"Em," Yerre responds. 

"Okay, give me those things you carry. You panic a lot this day is not good for you," Sir Aloit nag at her while he takes the plates and other things that they wash from the pond a minute ago from Yerre.

"I'm sorry, I could not help it, uncle is the way, I am," Yerre apologizes with a low spirit of voice, which made Sir Aloit feel bad upon nagging at her. He fixed his gaze at her in haste, then pat her head with his free hand, rearranging the form of her hair. 

"Aigo, I didn't mean to be mean about my words. You don't have to apologize. What I want to say is. You should take care of yourself first before you took care of someone else, understand?" Sir Aloit explains, making Yerre gaze at him with a thankful smile. 

"I will thank you for worrying about me, uncle," Yerre respond. 

"Aiyo, how could I not worry about you?" Sir Aloit responds with an exaggerated tone of voice. 

"Right, Jajaja, thank you... uncle," Yerre replies with a light laugh, feeling warm by Sir Aloit's words. 

"You are always welcome," Sir Aloit reply with a wink and sincere smile.

After their conversation, the two of them then went back to their tent and cleaned up all the things back to their places, tying them to the back of their horses one by one.

Yerre, take care of all the utensils that they use, putting them one by one in the bag made for them. After that, she then took care of her things back to her horse, tying and securing them just like, how Sir Aloit secured his belongings at the back of his horse.

When Yerre's has done things for her to secure and clean, Yerre then went to help Sir Aloit by setting the tent back to its unassembled form and put it to the back of the horse. 

"Wear your cloak and hop into your horse after," Sir Aloit demands upon seeing that Yerre's still has not worn her cloak. Yerre nod, then went to follow Sir Aloit demand and leap up to her horse.

Yerre settles herself in a correct and comfortable position before she turns to look at her right side, only to see Sir Aloit already sitting at his horse and ready to ride away. Sir Aloit gives out a genuine smile then asks.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Em," Yerre responds with a bright eye, then nods.

"Do you have your tumbler tied at your waist already?" Sir Aloit ask. 

"Mn," Yerre brief reply.

"Okay, let's go, he! Yah!" Sir Aloit exclaimed as Yerre then hold tight to her horse's leash, and they both slap their horse's butt with their right foot.

Yerre and Sir Aloit then ride away with their horse at a higher speed, meeting all the icy wind with no fears, making all the fog fade away and brushed through their long hair like invincible cloth silk.

The two of them ride like there's no tomorrow, ignoring all the fantastic and mesmerizing view through every place they passed through. It's like two of them only care about getting back home as fast as they can without delay.

The sun starts to set in the east, and the clouds form into sizes that can be recognized and unrecognized. Sir Aloit, alongside Yerre, arrived at the first kingdom.   

The kingdom of Handra, which is rich in rulers and diamonds. But the two of them didn't stop.

Sir Aloit and Yerre keep running with their horse at high speed and continue riding back home, joining the rhythm of their horse's breath as it runs with their command. 

Because Sir Aloit and Yerre were only concerned with arriving at the Astrod land after the sun had set, the beauty of Handra was all blur and unappealing to their eyes.

After five hours of riding at high speed, Sir Aloit glanced at Yerre and saw her tired expression. 

'Vendia?' Sir Aloit got worried and shouted his words at her as he made his horse get close to Yerre's side. 

Yerre shakes her head no, then replies with a heavy voice. 


"What do you mean, no? Let's take a break for a minute. Your voice is getting heavy. You need water to stay in balance with your horse," Sir Aloit explains, but Yerre still insisted on Sir Aloit's words, which made him furrow his brows in annoyance. 

"Let's stop when we arrive at the Kowshu kingdom," Sir Aloit added, but Yerre still shakes her head no. 

"There's no need for us to stop, uncle. We should keep going, don't worry. I have my water tumbler on my waist. Yerre answers, making Sir Aloit gaze at her for three seconds, thinking about his reply, then nodding.

