After Sir Aloit left the room, the person who wears a black cloak came out from the curtain, then went over to Vendia's bed, sitting at the left side with a relieved smile and gentle eyes.

"Yerre... is Alda, welcome back home," Alda mentions as she leans down her head, kissed Yerre's right cheek, full of gentleness and love, then smiled. She took off her cloak, put it at the desk beside the bed, and lay down with Yerre hugging her to her arms.

Yerre whine and frown as she felt someone hugging her at her back.

"Erm!…" Yerre's brows met each other as she frowns and whines, but when Alda kissed her nose. She then got relaxed with no feeling of disturbance.

"Pft! Haha, you still haven't changed. You still frown and whine when you felt someone hugging you when you sleep, but you won't open your eyes to see whose embracing you. Aiyo, what did he make you do that made you so exhausted, hm? Yerre?" Alda turns Yerre body to face her without waking her up, then stares at her face, while her heartbeat from admirations and love she felt towards Yerre.

"Yerre-ah, I miss you so much. You have no clue how worried I am. When I heard you still have not arrived back home with your knight," Alda mentions as she continues talking like there's no tomorrow while hugging, Yerre waits and staring at her face.

'Aiyo, Vendia's face is not as pretty as yours, Yerre. I love your face and body figure more than Vendia is fluffy, cute, and soft to touch. But, I know I need to get used to your new body from now on,' Alda thought, sighing in distress.

"But, I could not help it everything about you now feels new and surreal. Back then, I used to stare at your cute and fluffy face when you sleep beside me all the time. And I sometimes pinch your cheeks when you sleep, but now,"

'I could not do it anymore because Vendia's cheeks are not fluffy as yours, haiyooo, jeje. I can't believe you become a Villaine, and I am heroine, is crazy, but I like it,' Alda thought, smiling as she gets a peek kiss to Vendia lips, then felt like something is off.

"Yerre, why do I feel like I am cheating on you? I know you're inside Vendia's body, but I can't help but feel like I am cheating. Yerre?" Alda mentions as she leans close to Vendia's right ear and whispers Yerre's name in a gentle tone of voice, but only got a whine and frown reply to Yerre, who's still sleeping with no sign of waking up soon.

"Erm..." Yerre uses her hands and pushes Alda away from her to feel uncomfortable while she sleeps.

"Aiya, don't push me away. You have made me wait for six days. My embrace is your punishment. I will hug you till you wake up," Alda mentions with a possessive tone of voice. She grabbed Vendia's waist, then hug Yerre back into her arms. But Yerre pushes her away again. With eyes still close and sleeping.

"Haaa, Yerre, don't push me away," Alda mentions using her soothing and warm tone of voice as she embraces Yerre back to her arms again, then kisses her forehead, which made Yerre release a soft sigh and relaxed into her arms. Yerre snuggled her face to Alda's chest, then sleep in peace.

"Pft, jejeje, how cute. Yerre, don't you know you almost made me lose control of my situation again today?" Alda keeps talking and sharing her day with the sleeping Yerre with no sign of stopping as she recalls what happened to her earlier, before Yerre and Sir Aloit arrived back at the Marquis residence.

Earlier, Alda went to Cathlen parent's office to ask permission because she wants to distract her mind from thinking vague scenarios about Yerre being in danger.

"It's been too long since I explore and have fun. I want to explore the town again, mother, father, without being tailed by many guards," Alda mentions, making Cathlen parents felt sad by her last words. Cathlen parents think to her request for a second, then nod, permitting her to go out to the town.

"Okay, you can go, but you better be home after the sunset, understand?" Duke Thranduil mentions.

"Don't worry, father, mother. I promise I will be home before sunset," Alda responds as she gives out a smile to Cathlen parents.

"Okay, you can go inform Angela now. Have fun in the town, but be careful, also," Duchess Aerwen mentions as Alda only nods then gets out from the office.

Alda then strides to the servant quarter for three seconds, searching for Angela. When she found Angela, they then walk back towards Cathlen chamber. To change into casual and comfortable attire before they go out and have fun in the town.

