranduil apologizes.

"Yes, but today we are free. What do you want to do? Do you want to go to town and buy some things you love, or you want us to go trip someplace you want to visit?" Duchess Aerwen cut through Alda words again as she keeps going on and on with her sentence, which made Alda somehow uncomfortable.

"Mother! Calm down, I am fine. Nothing is wrong with me. I am fin-aw…" Alda responds as she tries to maintain her calm tone of voice, but Lady Cathlen's body is reacting, which made her hiss in pain.

'Ow… just how fragile does Cathlen's body is, ha? Why can't I endure the pain! My back, my neck, my shoulders, and my foot, everywhere! Ha-haw-aw~ it feels sore, heavy, and painful,' Alda thought, having a hard time relaxing because Lady Cathlen's body is throbbing in pain.

"Fuck!" She curses under her breath, pissed off.

"Child? What happened? Why are you in pain?" Duchess Aerwen asks, panicking as she glances at her husband with an anxious expression.

"Mo-ah," Alda, having a hard time speaking as Lady Cathlen's body tense up from the pain.

The pain she felt inside Lady Cathlen's body is unbearing is like she's having a period of cramps. Her breath is uneven. Like someone is blocking the air inside her lungs for her to breathe well.

"Honey! What is going on!" Duchess Aerwen panics more. When she saw her daughter panting for air while Alda only looks at them cursing inside.

'Shit! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! This body! THIS BODY IS SO WEAK THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE! URGH!' Alda thought, so angry as sweat formed on her forehead and back. Her palm sweats, and so do her feet.

'Oh, shit, I need to lie down,' Alda thought, panicking as she felt Lady Cathlen's body losing strength and energy.

She signals Angela to take away her breakfast from her because she wants to lie back on her bed. Angela understands her signal then hurried to take the tray away from her as she then lay back to her bed feeling relaxed now.

'Urgh! I want my previous body back. Huhu,' Alda thought, crying inside, enduring the pain. She felt inside Lady Cathlen's body while Lady Cathlen's parents panic in front of her like a chicken who lost its eggs.

"Where's the physician now!" Duke Thranduil asks Angela, anxious.

"I will check outside, My Lord," Angela answer as she hurried to fetch the physician.

"Cathlen, child…" Duchess Aerwen called as she held her daughter's right hand with hers while sobbing. Her body trembled from fear upon seeing their daughter's pale complexion.

"Calmed down, dear. Our daughter will be fine. The physician is almost here," Duke Thranduil trying to ease the situation, but it didn't work.

"Make him come here fast!" Duchess Aerwen shouts, her demand within her panic voice as she continues holding her daughter's hands tight, gazing at her with a teary eye full of worried.

'Ahh, so noisy, I am tired. I want to sleep for a while. Fuck! Cathlen, your body sucks!' Alda thought as she felt her eye's lid turned heavy, and she got pulled back to slumber.

After a long while, the physician then arrived with Angela ad hurried to examine Lady Cathlen condition. When he's finished the Duke, then asks him for a result.

"What happened to her?" Duke Thranduil asks, while her wife, still sitting beside their daughter caressing Lady Cathlen's hair, gazing at her daughter with a concerned expression as her tears now had dried.

"Lady Cathlen, only experience a fatigue," the physician mentions while Angela is beside Duchess Aerwen, standing while looking at Lady Cathlen as tears full of worries drop out from her eyes.

"Fatigue? But how come she experiences fatigue?" Duke Thranduil asks, confused.

"Are you sure? My daughter felt pain earlier. Are you sure my daughter only has fatigue?" Duchess Aerwen mentions her question as she turns her head to the right, gazing at her husband and to the physician with a frown expression, doubting the physician's conclusion.

"Did Lady Cathlen do some heavy activities," the physician asks for more information.

"No, not that we recall. But wait, let me ask Angela for assurance, Angela come here," Duke Thranduil mentions, then calls out for Angela. When Angela turned to look at them, they got surprised because they saw her crying.

"Yes, My Lord?" Angela went over to them, still crying.

"Wipe away your tears first and calm down," Duke Thranduil mentions.

"I'm sorry, My Lord," Angela apologizes as she wipes the tears in her eyes and to her face, then collects herself back to its calm state.

"Are you okay now, Angela?" The physician consults her.

"Yes, I'm sorry for the delay," Angela responded.

"Oh, don't worry about it. So, is it okay if I ask you about your Miss activities these past few days?" The physician mentions which made Angela look at him, gulping in surprise.

'What? What should I do? I promise Lady Cathlen that I won't tell anyone about what she did the other day. So this means I have to lie to all of them? Oh, good lord, I'm sorry, My Lord,' Angela thought, feeling guilt, but she holds it in.

To be continued.

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