Kowshu is a prosperous kingdom for crafting using stone, glass, metal, and silk. They also have minerals and practice medicines. The Kowshu people only know how to heal and innovate. In war and chaos, their kingdom will only turn to dust. 

The ability for them to compete and have a war with other kingdoms is low. But, no one can lay their hand on the Kowshu empire and ruin their kingdom because this kingdom was the only one that practiced medicine and had doctoral degrees, which all other prosperous empires didn't have.

All the healers were born, raised, and educated in the Kowshu kingdom before their voyage, then applied to the other empires as private and wandering physicians.

Sir Aloit and Yerre kept going and riding away at high speed till they arrived at the third kingdom, named Alfendra, the kingdom that practices sorcery and magic. Alfendra's kingdom not only relies on its power but also relies on strength and leadership. This kingdom wants to determine independence and balance.

Yerre takes a glance at their surroundings for a few seconds after they enter the Alfendra kingdom, then gets curious. 

"Uncle, is this Sir Albert's hometown?" Yerre asks. 

"Yes, this is his birth home," Sir Aloit answered, not looking at Yerre.

"How come you notice it?" Sir Aloit added, asking Yerre.

Yerre's answer: "Oh, I only guess it."

"Uh," Sir Aloit's brief reply.

They continue riding away without stopping and resting. Sir Aloit and Yerre only drink the water tied to their waste. A water tumbler that Sir Aloit made for the two of them to bring at their trip.

Sir Aloit would glance at Yerre from time to time to check if she is fine and doing well, but when she saw her. Yerre only has a determined and persistent expression, which made him curious.

Why is this child so eager to get back home fast and not resting to eat or drink water? Does she miss her parents that much? Or there's something else.

'What could it be?' Sir Aloit ask in his thought.

Sir Aloit can't seem to stop thinking as he continues gazing at Yerre's face with a bothered and concerned expression until he landed on an unsure but also at the pointed reason for her behavior.

'Recently, she said to me she remembered some of her memories three times. Could it be? No, it can't be, but her expression differs from someone who's missing their loved one. Instead, it shows that she is desperate and eager to see someone,' Sir Aloit thought, his heartbeat faster from worries and anxiousness while his eyes show discomfort and fear as he keeps looking at Vendia face while riding his horse at high speed.

"What memories does she remember? Is it about the Prince and her? Is she, is she? No, it can't be. No, she would not want to have ties with the Prince again, right?" Sir Aloit mutter, afraid.

'But what if my hunch is right?' Sir Aloit asks, his thought full of worries and fear.

Yerre felt something, or someone, be looking at her. So she turned to her right side, then spotted Sir Aloit anxious expression. She got surprised. 

"Uncle? What's wrong?" Yerre asks in a raised tone of voice because the wind makes their words disconnected and blurred for their receiver to hear their message well.

"Nothing, I am only worried because you haven't drunk some water from your tumbler," Sir Aloit lying to her. 

"Oh, sorry, I forgot, jeje. Okay, I will drink some now. Don't worry anymore, okay?" Yerre replies with a thankful smile as Sir Aloit only replies with a nod, then faces back the front to focus his attention on the route they take to get back home, but his heart still anxious and worried. 

'Let's ask her when we arrived back home. Let's wait, let's wait until we get back home,' Sir Aloit convinces himself to calm and not be distracted for now. Then it works. 

He turned to his right again, then glance at Yerre for three seconds. 

After three seconds, he then turned back to the front. Then focus everything on the place they were heading. 

After crossing to the other lands and kingdom, the Astrod land is now nearer than they thought, but the sun now flickers its lashes and blinks. 

No one noticed until one of them raise their head to the sky and got surprised.

"Is all ready, NOON?" Sir Aloit exclaimed, shocked, making Yerre startled and got back her focus to the surroundings. 

She looks through her surroundings and also looks at the sky. Updating herself to the time, then she also got shocked. 

To be continued.

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