"Yes, if you want to confess to someone, create a Kakanin that has a color and flavor of strawberries," the elders suggested, making Yerre surprised, then realize something again.

"Do strawberries stand for something like love again?" Yerre asks, upon remembering something that Alda does for her on her birthday, gifting fruits she loves, which is a strawberry.

The elders look over at her with a gentle smile, then answer her question.

"Aiyo, in our village, strawberry is one of a way to show sincerity to the person you love," the elder mentions.

"Yes, it stands for blossoming love that comes from admiration." One elder explains.

"Yes, so who is the lucky man that you root for?" The other elders ask, making Yerre gaze at her with wonder and confused eyes.

"The lucky man?" Yerre asks with an innocent eye.

"Aigo... you don't have to hide it. Your eyes showed brightness that only love could describe," the elder reply, making Yerre gasp, blushed for a second, then wonder.

"Lo-love," Yerre asks, stuttering.

"Yes," the elder answer.

'Do I love Alda? Not as a best friend but as someone that is...' Yerre asks in her thought as she thinks and felt her heartbeat with unsure emotions.

She looks over to the people inside the livelihood house, still blushing, then asks out her thought.

"Um, may I ask something to you all?" Yerre mentions with a shy expression and a flush of blush painted to her cheeks like a cherry.

"Hm? Go ahead, child," the elder replies with a gentle smile.

"Um, how can we know? If we like or love a person," Yerre responds with a shy tone of voice, while all people inside the livelihood house gaze at her full of a sweet smile.

"Well, love and like are two different worlds," the elder answer.

"Yes, if you like a person, it means. You only admire them base on your wants and needs. But if you love a person, it means you can't live without them, want to build happiness, memories and explore the world with them until you both get old," the other elders explain as all the young women went close to them and listened to the elder's words.

"I see," Yerre responds with a nod.

"Yes, if you can't help but think of that person, without realizing it and always worried when you are away from them. That is what it called love," Elaine mentions, making Yerre shocked and remembered something.

"Don't worry. I promise I won't run away, right?"

'Besides, I don't think. I can live without you anymore,' Yerre thought.

After remembering what she said to her best friend, Alda, Yerre then realizes something inside her heart, but she still felt indecisive.

"So... I... am I lesbian too? But, I..." Yerre could not utter perfect words for her to say out loud as she felt her heartbeat fast like an engine car.

"So... who's the lucky man, ha?" Elaine asks, shouldering her out of nowhere, which made Yerre surprised and choked.

"Um," Yerre could not answer because she knows it, and she can't reply and answer without Alda's permission, for they are not official about their relationships yet.

Yerre wanders off her thoughts to the day of King Phantrel's wife's anniversary, when she gets drunk and not thinking straight, then remembered Alda and her kissing in desperation with thirst lust inside their eyes.

"Ah~! Alda wai-em!"

"Alda~ I want more~! You said you miss me, right? Then give me more~ feed me with what you have, Alda~ give me more than kiss~ erm~!" She whispers with a moan to Alda's left ear as she uses an irresistible tone of voice. Alda gulps, trying her best to talk in a calm tone of voice, but she fails.

"Erm... Yerre, stop," Alda mentions, groaning as her body felt shivered, excited, and hot sensation. Upon hearing Yerre beg to her.

"Ah~! Erm~! Alda~? I feel tingling and sticky down their please~ help meuh~! I want more~ Alda~" she begs through her tempting moaning as Alda bites her lower lip while looking down at her irresistible view. Yerre gasps, huffing from discomfort, and realizes what she has been thinking. She snaps out of her thought by saying.

'No! Stop! Stop! STOP!' Yerre waves away all those memories inside her head while her body felt uncomfortable.

"What am I even thinking!" Yerre utters to herself, gritting her teeth from embarrassment as she then stormed out of the livelihood house, which made all people inside gaze at her with eyes wide open and surprised.

Sir Aloit, who's waiting outside, got shocked. Upon seeing Yerre goes out from the livelihood house with a blushed and embarrassed expression. Sir Aloit went over to Yerre's side, then asks.

