"Sister Vendia!" Ying shouts from the distance as she carries a flower headband.

"Ying," Yerre utter.

"Ying!" Yerre stood out from the bed with energy full of excitement as Ying continues pacing to their locations, then stops in front of Yerre with a bright smile.

"Here! I made this for you. I don't have any money yet. So all I can give you for now is my skills in creativity," Ying mentions with a light blush on her face.

"Awe... this is very sweet, thank you, Ying. Don't worry. Your gift is more variable than any other material thing," Yerre responds, making Ying feel happy and relieved.

"Ying! Why you didn't wait for us!" Chen shouts four meters away from where they all standing, also carrying different crafts made of flowers alongside Jay and the other kids.

"Jay?" Yerre utter.

"They also created some things to gift for me?" Yerre asks Ying, who's standing beside her with an angel smile.

"Yes, we all do," Ying answer, making Yerre surprised and felt warm.

'No, one has ever given me a sincere and warm gift before, except Alda,' Yerre thought as the children are already in front of her with an excited expression.

"Sister Vendia, this is for you. We made this earlier after we eat our breakfast. I hope you like it," Chen mentions as she lends her flower headband gift alongside the other kid's gift.

Yerre gazes at all the children for a second with a warm feeling. Before accepting their memorable and irreplaceable gift for her.

"Thank you, I will keep this to me till I wither," Yerre mentions with a smile.

"Em! Thank you for accepting our simple gift, Sister Vendia," Chen mentions, as well as the other kids. 

"Yes, this is Ying's idea," the other kid mentions. 

"Our mother said that we must give you something you haven't received from other people," Jay joined in their conversation with a sparkled eyes.

"Yes, but as we think of what kind of gift we will give to you. We have a hard time because we can't think of any." Chen mentions.

"Yes, we are only a kid, you know." Jay blurt out, which made Yerre chuckled.

"Yes, and so we find help from other people." the other kids delivered.

"Yes, but still their advice speaks the same to our parents," Chen explains.

"Yeah," the other kids agreed.

"But! When we saw Ying playing on the flowers forming something like an object using the flower, that's when we got intrigued, and we try one," Jay mentions.

"Yes, and after that, we then got an idea." 

"Yes, yes, yes," the other kids explain with a pressing face.

"And you all end up with a flower headband," Yerre ended the children's speech through her speculation.

"Yes!" The children sing, which made Sir Aloit laugh at their cute expressions and respond.

"You all are thoughtful. How did you all know that your sister Vendia loves flowers?" Sir Aloit asks with a beatific smile.

"We figured sister Vendia loves flowers because we give her one at the harvest celebration," Chen answer Sir Aloit's question.

"Oh, right? You all have excellent memories, hahaha," Sir Aloit responds while Yerre went close to his left ear and whispers.

"That's because they're still young, uncle," Yerre mentions, making Sir Aloit sigh in intuition.

"Aiyo... I miss being young," Sir Aloit mentions in low volume in which Yerre is the only one who can hear his silent distress.

"Aigo, don't worry, you're not that old yet, right?" Yerre reply as Sir Aloit gaze at her for a second, then heaves a sigh again.

"Well, of course, I am," Sir Aloit answer with a grinned smile, which made Yerre giggled.

"Um, sister Vendia?" The children call out to her as Yerre then turned to look back at the kids who wear innocent eyes and expressions. 

"Oh, sorry. Something caught me up in a moment," Yerre reply with a restrained smile. 

"Is okay, sister Vendia," Jay mentions. 

"Yes, we only want to say goodbye because our parents required us to go home before lunch," Chen responds.

"Oh, then you all must go home now," Yerre replies with a worried expression. 

"Yes, we will," Ying reply with a sweet smile, then walks back home, but Yerre called Ying for a while because she wants to ask about Lay's condition. 


Ying turned around, then look at Yerre with wandering eyes. 

"Ying, we will go first," Chen bid Ying goodbyes.

"Okay," Ying reply as Chen then continues walking away alongside their friends.

"Yes, sister Vendia?" Ying reply while Yerre went over to her then bend down as she wears a sincere smile. 

