"I understand," Ying responds while staring at the green ribbon. That has cherry blossom petals designed in distress. Yerre saw Ying's expression as her heartbeat in sadness, but she didn't show it. Instead, she smiles and gives out a relieved sigh. She held Ying's face with her hands, then make her look straight at her. 

"Do you want to know the meaning behind that petals?" Yerre pointed towards Lay ribbon. 

"This flower has meaning too?" Ying asks as she now backs to her usual self. 

"Yes, do you want to know?" Yerre asks as she keeps forcing the topic to change the emotional atmosphere, and it works.

"Em!" Ying excited reply.

"Okay, but first you have to know the name of that flower," Yerre mentions as Ying only nod and listens to Yerre lecture. 

"This flower is called cherry blossoms," Yerre mentions. 

"Cherry blossoms?" Ying asks.

"Yes," Yerre answer. 

"This flower name almost has the same similarity in Merry Christmas name," Ying mentions making Yerre giggled then sigh.

"Your right," Yerre responds.

"Right? Jejeje," Ying replies with a light laugh as Sir Aloit stride to where the Nara tree and the bamboo bed are. Once he arrives, Sir Aloit then lays down on the bamboo bed under the gigantic Nara tree. Napping as he waits for Yerre and Ying to had done talking.

"This flower represents a time of renewal and optimism," Yerre mentions.

"Oooh, it speaks about my elder brother," Ying mentions, making Yerre surprised.

"You know those two words?" Yerre asks in disbelief.

"No, but the time and renewal seemed familiar," Ying answer.

"Oh, how so?" Yerre asks again.

"My mother and father always talk about that every time we have dinner," Ying answer with a gloomy expression again, making Yerre felt responsible upon seeing Ying's inspirited face.

"Every time my parents say those words to us, my elder brother will react and shout that all they say is useless, and that is too late. I could not understand, but as years pass by, I get to know some of those words my parents always mention," Ying explains. 

"What are the things you understand about those two different words?" Yerre asks. 

"I know it means rebirth and restart," Ying answer, making Yerre nod and wear a forced smile. 

"Your right," Yerre answer. 

"Oh, I am?" Ying asks in astonishment. 

"Yes, I don't know what your family had been through, so all I can do is to give hope and light ahead," Yerre mentions, making Ying look at her full of question again. 

"Sister Vendia, are you reciting a poem?" Ying asks with an innocent eye which made Sir Aloit laugh, then chuckled. 

"I am," Yerre answer, feeling embarrassed by Sir Aloit's laugh. 

She turned to look at Sir Aloit with a frown and pout.

"Hm?" Sir Aloit asks about her expression.

"Hemp!" Yerre replies, sulking, as she turns to look at Ying again with a sentimental feeling.

'This child somehow reminds me of myself back then. So innocent and unaware of the environment,' Yerre thought as a memory from where she is still five years old flash through her like a long-lost friend.

Yerre is hiding inside her room, covering her ears from the heavy noises outside her room as her body shivered and trembled from fear while the never-ending tears skip from her eyes.

"I regret, I married a man like you!" Yerre mother, Eve, mentions from inside their living room arguing with her father. Yerre can hear their fight because her room is close to the living room.

"What did you say!" Yerre father shouts in rage as he slaps her wife, causing Yerre mother to fall to the ground with a loud thud sound, which made Yerre worried then run over to the door in haste as she shouts for her mother within her trembling sobs.


"Don't come out! Stay there! You hear ME?" Yerre's mother instructs with a stiff demand. Yerre backs off from the door upon hearing her mother demand, then sat on her bed as she covered herself with her blanket while she continues crying and hearing her mother's painful scream and her father beating.

I was still innocent back then. I don't know why heavy things, already given to me at such a young age, why I can't have a perfect family before. But as years passed by and my age matured, I then understand why.

There's a part where I envy and curse everything that happened to me. But in the end. I feel blessed and thankful for experiencing it. For through my struggles, I meet Alda and the people who cherished and love me without condition and limitations.

