After having a bit of snack for Yerre stomach, Sir Aloit then demands them to move. 

"We should get going now. Are you ready?" Sir Aloit asks while Yerre turned her head a bit to look at Sir Aloit, and Sir Aloit then saw her still munching the last slice of the bread. That he gives to her, then she replies.

"Mn," Yerre answers, with a puffy face like chipmunks munching the bread inside her mouth.

'Haha, how cute,' Sir Aloit thought as he chuckled, then saw the tiny parts of bread left in her cheeks. 

"Aiyo, what are you, five?" Sir Aloit clicks his tongue and shakes his head in motion three times as he wipes away all the tiny parts that the bread left from her face. 

"Uncle?" Yerre jolted her head away from surprise, making Sir Aloit complain.

"Aish, don't jolt your head away from me. Let me wipe away. All the tiny parts of the bread left in your cheeks," Sir Aloit mentions, making Yerre understand his actions. 

"Oh," Yerre jolted back her head to Sir Aloit and let him wipe away all the tiny parts of the bread that left from her cheeks because she could not see it to herself.

"Thank you, uncle,"

"Aiya, you still have that habit," Sir Aloit mentions, making Yerre confused.


"Aiyo, you still have not changed. You still have your habit from where you're still five years old. Eating bread without care whether you get your face dirty," Sir Aloit explains, making Yerre understand his words a second ago.

"Oh," Yerre replies with a plain face, but inside she felt bothered because the person Sir Aloit describes is not Yerre, is Vendia. Yerre sigh in her thought as her heartfelt annoyance and jealousy towards Vendia for the first time. 

'No, this feeling is not right. I should not think that Vendia is annoying and felt jealous of her. I should not. This body is hers, and she gives it to me. I should not feel like this towards her. What's wrong with me. I don't like feeling like this,' Yerre thought, feeling wrong about herself.

"Wait," Yerre utter in silence as she realizes something. 

'Did Vendia hear my thoughts? Vendia? Vendia, are you there? Can you hear me? Vendia? Vendia, if you can hear me right now,' Yerre asks in her thought-feeling sorry and guilt upon thinking and feeling something she shouldn't have. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way," she utters in silence as she asks inside her thought again for the last time.

'Vendia? Can you hear me? I'm sorry,' Yerre apologizes.

"Mn, let's go back home," Sir Aloit mentions with a sweet smile, making Yere snap out to her thought and feeling. 

"Em!" Yerre replies, smiling and full of confidence as she refrains herself not to think of anything anymore and lets everything flow as it is. 

"Look straight as we ride, don't look around when we get inside the secluded forest. So that you won't get scared, understand?" Sir Aloit advises her before they ride away. 

"Mn, I understand, uncle," Yerre responds as Sir Aloit then nods, and they ride away at high speed, heading in the direction that leads back to Astrod land. 

Sir Aloit and Yerre ride inside the secluded and scary path for three hours. They pass through the gigantic tree that bears forbidden fruit, then saw the exit and entrance gate of Astrod land. 

Yerre sigh in delight upon seeing it while her eyes shine from relief then blurts out a word that shows excitement and impatience. 

"Uncle, we got out at last! Look! Look! There's the entrance inside the Astrod land. We're almost back home!" 

"Mn," Sir Aloit reply as he focuses his attention on the road while they continue riding at high speed, meeting all the fragrance wind that comes from Astrod land in relief. 

'Alda, I'm almost back home,' Yerre thought, excited to meet and hug Alda when she gets back home and meets her.

Fifteen minutes have passed as they ride away from the secluded part that leads through the Astrod land fast, and they now close to entering the gate back home. 

The light of the sun sleeps, and the animals inside the secluded forest are now singing. The stiff wind gets waver and colder. 

Sir Aloit and Yerre now had entered the Astrod gate and continue riding back home while passing through the busy street of the Astrod town.

The different light reigns inside the Astrod towns, making someone feel delighted. The fragrance of cuisine flies out through town, making people feel hungry and aware that supper is coming.

People are still busy selling, offering, and entertaining the people who passed by while checking out the products and goods that they offer to them. But some are already cleaning their stalls to retire back home. Children are still playing while their parents are talking to their neighbors. 

'Astrod town is still cheerful as ever,' Sir Aloit thought as he glances at Vendia back with a wistful smile.

