"Yes, I heard some servant talking about her," Sir Ben mentions, while Sir Ken and Roy stay one meter away from them.

"I see. Did you three caught Sir Aloit and Lady Vendia's whereabouts?" Prince Adam asks, anxious.

"No, and the servant inside the Marquis residence doesn't know where they headed too," Sir Ken joined into their conversation with a plain face, which made Prince Adam look at them in disbelief.

"WHAT? How come the servants don't know where they went," Prince Adam ask.

"That's what we also want to know," Sir Ben answer.

"I see,"

'So, I was right. Someone is telling Lady Vendia that I want to talk to her and ask her about our childhood memories,' Prince Adam concludes speculations as he wears a smirk and unsatisfied expression.

"Interesting, whom could that be?" Prince Adam held his chin as he thinks of the culprit.

"Ha? Whom what?" Sir Ben asks with a confused expression. 

"Is nothing continue monitoring to the Marquis residence. Tell me right away when Lady Vendia arrives back at their home, understand?" Prince Adam instructs his three trusted friends and guard.

"Yes," Sir Ken replies as they then stride outside, go back to their location that Prince Adam commands them to observe and monitor.

"Ken, do you have some bread?" Sir Ben asks. Sir Ken, Roy, and Ben are now at the gigantic tree in front of the Marquis garden, hiding like a mosquito.

"You never change your habit, ha. You still have unhealed hunger inside your stomach as always," Sir Ken responds to him, making Sir Ben grinned, then release a light laugh.

"Yeah, even if we experience near death. A person's habit will remain," Sir Roy agrees.

"Jeheje is good to be hungry, you know," Sir Ben replied, which made Sir Kem deep sigh, then nodded his head three times.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say," Sir Ken replies.

"Are we going to stay hidden tell Lady Vendia arrives?" Sir Roy mentions, making the two people gaze at him with a confused expression.

"What are you saying?" Sir Ken asks.

"Of course not. We are only hiding because we don't want to cause a commotion," Sir Ben reply making Sir Roy nod.

"Again, do you guys bought some food for us to eat before coming here?" Sir Ben added as he asks for food again.

"Why you always hungry?" Sir Ken asks in annoyance.

"Aish, never mind," Sir Ben stop asking, as Sir Ken's question also annoyed him.

"Why does Aloit want to know where Vendia and what she is doing all the time?" Sir Ben added.

"Yeah is unfamiliar," Sir Roy agreed.

"I don't know either. I never ask because I feel that's confidential, and we must not interfere, even if we are Prince Adam's friend. There still a boundary," Sir Ken mentions, making Sir Ben and Sir Roy nods like an obeyed puppy.

To the Duke residence, the servant arranging, cleaning through every hallway, corner, and side of the mansion while their master is busy doing their errands.

The sun is speaking while the wind is singing a hymn that spoke for satisfaction and a beautiful day.

Alda is inside Lady Cathlen room, writing something on the plain white paper as Angela knocks outside the door and gets inside to ask about what her Miss wants.

"Miss?" Angela called.

"Angela, come! I have something I want to tell you," Alda answer, making Angela tilt her head to the left side with a confused reaction as they sat at the opposite couch talking face to face.

"What is it, Miss?" Angela asks, full of curiosity.

"My parents told me, I can now go out without guards or anyone accompanying," Alda elaborate with eyes and a genuine smile.

"That's good to hear, Miss," Angela mentions with a gentle smile engrave to her face as she felt glad for her Miss to be free to go out once again without guards.

"Yes, it is and here," Alda mentions as she lends a white paper that has words inside, which made Angela wonder.

"What is this, Miss?" Angela asks, full of curiosity showing in her eyes.

"Oh, a letter for Mia," Alda mentions with a hopeful smile.

"For Mia?" Angela asks as she looks at her with a question mark floating to her head.

"Yes, I want her to lend my letter for Lady Vendia," Alda mentions, which made Angela nod and understand.

"Oh, but Lady Vendia has not come back from their trip with her, knights, yet," Angela mentions as Alda looks at her in shock.

