"Yes, why are you so surprised you're making me hurt," Sir Aloit pretend to be hurt by Yerre's reaction to his words.

"Aish, don't mind it, uncle, go on," Yerre responds, gaining a laugh at Sir Aloit.

"When I was still at your age. I always dreamed of building my business but because of lack of security and other things. I changed my mind and became a knight," Sir Aloit explains.

"Then you meet my grandfather?" Yerre added, which made Sir Aloit shocked for three seconds, then smiled.

"What should I say about that?" Sir Aloit responds with a bitter smile, and Yerre knows why his smile turned to bitterness. Would you be happy if the person you loved your whole life dies, leaving only the bitter taste of strawberries and regrets of cigarettes?

"I'm sorry," Yerre apologizes as Sir Aloit only nod, making the atmosphere heavy, while Yerre felt like she can't breathe well because of it. 

She quickly finds the root back to their first conversation to lessen the heavy feeling inside the house. 

"So, you mean to say that if you were not a knight today. You will become a businessman?" Yerre speculates as she changes the topic and pursues to change the atmosphere inside the house. 

"Yeah," Sir Aloit answer with a wistful smile, which made Yerre sigh of relief inside her thought.

"That's wonderful too and very easy to do. Your life will be in a safe zone at all times," Yerre mentions.

"Your right, but you know in doing things into this world. Nothing has been easy and not life-threatening. Everything that we choose to do has threat and dangerous results. That is why we need to do things in order and not against the law," Sir Aloit keeps spilling things that grown people can understand.

"Well, I know that already but, yeah. Nothing is easy. All the things we have and we earn. We earn it, and we grow it according to our plans and strategies to live," Yerre mentions. 


"So this means that we will have a hard time. Making things better for Nipa village?" Yerre figured. 

"Yeah, but don't worry. I will put everything in steps and formation," Sir Aloit answer.

After so many twists and turns, Sir Aloit then prepared and put all the things they use in their rightful place at the back of their horses.

While Yerre is sitting at the wood couch that Sir Aloit made a long time ago under the Nara tree beside their house as she fixed her things back inside her camp bag outside.

"Uncle, this is the fourth day of our stay here, right?" Yerre asks while busy putting her things back into her camp bag.

"No, we've been here for five days already," Sir Aloit answer, which made Yere turned in haste as she gazes at him with a stunned and worried expression.

"Fi-five days?" Yerre stutters at her questions.

"Yes, we travel for two days, and we arrived after in noon," Sir Aloit explains as Yerre still looks at him in disbelief.

"So..." Yerre turned her gaze away from Sir Aloit as she hides herself using an angle, so her reaction or expression she's making will be in secrets.

"Hm?" Sir Aloit hummed his response.

'So if we travel today, that means. We will spend two nights camping outside again. No, Alda must have been worried and sick,' Yerre thought as her heartbeat in nervous upon thinking of Alda, anxious and worried expression.

"No, we need to hurry back home, or else Alda will do something crazy again and might hurt herself again," Yerre mumbles to herself in silence as she paces her action, putting her things back inside her camp bag full of anxiety.

"Vendia?" Sir Aloit got concerned upon seeing her talk to herself in silence while looking distressed.

"Oh, yes. I'm fine, uncle," Yerre haste reply.

"What? I didn't ask about how you fee-uh, never mind. A minute ago, did you say something to me? Can you repeat it?" Sir Aloit mentions, making Yerre eyes wide open from nervousness. 

"I-is nothing, uncle is nothing. I only counted the days we spend here, that's all," Yerre answers with a voice full of anxiousness, and Sir Aloit senses her discomfort through her voice, but he lets it go upon seeing the easiness of her smile. 

"Okay," Sir Aloit answer.

"Yes, um, uncle, are we going to have a tiny celebration later, uncle?" Yerre asks. 

"No," Sir Aloit answer, making Yerre surprised. 

"What? Why? Are you sure?" Yerre asks in haste. 

"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, I already have a gift as a remembrance for all people in Nipa village to keep. So we don't need to celebrate anymore," Sir Aloit answer. 