"Vendia?" Sir Aloit call but didn't receive a reply. He slowed the two horses from running, then check Yerre as he tilted his head from the left side and look at her, calling her name again.

"Vendia?" Sir Aloit call then saw that she has fallen asleep. 

"Aigo, look at you," Sir Aloit blurt out, smiling as he leans Vendia head to his chest then secured his left hand to embrace her tight into his arms so she won't fall while his free hand grip into his horse leashed and they ride at slowed pace going back home.

Meanwhile, in the dark alley from the town not far away from them, two people, whose also have horse are staring at Sir Aloit and Yerre with a complex and jealous feeling. 


"Miss?" A young woman calls out an address name to the person she is with at the moment, sitting at the two vigorous horses.

"Let's go back home," the so-called Miss responds with an irritated and firm tone of voice as they smack the butt of their horse, using their right foot, and ride away at high speed.

Back to Sir Aloit and Yerre. They are now close to the Marquis residence. Sir Aloit stops at the front gate, signaling the guards of their arrival.

"Open the gate!" the first knight who saw them first signaled his partner from the other side, who's in charge of opening the gate. His partner received his signaled and hurried to open the gate.

After the gate got open, Sir Aloit then enters and wave at the two-guard knights. Whose standing at the entrance door to help him with the horse and their belongings. The two guards then stride fast to where they are and do Sir Aloit's command.

"Aloit!" A surprised voice of an adult man ring outside the Marquis residence, making Sir Aloit gazes to where the voice came from and saw Sir Sebi from the entrance door with a glad expression written on his face.

Sir Aloit gives out a sweet smile to him as he uses his free hands to gesture a quiet sign. Signaling Sir Sebi not to shout or talk loud or else Yerre will wake up.

[Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,] Sir Sebi mouthed at Sir Aloit as he closes the door behind him. Then strides close to where Yerre and Sir Aloit while Sir Aloit moves Yerre into a comfortable position as he made her sleep in his embrace, carrying her into a bridal style. Then leaps down from his horse without making a loud noise and heavy movement that can cause Yerre to wake up.

"Are they already asleep?" Sir Aloit asks.

"Not yet, the madam and excellency still having their dinner," Sir Sebi reply.

"What about Mary?"

"Oh, Mary's at her chamber at the moment," Sir Sebi replies.

"I see. Could you help the others with our things?" Sir Aloit mentions.

"Don't worry. I got this. You go ahead to Lady Vendia room and tuck her in there," Sir Sebi reply with a gentle smile.

"Thank you, I see you later," Sir Aloit responds with a thankful smile as Sir Sebi only nods to him. Then went to instruct and help the two guards to put their thing into correct order and place.

Sir Aloit stride away from Sir Sebi, enters the mansion as he carries Yerre into his arms full of cautions, while he walks through the stairs one by one to get to Vendia chamber and tuck Yerre in there. So she can sleep and rest well.

Sir Aloit walks through stairs and a hallway where only light from the moon gives clear vision to the passers. He walked for fifteen minutes until he arrived in front of Vendia chamber.

He uses his free hand to twist the doorknob and enter without making a sound as he enters inside. After it, he then went close towards Vendia bed and tucked her into the bed.

"Thank you for accompanying me to the Nipa land, sweet dreams," Sir Aloit mentions, while he sat at the right side of the bed close to her, then kissed her forehead full of gentleness and sincerity.

With no awareness that someone is spying and peeking at the two of them behind the gigantic and thick window curtain. Full of jealousy and possessiveness. Sir Aloit didn't leave yet.

He stared at Vendia's face while caressing her head for three minutes, admiring her peaceful expression while sleeping, feeling relief and happiness upon seeing it.

"Sleep well, my grandchild," Sir Aloit mentions as he gives out a caring smile to her while feeling warm inside.

"When you meet your grandfather in your dream, tell him to visit my dreams sometimes and that I still think of him," Sir Aloit added as he went to kiss Vendia's forehead for the last time, then stood out from the bed.

"How come the glass door on your terrace is open?" Sir Aloit asks with a frown expression as he saw Vendia terrace glass door is wide open, causing the icy wind to enter her room. Sir Aloit went close to the terrace glass door, close it, then left the room after, with no feeling of suspicions and danger.

To be continued.

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