"Is fine, but next time, think before saying things out of your mouth, understood?" Clark advises his younger brother as Mike nod with an inspirited expression.

"Yes, I understand." Mike pauses, sighs then continue talking.

"I'm sorry, brother," Mike apologizes.

"Aish! There's no need to apologize," Clark mentions.

"Yeah, no one said that we could control our words and thoughts every time." Troy pointed.

"Yeah, brother is right. So don't worry about it so much, okay?" June agreed as Mike nod, but he still felt gloomy.

Back to the Duke Residence, Angela is still inside Lady Cathlen's chamber, sleeping in the chair beside Lady Cathlen's bed. Monitoring and guarding her Miss. In case she woke up and might need something. And as she did, Alda woke up in the middle of the night with the same heavy and uncomfortable feeling on her body.

'Ugh… I feel sick. Curse this fragile body! Huhuhu. I'm hungry. I want to eat,' Alda thought, crying inside as she turns her head to the right side and saw Angela sleeping uncomfortably into the chair beside Lady Cathlen's bed.

Alda got surprised and concern. She tried to reach and stretch her right hand into Angela's knees, shake it to wake her up, and made her go back to her quarters to sleep well, but failed because her hand feels numb and her body still feels heavy.

'Ugh… fuck it!' Alda curse in her thought as she deep sighs inside, feeling guilt upon putting Angela into her mess.

"A-angela…" Alda called within her hoarse sound of the voice, then saw Angela's eyelashes move. Alda sigh in relief upon seeing Angela wake up to her calls. She tried to give out a perfect smile to her but failed because Angela only saw a forced smile.

"Miss? Do you need something?" Angela asks in her tired tone of voice, scratching her eyes three times with her hands to clear her vision.

"Why are you sleeping here? You can go to your quarter and sleep there now," Alda mentions with the same tone of voice.

"I can't, Miss. I promise to Duchess Aerwen that I will guard you. Till you recover," Angela respond as Alda sigh in defeat, then nod. She doesn't want to argue any further because she doesn't have energy yet.

'I'm hungry,' Alda thought.

"Angela, I am hungry. Can I have something light to eat?" Alda asks as Angela gives out a warm smile, then went over to the table to get the pumpkin soup she made not long ago along with the tray. Carrying the tray with food on it, she went back to the chair and showed the soup she made for her Miss.

"Here, Miss, I made a pumpkin soup for you. Is still hot."

"Thank you, Angela," Alda feel glad.

"Here let me help you sat in your bed, Miss," Angela mentions as Alda nod, then Angela put the tray to the desk beside her for a while to help her sit up from the bed putting a pillow on her back to make her sit with comfort. After that, Angela then sits back in the chair, holding the stray.

"Here, Miss, aaaaah," Angela instructs for her to open her mouth so she can feed her. Alda stares at her for a second with daring eyes and an uncomfortable feeling.

'I still can't move my hand well, and I still feel weak. So this is fine. Is normal, right? I didn't cheat on Yerre, and besides, ugh. I'm hungry. I don't want to think anymore.' Alda let go of her worries and indecisive feeling and didn't refuse anymore because she knows Lady Cathlen's body still weak and can't move. So she opens her mouth and accepts Angela's kindness.

"Thank you, Angela," Alda mentions feeling glad that she has a maid beside her who treats her like a sibling. Angela gaze at her with a satisfied smile in her eyes.

"Your welcome, Miss, here eat more, aaaaah," Angela mentions with a bright smile as she enjoyed feeding her Miss.

"Okay," Alda responds as a memory from their previous life flashback to her with no pass, which made her gasp and halts from accepting the food Angela feed to her.

Yerre was still eleven years old, while Alda is already fourteen years old at that time. It was the rainy season of the month at that time. But Yerre and Alda still spend their time playing outside the playground, chasing and playing tricks on each other.

After their fun, the result comes. Alda got a fever while Yerre got none. Yerre decided to visit her best friend because Alda's mother told her mother's eldest sister that Alda always refuses her liquid medicine and doesn't want to drink even if her mother forces her to do so.


"Alda?" Yerre called outside.

"Yerre?" Alda asks inside her room.

"Yes, is me? Can I come in?" Yerre asks.

"Em!" Alda permits her with an excited tone of voice. Yerre smiles upon hearing her best friend's excited voice, but her smile fades away within a second because Yerre still can overhear a hoarse and weak trace from her voice. Yerre opens the door and enters with a caring smile on her face.

"Yerre?" Alda sits up, still have a fever and a hoarse voice.

"Aunt Chen mentions that you never drink your medicine," Yerre mentions as she went over to her bed and sat beside her.

"She told you?" Alda asks in her annoyed tone of voice while her face shown a frown.

"No, she called over the phone and talk to aunt Fey about it. I heard it when I pass to our comfort room," Yerre answer.

"I see," Alda respond with a low spirit of voice.

"Why won't you drink your medicine? If you always do that, you won't get better," Yerre nag at her as Alda groaned and frown, hanging over her head low.

"That is because the medicine is so bitter! I don't want it. She said it tastes sweet and like jelly. But when I try, it tastes so, so bitter. It made my mouth sour and bleugh…" Alda complains as she reenacts the feeling she had when she takes half of the organic medicine her mother made for her, making Yerre giggled.

"Alda… that's normal. Before when I get sick. My mother will also make organic medicine for me, and after I drink it all, I feel better," Yerre explains, pursuing Alda to drink her organic medicine.

"Don't you want to feel better? Don't you want to play with me anymore?" Yerre added, making Alda look at her with surprise.

"Of course, I want to feel better, and I want to play with you! But, but the medicine is, is," Alda hangs her head low again, timid as she felt disgusted upon imagining the medicine her mother wants her to drink. Yerre smile upon seeing her reaction, then held Alda's face with her hands, pulling it close to her, which made Alda look straight at her with a gasp.

Alda blushed, and Yerre saw it, but she didn't think of anything strange about it. Instead, she thought Alda is having a high fever again and got even worried. She pulled Alda close, even close to her, and connect their forehead. Alda breath hitch upon seeing Yerre lips so close to her.


"Don't move." Yerre cut Alda's words short by her firm demand.

"But, Yerre," Alda can't speak out her words well as she feels her face blush and cheeks heat from so much surprise and happiness by Yerre actions.

She stays put in their position, looking straight at Yerre's eyes while she refrains herself from thinking other unpleasant thoughts towards Yerre. But Yerre face and lips are so close to her, making it hard for her to stay calm and not think of any actions that can hurt Yerre innocence.


"Shh, stay put, let me feel your forehead," Yerre demands without knowing that what she's doing right now is torturing Alda's heart and mind. She continues doing what she wants while her eyes are closed, feeling the heat that Alda's forehead, giving out from her fever.

"Ye," Alda surrender and didn't speak anymore as she let Yerre do what she wants to her while she inside is being tortured by endurance and controlling force.

'Ahhh, those days were precious. I want to repeat it now with Yerre, but I know I can't haste it up because Yerre will get scared,' Alda thought.

"Is Yerre first time in a romantic relationship. So, I have to take it slow for now," Alda utter to herself in a whisper, determined.

"Miss?" Angela calls, making her come back to her senses.

"Oh, sorry, can I get some drinking water, Angela?" She responds with excuses.

"Okay, Miss," Angela reply as she went to the table, then get the cup full of drinking water and help Alda drink.

"Thank you, Angela, and I'm sorry for hassling you," Alda mentions.

To be continued.

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