"Can I?" Yerre asks. 

"Of course, so what do you want to prepare for them?" Sir Aloit asks with a smile.

"Hmm... I want to bake something for them," Yerre responds with a bright smile. 

"Okay, if you need any help or assistant. I will be here for you," Sir Aloit mentions as Yerre nods, then smile at him. 

"What about drinks?" Sir Aloit added, asking. 

"Drinks?" Yerre asks him back, confused about what Sir Aloit means to his words. 

"Yes, drinks. You don't want your guest to thirst, right?" Sir Aloit mentions helping Yerre by planning a farewell party.

"Oh, right, then I'll leave the rest to you. Uncle," Yerre responds with a sweet smile, making Sir Aloit feel warm. 

"Okay, you can count on me. But you have to focus on your baking, all right?" Sir Aloit reminding Yerre because this is the second time that he will taste and saw Yerre baking some dessert or food. 

"Oh, I can't tell you is a secret," Yerre mentions again. 

"Ey yo, here you go at your words again," Sir Aloit reminded Yerre of her first and previous cooking. 

"Jeje, uncle, can I ask you about how many populations does Nipa village has?" Yerre asks. 

"Why you want to know the size of their populations?" Sir Aloit asks, wondering why Yerre asks such a question to him. 

"I want to know. So that I can control the capacity of the food, I will bake," Yerre answers. 

"Oh, so that's why. But I don't know the number of the Nipa village population. That kind of stuff didn't cross in my mind, and I never ask, so," Sir Aloit answer. 

"I see," Yerre answer. 

"But, later, when Fred got home with his family. I will ask him, and that's where you then bake, okay?" Sir Aloit mentions. 

"Okay," Yerre answer.

"Don't start baking unless I didn't tell you the number of their population, understand?" Sir Aloit mentions as Yerre nods. Then he continues cooking.

"Uncle, what dish are you making today?" Yerre asks.

"I am making a simple dish," Sir Aloit answer.

"You don't have a name of that dish yet, uncle?" Yerre asks.

"No, not yet. How about you name it yourself?" Sir Aloit suggested, which made Yerre's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Are you sure?" Yerre asks, and Sir Aloit nodded.

"Okay, so what kind of dish is that?" Yerre asks, walking over to Sir Aloit's side as she stares at the cauldron.

"… Hmmm, did you put some tomato on it, uncle?" Yerre, smelling the aroma and scent of the food that Sir Aloit cooking.

"Yes, you have a good nose for food," Sir Aloit mentions, which did not surprise Yerre because she already know about that, her aunt Fey was the first person who figured her gift on how to identify the dish and ingredients in the food.

"I think I have a gift for identifying every dish and ingredients in the food?" Yerre responds.

"That's what I was thinking, too. Okay, why don't we test it out more,"


"You tell me, all the ingredients that I put into this dish, through smell,"

"Oh, that's interesting," Yerre reply.

"I know, now start," Sir Aloit demand with an impatient tone of voice.

"Okay, but uncle, don't be disappointed if I didn't tell you the right ingredients, okay? I'm not an expert to this," Yerre mentions, worried that Sir Aloit might think high about her gift.

"Aiyo, I won't, go ahead," Sir Aloit respond as Yerre then went to smell the dish that Sir Aloit is cooking.

"Hmm..." Yerre thinks the name of the first ingredient she smells.

"What is it? What's the first ingredient you smell?" Sir Aloi asks, curious.

"Potato," Yerre answer, making Sir Aloit eyes light up from astonishment.

"Wow! You're right!" Sir Aloit responds.

"I do?" Yerre smiled, then sigh in relief.

"Yes, aish, trust your instinct. Now into the next one," Sir Aloit commented as Yerre nod then smell back to the dish.

"Carrots and tomato sauce," Yerre mentions as Sir Aloit nods, then she continues, spilling out all the ingredient's names.

"Green peas, red bell pepper, white onion, violet, and chicken broth," Yerre has done reciting all the ingredients as she gazes at Sir Aloit with a pressured smile and nervous feeling.

"You guess it all. Amazing!" Sir Aloit exclaimed, full of amazement by Yerre's gift.

