"But that's because you ask me too," Yerre complains as he a bitter smile to Sir Aloit.

"Aigooo, I only say you taste it, not drink it," Sir Aloit responds inside his laugh.

"Why so sour," Yerre complains, with a distorted face, making Sir Aloit laugh more.

After fifteen minutes, the dishes that Sir Aloit prepared already ready to eat.

"Uncle, let me help you set the plates and table," Yerre suggested as Sir Aloit then nod, and she went on helping Sir Aloit for their breakfast.

While they're busy arranging things for their breakfast, someone knocks on their entrance door, disturbing the calm atmosphere.


"Uncle, I will take it from here," Yerre mentions as she gives out a gentle smile before heading towards the entrance door to see and meet the person who knocks on their door.


The door got knocks again three times, which made Yerre walk fast to open the wooden doorknob in haste.

"Good morning, Vendia. Did you sleep well?" Elaine greets her with a gentle smile.

"E-elaine," Yerre responds with a surprised expression.

"Ey? Why are you surprised? Don't tell me you forgot about me teaching you how to make our Kakanins today," Elaine mentions.

"No, I didn't," Yerre reacts in haste, but Elaine didn't believe it.

"Aiyo, you don't have to reply," Elaine responds with the same smile.

"Vendia, is Elaine already arrived?" Sir Aloit asks, striding to the entrance door of their house.

"Yes, uncle," Yerre responds, as Sir Aloit is now beside her, wearing a wistful smile.

"Oh, come, let's have breakfast," Sir Aloit mentions, inviting Elaine inside their house.

"There's no need. I already eat breakfast back home. You two can eat breakfast for a while. I'd be waiting for you two to finish eating inside the living room," Elaine responded.

"Oh, okay," Sir Aloit reply as Elaine then went inside their living room while they go back inside the kitchen to eat their breakfast, and they eat their breakfast for thirty minutes.

After thirty minutes passed, Yerre cleans the things they use and put the utensils back in their places while Sir Aloit made his way out to the kitchen to go to the living room.

"Elaine?" Sir Aloit calls out for her as he saw Elaine sitting at the wood couch that he made before, striding inside the living room while carrying a bottle of fresh orange juice that he made earlier before Yerre wakes up with a three-wood cup.

He went close to Elaine's side, put the wood cup on the table, then pour her some fresh orange juice inside the wood cup he brought.

"Wheres Vendia?" Elaine asks as she picks the wood cup that has orange juice to the table then drinks it.

"She's still inside the kitchen washing the dishes," Sir Aloit answer as he also sat on the opposite couch inside the living room.

"I see,"

"You and your family don't have work at the farm today?" Sir Aloit asks.

"Fred and my two daughters already went to our farm first," Elaine answer.

"Oh, I see,"

"Yes, but after, I'm done teaching Vendia on how to make our traditional kakanin. I will then follow to the farm," Elaine explains.

"Ahh, are you all going to do a whole day farming today?" Sir Aloit asks.

"No, we will only do farming tell lunch. You don't want us to see you two off?" Elaine mentions making Sir Aloit chuckled then smile.

"Right, I almost forgot," Sir Aloit respond.

"Elaine?" Yerre's voice rings inside the living room, making the two-person who is present startled. Then look at where she is standing.

"Vendia, are you done washing dishes?" Elaine stood out from the couch and went to where Yerre standing,

"Yes, I am," Yerre answer with a smile.

"Good. Take a break for three minutes. After then we then can proceed on baking Kakanins," Elaine mentions, making Yerre nod.

"Here, sit beside me," Sir Aloit, patting at his side as Yerre then went to sit beside him while Elaine sat back to her place earlier.

"Do you want some orange juice?" Sir Aloit added, asking Yerre if she wants to drink some refreshments.

"En." Yerre nods as Sir Aloit then picks the empty cup to the table and pours orange juice inside.

"Is this a natural orange juice?" Yerre asks in surprise.

"You guessed it right," Elaine answer with an empress smile.

"Yes, I use the orange fruits that some villagers give to us," Sir Aloit answer.


"Drink it," Sir Aloit demand as Yerre nod, then went to drink the fresh and organic orange juice.

After Yerre had done drinking it, her eyes then showed delight and satisfaction.

"How was it? Do you like it?" Elaine asks.

"En! I want to drink more, uncle," Yerre lending her wood cup to Sir Aloit with a sweet smile.

"Okay." Sir Aloit pours some orange juice inside her cup once again.

"Thank you, uncle," Yerre thank Sir Aloit.

"Em," Sir Aloit responds while Yerre drinks her juice to her cup.

After three minutes, Elaine and Yerre then went inside the dirty kitchen to start their baking session of kakanin. While Sir Aloit only stays inside the living room, relaxing as he continues drinking some orange juice alone.

Elaine teaches the correct process to Yerre for a while. Then show all the steps on how to make a Kakanin to Yerre for five minutes. Once Elaine has done giving guidance to Yerre.

She then instructed Yerre to do all the things she thought of her while Elaine watches Yerre doing the steps and process one by one.

