Yerre got worried because she spent five days in the Nipa Village, which exceeds the date that she mentions to Alda. 

She didn't count or think of the days she spent at the Nipa village at first because it didn't cross her mind that they will go to a far and beautiful place. Sir Aloit makes her surprised and worried.

She was surprised because she got to a place that seems unrealistic and unimaginable. Also, she got worried for this place is too far away from where they came from and they travel for two days.

Yerre worried they might spend two days outside camping if they travel back home again. Which made her heartbeat full of anxiety because she knows Alda will panic and worried if she exceeds the date she tells her in the letter.

But she still convinces herself not to think about Alda panicking expression and only thought about spending time with Sir Aloit for now, but the nuisance she felt inside her mind and heart won't go away. The thought of Alda won't leave her alone, however, despite it all.

Yerre still enjoyed her days spending with the people that Sir Aloit is fond of, but sometimes, a single thought about her best friend, Alda, won't miss crossing her mind, making her concerned and out of the weather for four seconds.

As the days of the winds are heading, her heart feels at ease while her minds are now in peace, but Yerre is still worried because they will camp outside for two days before they arrive back to Astrod Land again, making her anxious.

She requested to Sir Aloit a no rest travel so they will arrive back home at pace. But, Sir Aloit insisted because he worried Vendia's body might fall into sickness and can't handle the heavy exhaustion it will bring if they travel back home without resting for two days straight.

The night still lingers, helping the wind and wild animals sing out a cheerful song while the moonlight shines with stars. Yerre and Sir Aloit still ride with their horse at a minor pace while they talk with no barriers and interruptions.

"Uncle, if we ride back home without stopping. Do we get back home before two days came?" Yerre asks. 

"Yes, why? Do you want us to do that? No, I won't permit that kind of idea. That is dangerous for you," Sir Aloit answer with an insisted expression. 

But, Yerre still has confidence and eagerness to say that she wants to get back home before two days came because she worried about Alda so much that she wants to cry and beg in front of Sir Aloit.

"It's okay, uncle. I can handle it. We have food as long as we eat food while traveling. It will be all right," Yerre, still pursuing her idea of traveling back home at a fast speed without resting. 

"But, Vendia..." Sir Aloit gazes at her for four seconds, then closes his eyes as he deep sighs and opens them again, with an unchanged feeling of worry.

"Uncle, I will be fine," Yerre persistent words as she releases a forced smile while an invincible sweat formed at the right side of her forehead. 

'Please, please, accept my plead. Please,' Yerre persistent thought and anxious feeling as Sir Aloit looked at her again for three seconds, thinking. 

'Does she miss her parents that much?' Sir Aloit thought, feeling sentimental and soft towards Yerre.

"Uncle?" Yerre calls out to him, making Sir Aloit smile, then nods. Yerre gasp then buffer Sir Aloit answer for a second and releases a bright smile.

"Are you sure, uncle?" Yerre asks in her excited tone of voice.

"Yes, we can ride fast to get back home before two days came." Sir Aloit made his answer clear and understandable.

"Yay!" Yerre cheered upon making her pleas answered and accepted.

"But, under one condition," Sir Aloit mentions, making Yerre turned in haste to look at him with a discourage expression, and he spotted it at the right time before Yerre changes her reaction back to calm.

"Condition?" Yerre ask.

"Pft! HAHAHAHA," Sir Aloit laugh upon seeing Yerre's quick reaction, which made Yerre tilt her head to the side with a clueless face.

'Aiyoh, why your granddaughter is so cute,' Sir Aloit thought, full of sincerity and genuine feeling as he points his words to Vendia's grandfather.

"What are you trying to say, uncle? I can't catch up," Yerre asks with a clueless face.

"We will ride back home in haste, but you have to obey one thing," Sir Aloit answers.

"Okay, what is it?" Yerre wonders as she replies.

"We will stop marching for today and will camp here to rest for five hours. After that, we will then continue riding back home with our horse without stopping," Sir Aloit explained, making Yerre shocked and surprised for two seconds.

"But, that's," Yerre can't blurt out a perfect reply.

"No, buts, Xiane and May told me earlier that you got exhausted upon baking a large portion of onion bread and carrot cake," Sir Aloit mentions, nagging at Yerre's condition.

"But, that's only,"

"If you want us to ride back home without resting, you need to rest for five hours today, understand?" Sir Aloit demand with a plain expression, making Yerre shut up and accept his terms.

'Uncle is right. I might get sick when we arrived back home if I insist on not resting for five hours. I might get sick, and I will end up not seeing Alda after that, which is not good,' Yerre thought.

"Okay, uncle, I understand," Yerre answer accepting Sir Aloit term, which made Sir Aloit sigh in relief in silence, then release a smile to her, making Yerre smile back at him.

"Good, let's stop right here and make a camp," Sir Aloit demand as they stop at the place were full of green sceneries and fresh flowers that glow like a moon.

Yerre and Sir Aloit leap down from their horses, tied them to the close-by tree, then get all their things for making a camp. Sir Aloit does the tent while Yerre waits for him to finish, while she sits at the cut wood tree beside their horses.

Because she is to arrange the thing they will need to sleep, make food, eat and change clothes inside the tent later.

Sir Aloit made the tent for two minutes after he finishes, Yerre, then arrange the things they will need tomorrow.

"You finish things. I will go outside for a while, okay?" Sir Aloit mentions making Yerre turned in haste to him and held his left hand with a scared expression.

"Uncle, don't leave me here alone. Where are you going? What if there's a wild animal, and I get eaten," Yerre mentions with a trembling eye from fear, making Sir Aloit chuckled, then touch back her shaking right hand.

"I won't be far. I will only get some dried wood for cooking later," Sir Aloit answer, assuring her he won't go far, that he will only be near, and that he will be fast.

"Um..." Yerre still won't let go of Sir Aloit's left hand.

"Okay, I won't go anymore. Finish your setting up your bed and go rest, okay?" Sir Aloit decided not to leave and get some firewood anymore because he can't bear to see Vendia's eyes and body trembling from fear.

Yerre sigh in relief as she lets go of Sir Aloit's left hand then smiles at him with a reply.

"Em, I will, uncle,"

Yerre is always afraid of being left alone in the woods, ever since she was little because she had an encounter. With some wild animals before when they have a school camp trip. It happened that Yerre and Alda got enrolled into a different school because of their parent's capability, so Yerre was all alone.

Yerre got lost when they have tours by a group with their teachers and tour guide in the woods. Because of her classmates making fun of her and how fat she is.

She roams around the woods for ten minutes, crying and shouting as her body trembling from fear.

While she keeps screaming her teacher's name, mother, and Alda names but no one answers or replies to her. Only the stiff wind from the night passes through her, giving a suffocating and chilling sensation to your skin.

Yerre stops walking. She bends on the ground-hugging her trembling self while she drowned her face to her knees as her cries harden, but a sickening howl and laugh from not far away made her stop from crying.

She stands up from the ground in haste as her breath got freeze upon hearing the familiar tone of a hunter and carnivore. Yerre wipes away all her tears as she is ready to run away fast from where she's standing.

But before she could run, hungry red eyes flash through her side, making her startled and stop breathing for a second. Yerre's feet got stiff and trembled.

She felt like her feet has glue. She can't move at all. Her mind is already screaming run, but her body won't budge and do the order.

"En..." Yerre can't speak, scream and shout as her body shivered and her lip trembled from fear. The wild animals keep walking step by step, full of caution and territorial written inside their eyes.

To be continued.

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