'Mother, Alda, somebody helps me. I don't want to be eaten alive. I don't want to die. Help me, somebody, Alda, mother, god, Lord, please, help,' Yerre pleading inside her mind as she closed her eyes and prayed for someone to hear her prayer for two seconds, but nothing came.

Yerre's hopes and faith got shattered as she bites her lower trembling lip from defeat. She had accepted her faith as she heard the wild animals striding close to where she's standing.

Yerre body stops functioning, her heart stops beating, and her mind stops working upon hearing one wild animal growl louder and run fast to get to where she is standing to bite and eat her.

But it didn't happen because someone fired a gun, which made a loud sound that rings inside the woods, making all the wild animals freeze and run away in cowardice.

"Hey, kid! Why did you steal and fire my gun! DON'T YOU KNOW IS IL-YAH! Where are you going? Stop right there! YAH! I'm still talking! Yah! Come back here!" The tour guide scolded the eighth years old girl who wears casual attire.

"I don't have time for your useless words," the girl mutter with a voice full of rage and anger as she didn't care to listen to the tour guide's words anymore. Then left with no care, catching up to the two adult woman who runs in haste to search for someone while carrying a large flashlight.

Yerre opens her eyes as she huffs from relief, but fear still lingers inside of her, making her foot wobble and tremble from fright as she steps forward, then gets stumbled from the ground, while hot tears skip from her eyes again.

As her sobs turn to mess, she hugs her trembling body, drowning her face to her knees that are now close to her chest, while she keeps bawling from fear as her cries harden, making all animals aware of her presence inside the woods.

"Yer-auntie, she's here! I found her! Yerre," the girl shouts in relief as she runs fast and kneels, hugging tight the startled and shocked kid into her arms.

"Yerre is me," the girl whisper into Yerre's ear, full of relief and gladness.

"A-alda… wahaha…" Yerre cries harder as she hears her best friend's voice and saw her hugging her close to her. Yerre hugs back to her with a trembling and shivering body from fear.

"Ssh…" Alda caresses Yerre's back and kisses her cheeks as she whispers warm and relaxing words to her.

"Yerre!" an adult voice of a woman shout Yerre name in anxiety, but Yerre didn't hear it because her cries are powerful than the person who screams her name in relief.

"Oh, thank god! My baby, I'm so sorry, mother, is here now," Yerre's mother exclaimed in relief as she went over to her child in haste, which made Alda break the hug and move away from her best friend, Yerre. Making her mother, Eve, carry and hug her tight into her arms while she kisses her child's forehead two times.

"Mother…" Yerre mutters as hot tears skip from her left eye, full of sorrow and pain.

"Vendia?" Sir Aloit hears her call, so he went over to her. Then bend only to see that she is crying from her sleep. Sir Aloit gasp upon seeing it, and he got worried. He wakes Yerre up in pace, but when she opens her eyes. She can no longer recall everything that she dreamed of a minute ago.

"You have tears in your eyes. Why are you crying?" Sir Aloit asks in haste, making Yerre buffer for a second. Then touch her face and got surprised.

"Wha," Yerre gazes at Sir Aloit with a surprised face, then turned away in haste as she wipes her face in pace. Sir Aloit didn't take his eyes away from her. Instead, he keeps staring at her with worried and unhappy expressions.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Sir Aloit ask, which made Yerre turn around and look at him, thinking for one second whether she tells him the honest answer or lie to him, then Yerre ended up with a conclusion.

'I should tell him, but without names,' Yerre conclude thought.

"Yes, I had a nightmare," Yerre answers while she hangs her head low, not looking at Sir Aloit.

"May I know what kind of nightmare did you dream about?" Sir Aloit asks as Yerre pause for a while, thinking through her memories with her parents. Then made-up words and scenarios to reply to Sir Aloit.

"I dreamed about my mother and father got stuck inside the mansion, that's on fire, while I'm outside crying mess. Screaming and shouting their names like no one can hear me, It was-" Yerre could not finish her words as Sir Aloit hugs her tight to his arms with no warning, making her startled and surprised.