It takes two minutes for Yerre to repeat the steps of making Kakanins, tell Yerre then get a hold of the correct process. Elaine then leaves her alone to do it herself.

"When you're instructs done preparing them. Put it into the wood pot one by one," Elaine instructed the correct process on how to put the Kakanin she made in a pattern so that it will not break and damage while it's inside the wood pot.

"Okay." Yerre, do what Elaine instructs her to do.

"Be careful while you put it inside. Put the banana leaves first before putting them inside." Elaine mentions.

"Eh?" Yerre responds, panicking, as she wears a pressured and nervous expression.

"Is fine, is fine. Don't be nervous. When I first create my Kakanin, I was disappointed," Elaine mentions, making Yerre look at her with surprise.

"Hm? But why are you disappointed, Elaine?" Yerre asks.

"Well, I am disappointed because I burned the first Kakanin that I made," Elaine explains, which made Yerre look at her in shock.

"Yo-you burned them?" Yerre asks in disbelief.

"Aiyo, I was nervous before, and the outcomes of my works become messy," Elaine answer.

"Oh, so that's why," Yerre responds as she understands why Elaine mentions her first experience with her.

'She wants to make me feel at ease,' Yerre thought-feeling glad.

"Yes, so you should enjoy while you make a Kakanin. Don't be nervous, understand?" Elaine replied with a genuine smile.

"Emn!" Yerre responds with a bright smile as their baking session continues for two hours. 

When two hours have passed, Elaine and Yerre then had done what they are doing. Then go back to the living room carrying the Kakanin that Yerre makes earlier. 

"Come on, don't stare at the food. Eat it already. You are making Vendia nervous by your judging stares," Elaine demand as she saw Sir Aloit only looking at the wood plate that has a Kakanin that Yerre made earlier. 

"Are you not confident of Vendia Kakanins?" Elaine asks with a bitter tone of voice, which made Yerre gaze at her in nervous.

"E-elaine is fine. I understand why uncle has doubt abou-"

"Oh! Good, so how was it?" Elaine asks Sir Aloit, cutting through Yerre's words. She did not listen to Yerre words because Elaine saw Sir Aloit already eat the Kakanin.

Yerre turned her gaze back at Sir Aloit, then saw him with astonishment and shocked expression, making Yerre's heartbeat fast from nervousness.

"U-uncle, h-how was it?" Yerre stutter from asking out her words as she felt nervous.

Sir Aloit gazes at Yerre while his eyes continue showing astonishment.

"Did you make this?" Sir Aloit ask under his mouthful, making Yerre giggled and laugh for three seconds, then relaxed as her hearts are now at ease.

"Yes, I did," Yerre reply with a genuine smile.

"Aiyaaa, tell her already," Elaine demands to Sir Aloit.

Yerre looks at Sir Aloit with a patient eye while Sir Aloit swallowed the Kakanin he eats, then gazes at Yerre with a gentle eye and raised his right thumbs into alike, making Yerre smile wide and felt relief.

"For sure?" Yerre asks in a glad tone of voice.

"Em! Your Kakanin is amazing. You surprise and impress me every time you bake or cook," Sir Aloit honest reply, making Yerre happy and satisfied.


Hello,  how are you all? I hope your all doing fine, eating well and resting well. I hope your all happy and always in good health. 

I am hear to open up with you guys. But first I want to say thank you for your all genuine support and like to my story. I actually couldn't believe that I would earn and have supporters here. I was so surprised and blessed at thesame time.

I honestly, only want to give life about my story and to share things about it to all people. I want my characters to be brought to life and creations. But, I know thats theres still a long road to take before I get to that place.

Because I know, I still lack somethings but I am trying to fixed and improve in a slow manner. I'm only a normal person and not perfect. I'm still learning through life and experiencing things through life.

Again, thank you for your all supports and for liking my story here. I can't thank you all enough. I wish I could chat you all one by one to tell you all how thankful I am to have you all read my story and support me. 

May god bless you all and your all family.

Okay, Lets jump to the second part of my concern. Um, I'm sure that you all notice that I updated my chapters late this days. I want to apologize about that and the reasoned behind all that is...

Actually, this month, I was so gone out of a weather alot because my mother got diagnosed for nuemonia and covid-19 virus stage 2 I was so frustrated and so out of space. I dont know what to do or to think but as an author of the book I still keep going on even how hard to focus and how hard it is to go on. It feels everything is in full darkness for me right now but my book and knowing that you all is waiting for my book to get updated keeps me going and keeps me in the small light. I was so grateful and happy but I am still scared and in mess. Right now, I still am but, I'm still emotional and not in a right state to feel the sun brushes my skin or kiss my day. 

I still feel out of the weather because my mother life is under uncertainty. But, dont worry you all. I'm still hanging and I know I'm not alone suffering and I know god is with me also so, I am still hanging on and trying to convince myself that it will be fine. 

So, thats all. It feels strange to share my life here online but, I can't help it because you are all become apart of it and so does my book. 

I'm not even sure if you guys would read this but Is fine. I hope your all doing good and fine. Please, stay at home, be safe and healthy. Thank you all for your all support again. May god bless you all ???? 

PS: Author Yianu. 

To be continued.

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