I feel happy, but there's still a part of me who longs and wishes that my mother was still with me, but I know that will never happen again.

"Sister Vendia?" Ying calls out to her with a concerned face, making Yerre blink three times and gaze at her with a sober expression.

"Uh, yes. I'm sorry, what is it?" Yerre asks in pace.

"Ying been calling you for three times now. But you only keep staring at her with a spaced-out expression for five minutes. What are you thinking? Did your memory flash through you again?" Sir Aloit worried as he touches Vendia's shoulders with his hands. Yerre gazes at him then released a warm smile.

"Yes, some of my memories flashback through me earlier. I'm sorry if I make you both worry," Yerre lies to Sir Aloit.

"Are you feeling okay?" Sir Aloit, consulting Yerre again.

"Yes, I'm fine, uncle you, don't have to worry," Yerre answer with a forced smile.

'Ha... I am lying again,' Yerre thought.

"This is the second time that some of your memory flashbacks through you. Are you sure you didn't feel pain or anything?" Sir Aloit, asking for assurance as his voice sound haste and anxious. 

"Yes, uncle. I am fine, and I don't feel any pain. I'm fine. You don't have to worry," Yerre answers with an assured smile. 

"Sir Aloit, is Sister Vendia have an illness?" Ying calls out from Sir Aloit back, concern as Sir Aloit lets go of Vendia shoulder, then turns to look at Ying with a gentle smile. 

"Sister Vendia had an accident, and her memories got faded away, making her not remember some things from her past," Sir Aloit explain to Ying, which made a panic reaction to Ying. 

"Is it true, Sister Vendia?" Ying asks with innocent eyes as Yerre gazes at Ying, then releases out a caring smile.

"Yes, what Sir Aloit says to you is true, but you don't have to worry. Sister Vendia is doing all right now," Yerre mentions with the same smile.

"Are you certain?" Ying asks with the same concerned face. 

"Em! Sister Vendia is certain," Yerre answer with the same smile as well.

"Then can I go home now, Sister Vendia?" Ying mentions playing with her hands, feeling shy, which made Yerre release a light laugh then nod. 

"Yes, you can go home now. I'm sorry for delaying you," Yerre answer with a gentle smile. 

"Is fine, Sister Vendia. Thank you for your thoughtful and wonderful gift to my brother and me. We see you again later," Ying answer as she waves her right hand to bid them goodbye then went back home.

When Ying is already far away, Sir Aloit drags Yerre away from the Nara tree with no warning, making Yerre startled and shocked by his surprising actions. 

"Uncle?" Yerre calls out as they now walk in haste to go someplace Yerre doesn't know. 

"Uncle, where are we going?" Yerre asks, curious and worried. 

"To Fred residence," Sir Aloit mentions, which made Yerre confused. 

"Huh? But why are we going there?" Yerre asks. 

"To ask for physician care. I'm not confident when you say you are okay," Sir Aloit answer. 

"But I am okay. I am telling the truth." Yerre defends her consultation to herself. 

"You are fine, but in my case. Your face showed other signed," Sir Aloit mentions as they continue walking towards Chef Fred's residence while keep talking. 

"But you said Fred is not in their residence right now because they went to harvest and plant some crops today," Yerre mentions, which made Sir Aloit stop from walking, then turned around to face her with an exhausted expression. 

"Ahh... ha, hahaha. I forgot," Sir Aloit mentions as he let go of Yerre left arm, then touches his forehead with his left hand, feeling stupefied.

"Aiyo, uncle, hahaha," Yerre release a light laugh as Sir Aloit also joined at her laughing, and they laugh for three seconds then went back home to prepare some lunch before they ride home later at night. 

"Are you certain that we don't have to put a tiny party for our departure this afternoon, uncle?" Yerre asks for assurance as she sat on the table chair while looking at Sir Aloit, whose chopping some ingredients he will use later for cooking food. Sir Aloit stops what he's doing, then gazes at Yerre. 

"What about you? Do you want to have a farewell party?" Sir Aloit asks Yerre, who has a surprised and excited expression. 

To be continued.

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