"Are you sure? You're not lying to me, right, uncle?" Yerre asks, still felt uncertain about Sir Aloit's words.

"Of course! I am sure! Why don't you build your restaurant as a business?" Sir Aloit suggested, but Yerre shakes her head as a no. 

"Uncle, I don't have a talent for cooking. That's only my hobby," Yerre responds. 

"Oh, right, a talent and gift are two different worlds," Sir Aloit figured. 


"Aish, okay, okay. What do you want to name about this dish?" Sir Aloit mentions.

"Hmm... how about Afritada?" Yerre answer. 

"That's an illustrious name for a dish. Then we will call this dish Afritada," Sir Aloit accepts Yerre invented named for his dish. 

"Em!" Yerre responds with a bright smile. 

After their fun conversation and guessing game, Sir Aloit then cooks a white rise into the other cauldron while Yerre is sitting back to her chair in front of the table, waiting for Sir Aloit to finish cooking. 

"Uncle, are all the dishes you cook required to partner in white rice?" Yerre asks out of the blue.

"Huh? Why you ask that?" Sir Aloit responds.

"Nothing, I only wonder because we always eat white rice. Every time you cook something. Back home, we don't eat white rice, right?" Yerre answer. 

"Oh, right? Well, that is because my dish is salty. White rice is unnecessary, but that's if you can handle the saltiness and sourness of the food I cook," Sir Aloit reply. 

"Ahh, okay. Now I understand," Yerre responds. 

"Yes, why are you tired of eating white rice already?" Sir Aloit asks, concern. 


'I love eating white rice. Back in our world, eating white rice is ordinary. However, here, I don't think it's frequent. I don't remember white rice got eaten all day here inside the manhwa book,' Yerre thought, thinking through her memory about this manhwa that she got stuck in.

"That's good then. Bear with me because when I cook things. I always partner it with white rice. I adopt this through them, the Nipa people," Sir Aloit mentions.

'I see, so that's why,' Yerre thought. 

"I bet this village and this land also not mention inside the manhwa," Yerre utter in silence. 

"Is fine, uncle, I can get used to it," Yerre answers with a smile. 

"That's a relief then," 


After fifteen minutes passed, Sir Aloit had done cooking, and they eat lunch for thirty minutes. When thirty minutes had passed, Yerre then helps Sir Aloit to clean and wash the things they use. 

Once they do cleaning and washing, Sir Aloit then helps Yerre to prepare the needed materials, ingredients, and other necessary equipment that she will use for her baking.

Yerre baked with a large tier of food because she does not want to wait for Chef Fred to arrive from their farm. Cause the time is running, if she hangs around not baking. Their farewell party celebration will not happen. The time will run out.

"Are you sure you don't need to know the village population?" Sir Aloit asks Yerre for certainty. 

"Yes, time is limited, not unlimited," Yerre answer.

"Okay, I will be outside preparing some things." 

"Are you going to do some designs outside?" Yerre asks. 

"Yes, you're clever as always." Sir Aloit compliment Yerre correct guess.

"I am always clever," Yerre responds with a grinned smile. 

"Yeah, yeah, okay. I better get designed," Sir Aloit mentions as he runs outside the kitchen to design outside.

Yerre baked her mother's Eve specialties, and that is the carrot cake and union bread, while Sir Aloit creates a fruit salad and mint water for their refreshments. 

Yerre baked for three hours while Sir Aloit prepared the things outside their residence. Like setting the table, chair, and other stuff that gives out a simple design for their tiny farewell party celebration later. 

Meanwhile, Sir Aloit is busy setting up things outside until four-person arrived, making him sigh in relief. 

"Oh, are you all already done cultivating at your farm?" Sir Aloit ask Chef Fred. 

"Yes, what are you doing? Why are you so busy?" Chef Fred asks while his two daughters and wife sat at the chair that Sir Aloit set up outside alongside the long and wide table.

"Ahh, Vendia wants to have a mini farewell party celebration for you all," Sir Aloit explains. 

"Oh, she does?" Elaine asks, standing out from her chair then went over to her husband's side. 


"Where is she right now?" Chef Fred asks. 

"She's inside the house doing some baking," Sir Aloit answer. 

"I see," Chef Fred replies. 

To be continued.

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