"Uncle?" she calls, surprised.

"Don't worry, that will never happen. I am with you all. Nothing bad will happen as long as I'm with you all. Okay?" Sir Aloit release an assuring word, making Yerre nod and made a brief reply.


"Is only a nightmare. That won't come true, understand?" Sir Aloit mentions which made Yerre shocked and hug him back as her tears skip out in silence to her eyes.

"Yes, I understand," Yerre reply as she tried to control her voice to not sound like weeping and cracking.

'How I wish that all my dark past was only a dream and a nightmare. That would be perfect and wonderful. Cause all I have to do is wake up, and I will then forget everything. It will as if the wind mixed with dust only passes by me by chance and leave no strand of flicks of dust,' Yerre thought as she cries in silence in Sir Aloit warm embrace.

The night still long, the coldness in the air contributed to Yerre's sorrowful feeling, and the indescribable cries sound of the wind made it match for a miserable heart.

Sir Aloit tucks Yerre back to her bed as he caresses her head to make her sleep at ease, like a five-year-old child who has a nightmare.

'Such a dream will never happen. I won't let it happen,' Sir Aloit swore in his thought as he gritted his teeth in frustration and determination. 

Five hours have passed, and Yerre woke up with Sir Aloit already setting the food to the folded wood table he brings. Yerre blinks her tired eyes two times, scratches them three times, then blinks again to clear her vision. 

"Uncle?" Yerre calls in a whine and sleepy sound voice.

"You sleep well?" Sir Aloit asks with a warm smile as he strives close to where Yerre bed is and sits beside her. 

"Em... are you cooking already?" Yerre asks, still sleepy. 

"No, I already finish cooking," Sir Aloit answer as he pats her head and caresses it two times. 

"Oh, are we going to eat?" Yerre mentions she still has not sobered from her sleep, making Sir Aloit chuckled. 

"Yes, wash your face first, so your sleepiness will fade away," Sir Aloit responds with suggestions, which made Yerre nod.

"I already prepared the water outside the tent. I put it in the tiny basin that I bought from the Nipa village," Sir Aloit added, while Yerre stood out from her bed and Sir Aloit, standing to the ground. 

"Thank you, uncle," Yerre replies with a sleepy voice as she yawns. 

"Your welcome. Wash your face now. So, we can eat, rest for fifteen minutes, then ride back home," Sir Aloit mentions, making Yerre sober, then open her eyes wide in realizations, and stride outside the tent to wash her face in haste.

"Pft, hahahaha," Sir Aloit laugh upon seeing Yerre reaction for three seconds, then sat at the wood chair he brought from the Nipa village and wait for Yerre to come back. So they can eat their breakfast together.

By the time Yerre goes back inside the tent and eats the food that Sir Aloit cooks for breakfast, the moon is already blinking and ready to sleep as the sun takes to rule.

The fogs circulate and rule at the entire place they were in, while the night flower that glows at night now loses its light, and one by one got drift to sleep. Animals who lurk and rules at night were now running away to get inside their home and rest, while some still awake hunting for their food.

Meanwhile, the two-person inside the tent enjoying their time eating breakfast together, talking, and consoling each other. After eating breakfast, Sir Aloit and Yerre then went to the closed pond carrying the plate and other things they use for eating. And they wash it together into the pond.

Sir Aloit was the first one to finish washing his plate. He stood up then look up to the skies.

"What? The sun is almost up?" Sir Aloit asks in disbelief, making Yerre gasp and also look up to the sky in worried.

"It is! Hurry, uncle, let's head back and clean up all the things," Yerre requested in haste as she stood up, then gather all the things they carry into the pond to wash in pace.

"Eyyo, why are you in haste? Don't panic. We will arrive back home today," Sir Aloit assuring Yerre with his words that they will not spend another night camping outside again today and that they will arrive home today with no trace of uncertainty, which made Yerre sigh in relief, then release a convincing smile to Sir Aloit. 

To be continued.

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