"Y-yes, go ahead," Angela answer, stuttering, but no one thinks it's weird. So, the question and answer go on.

"This past few days, did Lady Cathlen do some heavy things? Like exercising every day without sleeping well at night? Also, does she sometimes space out and out of energy to do her daily routine every day?" The physician asks which made Duke Thranduil wonder.

"Why are you asking Angela that kind of question? My daughter doesn't have a scheduled plan every day, and she does not exercise. She read books and has tea every day, that's it," Duke Thranduil mentions. To know this makes the physician even more worried.

"We people must have a proper exercise and routine or else our body might be the easy target for an illness and other things that can cause for our health to slow down," the physician responds with an explanation as he continues elaborating his words.

"As for Lady Cathlen, situation, what you said a minute ago is alarming. I figured your daughter does not do some healthy routine. That's why when stress inserts her health. Her body would react fatally. That is why I ask Miss Angela about her activities these past few days. I want to know the root cause of it so we can make haste prevention in case there's a fatal area heading to it," the physician continues.

"The environment where over fatigue rose is when stressful events occur, which started from lack of sleep, constant overwork, intense physical activities, and weak immune system that also cause from an illness," The physician pause for a while, sighing, then continue talking.

"So, My Lord, does your daughter have an illness?" The Physician asks Duke Thranduil first.

"No, my daughter doesn't have any illness," Duke Thranduil answer.

"I see then. Does Lady Cathlen's past accident still disturb her?" The Physician asks the past accident occur from before Alda first got inside the book.

"I'm not sure," Duke Thranduil honest reply.

"Hmm, Miss Angela, does Lady Cathlen have one related thing to those categories I mention? Also, does she feel some a nuisance sometimes on her body too?" The physician asks.

"No," Angela haste, respond without thinking deep to the physician's question because of nervousness she felt inside.

The physician saw Angela's uneasiness, then suspects something is wrong for a second, but upon seeing Angela gaze at him with a distressed expression, his suspicions fade away.

"I see." He replies, sighing.

"But, these past few days, the Miss could not sleep well and always in deep thought, she always sighing. I ask her why and what causes it, but she only smiles and lets it go like nothing," Angela responds with lies.

'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie. But the Miss must have exhausted her body the other day,' Angela thought, feeling guilty.

"WHAT?" Duchess Aerwen got shocked. She let go of her daughter's hand, then stood out from her daughter's bed and went close to them.

"Why you didn't tell us about that!" Duke Thranduil scolded her as Angela hangs her head, feeling timid.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, My Lord. I didn't tell you both because you said not to disturb you two when you are both busy," Angela reasoned as Duke Thranduil heave a trembling breath caused by anger to himself.

"Forget it! What can we do to make my daughter well again?" Duke Thranduil let go of the issue.

"Wait, what about the pain she felt earlier? Does it relate to fatigue as well?" Duchess Aerwen interrupts them.

"Yes, I supposed so. Duke Thranduil mention earlier that you both were busy these past few days and that you both could not attend to your daughter. Maybe your daughter had done something that leads her body to exhaustion without letting her maid know about it. Then made her physically fatigue," the physician responds.

'I know what she did, but I can't tell you all about it,' Angela thought, refraining from speaking the truth.

"But my daughter would never keep secrets from us," Duchess Aerwen mentions.

"Your daughter might tell you all the things she does and experience, but not all of it might be true," The physician mentions making Duchess Aerwen look at him with a pressing expression.

"Are you saying that my daughter is a liar?" Duchess Aerwen ask within her angry voice.

"No, I didn't mean to offend you, Duchess. I only say that a daughter or son will not always depend on their parents. They also don't want to tell things that can occur worries and problems for their parents. I know this because I also have a daughter just like her age," the physician mentions.

"Dear, calm down. Go back to our daughter's side for now. Angela escorts your Duchess," Duke Thranduil suggested as he calls Angela to guide Duchess Aerwen back to their daughter's side to calm for a while.

"Yes, My Lord," Angela answers, then went on to guide Duchess Aerwen back to her daughter's side.

"So, what should we do for my daughter's well recovery," Duke Thranduil asks.

"I suggested you put the Miss away from an unhealthy environment for a while," the physician reply.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Duke Thranduil asks.

"Make her away from thinking about the things that made her cause lack of sleep and mentally exhausted. You all have to make her feel less stressed and don't let her do heavy activities for now," the physician explains.

"I understand. Is there any medication needed to be taken by my daughter?" Duke Thranduil asks.

"Yes, but I suggest for her not to take any," the physician responds, which made Duke Thranduil confused.

"What? Why?" Duke Thranduil.

"I suggest for her to take well rest, healthy foods and healthy environment. Then her body can regain back to its healthy state. Medication sometimes can cause adverse side effects which are not good," the physician's explanation continues.

"And from what I check earlier. Lady Cathlen's condition is still fragile. Taking medication will only give a terrible result, so I suggest a normal pace of recovery and rest will be the best option for her."

"I see; I understand we will do what you suggested for us to do. Thank you for helping us today."

"Your welcome, My Lord, if you all need my help again. You know where to find me," the physician responds with a gentle smile.

"Yes," Duke Thranduil reply as the physician then turns to Duchess Aerwen's side and speaks out an assuring word that can help calm the person who's worried for their daughter's condition.

"Lady Cathlen, complexions will recover after fifteen minutes, don't worry so much Duchess, your daughter's health will recover after taking four days of rest."

"Thank you. I will hold on to your words and your expertise," Duchess Aerwen reply not taking a glance at the physician. She only focuses on her daughter.

"It's an honor to help your family. Duchess and Duke," the physician reply, bowing to them as respect.

"Mm, Angela, escort the physician out for a while and come back with some refreshments for us. Tell captain Fiero to tighten the guard inside our residence for a while, not let anyone in and out," Duke Thranduil mentions with demand.

"As you wish, My Lord," Angela replies.

"Good, you can both go ahead now," Duke Thranduil mentions as they Angela then leave the room with the physician and stride away.

On the other part of the location inside the forest, Sir Arnold and his brothers are waiting for Lady Cathlen while sitting on the wooden chair inside their gigantic tent. Till night comes, and the sun sleeps, but still no sign of her coming soon.

"Troy, are you sure she said that she visits us here today?" Jin asks for assurance.

"Yes," Troy answer.

"Yes, brother," June answer.

"Okay," Jin replies.

"But what is taking her so long though," Mike asks as he gasps upon thinking something unpleasant.

"What is it?" Clark asks.

"What if she encounters some wolves coming here today and she, she," Mike exaggerates his words as all his brothers look at him with a worried and anxious expression.

"Don't think such things. I'm sure Lady Cathlen has not entered the forest yet," Jin responds.

"Right, brother is right, and also she knows how to fight," June joined in.

"Yeah, we all saw how she fights," Troy agrees to June's words.

"She's a smart woman and difficult to kill. The wolves are not a match for her strength, either. So, don't think such a disrespectful scenario again, Mike. Control your thoughts is not good for your life," Sir Arnold mentions as he stood out from his chair then goes out from their tent.

"Mike, you shouldn't have to say those words out." June feels pity for his brother.

"I didn't mean to be disrespectful. I'm only concern," Mike reply with a sad tone of voice as three of his four brothers deep sigh then Clark stood out to his chair and went close to Mike, patting his head.

To be continued.

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