"I want to ask about Lay's condition because I didn't see him with you today. Is he doing okay?" Yerre asks concern while she landed her two hands on Ying's shoulders. Ying look at her for a second then smiles. 

"Em! He is doing fine, Sister Vendia," Ying answer with an honest smile.

"I see that's good to hear," Yerre responds with a relieved sigh.

"I'm sorry for my elder brother's behavior the other day, Sister Vendia," Ying apologizes as she hangs her head low while looking to the ground.

"Is okay. Ying is my fault as well. I should have asked about your all situation before blustering some words out from you all," Yerre mentions as Ying look at her with the same sorry feeling. Yerre gives out an assuring smile then continues talking.

"Don't worry, the next time I visit the Nipa village. I'll need to figure things first before mentioning things out in my mouth," Yerre promises, as Ying only gazes at her with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry for my elder brother's behavior again, Sister Vendia," Ying apologizes again, making Yerre smile for a second, then embrace her into her arms.

"You do not need to apologize. I am fine, but can you do me one favor, Ying?" Yerre asks as Ying breaks off their hug, then gazes at Yerre again with a wandering eye.

"What is it, sister Vendia?" Ying asks while Sir Aloit stands two meters away from them, only looking and listening.

"Can you give this to Lay?" Yerre showed a green ribbon to Ying. that has a design of petals in cherry blossom which made Ying's eyes sparkled in awe and astonishment.

"So pretty. Why are you giving this to my elder brother, sister Vendia?" Ying asks, full of wonder.

"Do you like the designed of the ribbon?" Yerre asks upon seeing the adorable eyes of Ying a minute ago, admiring the green ribbon she wants to give to Lay.

"Em! Can I have that ribbon instead, sister Vendia?" Ying haste reactions, making Yerre giggled, then give out a grateful smile.

"I can't give this green ribbon to you, but you don't have to worry because I have one for you too," Yerre mentions as she opens her right hand, signaling Sir Aloit to give her something.

Sir Aloit went over to Yerre's side as he searches for something inside his pocket. Then take out a yellow ribbon with salvia flower petals designed. Sir Aloit puts it into Yerre's hand as she then takes it and gives it to Ying.

"This is mine?" Ying asks with a sparkled eyes and a grateful smile, accepting the ribbon that Yerre made for her.

"This flower has meaning," Yerre mentions, which made Ying tilt her head to the right side, feeling curious and uneducated about the salvia flower.

"It does?" Ying asks with the same feeling.

"Yes, this flower petal was from Salvia flower," Yerre answers.

"Salvia?" Ying gaze at her ribbon designed, scanning the details of the petals.

"Yes, this flower represents healing, wisdom, long life, and healthy life," Yerre mentions.

"Oh, like the flower we gift for you, right?" Ying asks.

"Yes, but their meaning is different," Yerre responds with a wistful smile.

"Oh?" Ying gaze at Yerre, full of curiosity.

"The meaning is purity and youthful," Yerre answers, making Ying curious.

"What does purity mean?" Ying asks.

"Purity means cleanliness and freedom," Yerre answer, which made Ying nod.

"Oooh, what about youthful?" Ying mentions.

"Youthful stands for you as a person who is growing into a person whom you want to turn out to be in the future," Yerre answers.

"Oooh, the other meaning of that flower is difficult to understand. I can't quite grab the meaning to it, sister Vendia," Yerre's honest reply.

"Hahaha, it's okay. You don't have to push yourself into something you haven't experienced. When you turn into an adult, you will then understand what I am saying to you," Yerre reply with a gentle smile as Ying nod, then smiled back at her.

"Em, okay," Ying responds with a nod.

"Good," Yerre pat Ying's head.


"When you give this to Lay, tell him that is from you, don't tell him. I made that for him," Yerre mentions, which made Ying look at her in surprise. 

"What? But why you want me to take your credits, Sister Vendia?" Ying asks in concern. 

"Because if you say that gift is from me, he won't accept it or even throw it away," Yerre speaks out of her speculations.

To be continued.

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