"Right, I almost forgot about that scented pouch you made for them," Yerre mentions.

"Is okay. You want to know how I make those scented pouches?" Sir Aloit asks with a gentle smile. 

"Em! Can I?" Yerre responds in excitement tone of voice.

"Of course," Sir Aloit answer with a genuine smile.

"Yay! I am excited," Yerre exclaimed, making Sir Aloit chuckled as he felt happy upon seeing Yerre excited and full of liveness spirit.

"So do I," Sir Aloit reply with a face that shouts of relief and happiness.

"Uncle, after this, are we going to visit Fred's residence?" Yerre asks.

"No," Sir Aloit quick reply that made Yerre shocked.

"What? Why?"

"He knows already that we are going back home today." Sir Aloit answers her question.

"Oh," Yerre blurts out.

"Yes, we won't be able to enter their house when we go visit them right now nobody's going to welcome and entertain us," Sir Aloit mentions, not looking at Yerre as he went on arranging the things they brought with them inside the large size camp bag.

"Oh, right, they're at their farm," Yerre mentions.

"Yes," Sir Aloit mentions in his answer.

"They won't do an entire day of work on their farm today?" Yerre responds.

"No, but on the contrary, Fred would prepare not to see us off later," Sir Aloit mentions, making Yerre gaze at her in shock.

"What? Why would Fred prepare not to see us traveling back home?" Yerre asks with the same expression.

"Well, that is because of Nipa's people. Seeing someone already part of their life leave is painful because the uncertainty for them to see that person again is futile. Meaning there's no guarantee that the person who leaves their village would come back again alive or dead," Sir Aloit answer.

'Oh, it does felt painful to see the person who becomes part of your life story leave with uncertainty, but...' Yerre unfinished thought.

"It does felt painful to see the person who becomes part of your circle leave with uncertainty to your heart but as long as you have trust and hope towards that person no matter what happened. That person will come back through air or land," Yerre mentions, with an extensive meaning of words, which made Sir Aloit felt dumb and sigh.

"Aiyoyoy, why are you talking like a philosopher again?" Sir Aloit mentions which made Yerre laugh.

"I'm sorry, uncle, I only said those because it fit on a rhythm, jeje," Yerre answer with a laugh.

"Aigo, don't worry, that's normal because you get your philosopher's side from me," Sir Aloit mentions.

"HAHAHAHA," Yerre laugh, but her joy didn't last long upon remembering Alda again. Her face turned anxious again.

"Uncle, let's hurry put things back to where it should be," Yerre suggested in haste.

"Yes, yes, give me your things. I will put it at the back of your horse," Sir Aloit mentions.

"Okay," Yerre answers with two nods again as she stood out from the couch, prepares things in order, then lends it to Sir Aloit to put it at the back of her horse, tying it up to secure everything won't fall when they ride back home later.

After a while, Sir Aloit and Yerre then had done everything they want to pack and keep at the back of their horse. Then went outside to meet other villagers and to go to Jay's residence.

"Aloit, I heard to Fred that you two were going depart today," the elder asks while she carries a straw bag full of vegetables and fruits.

"Uh, yes," Sir Aloit answer while he's under the gigantic Nara tree resting at the bamboo bed with Yerre that the villagers created.

"Later, come by at my house. I have something to give you two, okay?" The elder mentions with a genuine and humble smile.

"Okay, we will," Sir Aloit answer with a smile as the elder then leaves them be to continue walking towards Jay's residence and have a quiet time together.

"I'm going to miss this wondrous place, uncle," Yerre mentions as she keeps wandering her eyes through every place that her eyes landed.

"Yeah, me too. But don't worry, we will visit here again with your parents and Mary too," Sir Aloit mentions.

"Are you sure, uncle?" Yerre asks because she knows that this place is Sir Aloit's secret sanctuary, which means this place is his healing amulet.

"Yes," Sir Aloit answer with an assuring smile, making Yerre smile and let out a cheerful smile to him.

To be continued.

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