"They have not arrived back home yet?"

"Yes," Angela's brief reply.

"B-but Lady Vendia said inside her letter. She would be away for four days only, right?" Alda mentions, recalling all the things she read inside Yerre's letter.

"Yes," Angela answer without a second.

"How come Lady Vendia still has not arrived yet? Do you know the cause and reason?" Alda asks in her concerned tone of voice. 

'Did something happen to them? Is Yerre okay?' Alda thought, anxious and worried. She stood out from the couch, then subconsciously bite her nails. 

"Miss? Are you okay?" Angela calls out to her, but she seems, could not hear Angela.

"What if something happened to them? What if argh!" Alda utters to herself in silence as she saw a scenario of Yerre and Sir Aloit in danger inside her head.

'No! Stop thinking vague things. I'm sure she's fine. I'm sure Yerre is okay,' Alda thought as she tried her best to ignore her thoughts and the disturbing heartbeat. 

"Miss?" Angela calls out again to her, but this time she heard it. 

"What is it?" Alda asks without knowing that she let go of the voice. That seemed angry, which made Angela afraid to ask and call again. 

Alda can sense the strange atmosphere and feeling inside the room as she turned to look at Angela, then saw that Angela is staring at her with a concerned expression. 

"Angela? Why do you stop asking the question? What's wrong?" Ald asks, already goes back to her usual self.

"I... you bite your nails, Miss, I am worried because you always do that when something is wrong," Angela mentions, worried, making Alda sigh, then smile.

"I'm sorry. Nothing is wrong. I only remember some unpleasant memories from the past. You don't have to worry." Alda let go of an assuring smile towards Angela to make her smile and sigh in relief.

"Okay, Miss," Angela replied with a smile on her face. 

"Mn, Angela, there's no need to worry about me. I am powerful enough. I'm the duke's daughter, remember?" Alda mentions making Angela nod, then release a genuine smile. 

"I know, I'm sorry, Miss. I didn't mean to make you feel weak," Angela apologizes, inspirited. 

"Aish, there's no need to apologize. You didn't do something wrong, and you didn't make me weak, all right?" Alda responds with a gentle smile. 

"Thank you, Miss," Angela thank her gratitude and a warm heart. 

"Aiyooo," Alda click her tongue three times while waving her head two times.

"Aiyoh, come, come. I have work for you," Alda added, making Angela's eyes light up and release a cheerful smile. 

"What is it, Miss?" Angela asks in haste. 

"Deliver this letter to Mia in secret. No one must know, and see you went to the Marquis residence, understand?" Alda instructs her on what to do. 

"Okay, Miss, don't worry, I have ways to do your unexpected task," Angela responds, full of confidence and determination to do. Alda request. 

"Good, good. Go now, and I will see you later, take care," Alda reply as Angela nod with a smile then leaves to do the task for her.

The sky is waving, and the air is dancing, while the flowers and trees are napping under the sun's rays. Children are laughing and playing, while adults are digging and working. Birds are flying, following the tone of the air.

"Good morning, uncle," Yerre greets Sir Aloit as she scratches her eyes with her hands, then blinks three times to clear her vision.

After it, Yerre then went beside the table to sit and watch Sir Aloit cooking some food for their breakfast.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Sir Aloit responds.

"En," Yerre reply within her sleepy voice as she felt a strand of straw bag tagging under her feet. She looked down, then saw a bunch of fruits and foods under the table. 

She went close to where the large-size straw bags, then stood out from the chair and Scooch down to see the unimpeded view of the fruit. 

"What's this for, uncle?" Yerre asks, curious.

"Ahh, those are from the villagers," Sir Aloit answer with a gentle smile.

"Oh, why so many?" Yerre asks.

"Because they know we will head back home after some hour," Sir Aloit answer.

"Ahh, yes. I almost forgot about that," Yerre answer, nodding, sitting back to the chair in front of the table, then went back on looking at Sir Aloit works.

To be continued.

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