"Vendia? What wrong?" Sir Aloit asks in his concerned voice as Yerre gazes up at him, full of embarrassment for one minute, then relaxes.

"Oh, is nothing. I don't think I can learn Kakanin today," Yerre mentions, making Sir Aloit wonder why.

"Why?" Sir Aloit ask.

"Because I felt like I'm not in the mood to do it today," Yerre answer, lying.

"Are you sure? You don't want to learn how to make kakanin today?" Sir Aloit asks for assurance.

"Yes, maybe tomorrow I can try with Elaine's help. But for now, I only want to rest," Yerre lied again.

She doesn't want to go back inside and learn Kakanins. Because her heartbeat is beating at speed like a racing car, and her body felt uncomfortable.

"Oh, yeah. Okay, I understand, but tomorrow we will go back home," Sir Aloit answer, making Yerre blink three times in surprise.

"Wh-where going back home tomorrow?" Yerre asks in her stutter voice.

"Yes, why? Do you want to stay here for long?" Sir Aloit answer with a quip tone of voice, making Yerre smile, then giggled.

"Of course not," Yerre answer with a sweet smile.

'In fact, I want to go back home now to meet Alda and confirm my feelings for her,' Yerre thought, so excited to see Alda again.

"Right," Sir Aloit reply with a grinned smile, but his smile turned to frown as he heard Elaine's voice coming from his back.

"Vendia, why you go out? You don't want to learn how to make our Kakanins anymore?" Elaine asks with a concerned expression.

"Aiyo, she's only tired," Sir Aloit inserted into their conversation.

"What? Why would she feel tired?" Elain asks, full of curiosity.

"My uncle and I went to do a horse practice earlier," Yerre answer, which made Elaine nod and understands.

"Okay, but tomorrow you two will go back home, right?" Elaine asks for clarifications.

"Yes," Sir Aloit reply.

"I see. At what time are you two going to ride back home tomorrow?"

"Oh, we will travel at seven PM," Sir Aloit reply.

"Ahh, okay. Then how about tomorrow at four am. I teach you how to make kakanins at your houses," Elaine mentions with a warm and welcome smile.

"Em! That's sounds good," Yerre answers with a grateful smile.

"Okay, you go back home now and sleep early. I see you two later at four am, all right?" Elaine mentions, which made Yerre nod.

"Don't worry about the others. I will explain things for you," Elaine added, making Yerre sigh in relief, then release a blissful smile.

"Thank you, Elaine," Yerre responds, feeling thankful.

"Your welcome. You two better go now. Sleep early, understand?" Elaine reminded Yerre.

"Em, I will," Yerre responds with an excited smile.

"Okay, I will go back inside now. See you two later." Elaine bid them goodbye as she then went inside the livelihood house. Then explain things to the elders and the other young woman.

After Elaine bid them goodbye, Sir Aloit and Yerre then went back home striding. When they get back home, Sir Aloit then hurried to boil some clean hot water for Yerre.

"Vendia, the water is ready," Sir Aloit shouts inside Yerres's bathroom while Yerre's still inside the kitchen, washing the plate and other utensils they use earlier from eating dinner.

"Okay, thank you, uncle," Yerre reply also shouting her response after washing. Yerre then went inside her bathroom, and the mist of fog that the clean hot boil water showed spread all around the place.

Yerre sat inside the bathtub and feeling the relaxing vibe that the boiling water gives for her.

"Ahhh... this feels good," Yerre mentions as she lay her head to the wooden tub at her back while scrubbing her skin with her bath scrub.

While Yerre's having a relaxing and wonderful bubble bath, someone is hasting on the other side of the land to do a plan to enter someone's residence, then talk to specific someone.

But upon receiving disappointing information that the person he wants to talk to is not present. His brows knitted and meet each other as his face formed into a frown.

"What do you mean, Lady Vendia is not in the Astrod land again?" Prince Adam asks, pissed off.

'Maybe Vendia already knows that I want to talk to her after my guard could do their task. But who could have told her such a thing?' Prince Adam with wondering thoughts.

To be continued.

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