Meanwhile, Alda has already done changing into the clothes she wants to wear, and they then stride out to the Duke residence. Get their respective horse to the barn and ride away in peace.

They ride through the path, going to the town for fifteen minutes until they arrived. Angela and Alda then meet the busy street of Astrod town. Many people are selling and buying while some children are running around playing with the other children.

Alda scouts her eyes through every corner and every detail of the town, and she got mesmerized by how neat it was. For Alda, this is the first time she saw Astrod town without distractions and thought of missions.

Alda and Angela ride deeper inside the town until Alda leaps down to her horse.

"Angela, let's stop riding our horse for now and look at what these people are selling," Alda demand as she got an interest to buy something for Yerre. Angela looks at her, then nodded.

They both leap down from their horses, hold their horse leash, then stride through the street and look through every product that the people are selling.

Alda and Angela look through every stall for five minutes until Alda caught a glimpse into a stall that sells different hairpins.

"Angela, let's go over there." Alda pointed to the right side of the street onto the stall that sells the thing that caught her eyes. Angela looks to where Alda pointing, then replies.

"Okay, Miss,"

Angela responded, and they then stride over to where the stall Alda wants to check out.

"Young lady, what kind of design and color are you searching for?" The woman who owns the stall asks, entertaining them with questions, while Alda keeps her eyes busy searching for a perfect hairpin for Yerre to wear.

"Miss? Did you find what you want?" Angela asks.

"Yes, this one," Alda respond, showing a color gold and red hairpin that has a craft designed of Pheonix and a flower that formed like salvia. The design is simple but full of meaning.

"Oh, you pick the meaningful one, young lady," the woman exaggerates reply.

"This hairpin I choose has meaning?" Alda asks, surprised as the woman takes the hairpin to her hand to put it inside the brown paper covering from the dusk that circulates the street.

"Yes, this hairpin means death, rebirth, and innocence," the woman explains while she gives the hairpin to Alda. Which already inside a brown paper.

'Oh, the meaning gives out this hairpin describes the two of us,' Alda thought.

"Strange," Alda blurts out with a bothering feeling. She stared at the brown paper that has a hairpin inside for three seconds, then at a woman who sells it.

"Did you craft this yourself?" Alda asks with a suspicious feeling.

"I did," the woman answered with a humble smile while Alda scanned the woman up and down as she senses a strange aura lingering around her.

'Wait.' Alda gasp in her thought as she looks at the woman who sells the hairpin upon remembering something.

"Are you okay, Miss?" Angela asks upon seeing Alda's discomfort and displeased expression.

"You, where are you come from," Alda ask with a firm tone of voice as she showed a plain expression to her while she ignores Angela's concern. The woman smiled at her, then reply.

"I was born and raise her young miss," the woman reply but Alda still felt unease and discomfort.

"Is that so, here keep the change." Alda lends the payment to her then leaves in haste with Angela and their horse, which made the woman buffer by her reactions.

"What a strange, young lady. I bet she's having a bad day," the woman utter as she watches Alda and Angela walk away from her stall.

"Angela here, take it. Is for you," Alda give the brown paper to Angela, which has a hairpin.

"For me?" Angela takes the hairpin with a surprised expression.

"Yes, I told you I'm going to treat you out once I get well. Don't you remember?" Alda reminded Angela about what they talk before.

"Oh, right? I remember," Angela respond with a nod.

"That one is a thank you gift for taking care of me," Alda mentions.

"Thank you, Miss. I will treasure this with all my life," Angela replied with a slight blush on her cheeks as she felt touch by Alda sincere thank you gift for her. 

"Your welcome," Alda responds, then focuses her attention on the street with a plain expression. 

'Though that gift is not for you, Is for Yerre, but that woman gives me a strange vibe. I suspect that she's the fortune teller from Voldroned land, but then she answers with no signs of hesitations and a trace of a lie. But I need to be cautious. I can't afford to put Yerre life in danger,' Alda thought, still felt doubtful towards the woman who sells the hairpin.

"So, do you want to have Angela? Tell me, and I will buy it for you," Alda mentions, making Angela blink three times from surprise. 

To be continued.

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