"Why are you still surprised?" Alda added. 

"No, I... this hairpin is enough, Miss," Angela responds with a smile. 

"Are you sure?" Alda asks. 

"Yes, I'm sure," Angela answer, full of honesty and sincerity. 

"Okay, let's explore more," Alda suggested, and Angela nod.

Alda and Angela explore the town, going through different stalls that sell many kinds of stuff and goods. 

'I won't buy anything for Yerre for now. I will make my gift for her birthday instead. Buying things outside is dangerous. I need to dispatch the fortune teller before I could buy things for her without worrying,' Alda thought, thinking through her decisions and plans. 

"But, what should I make for her? I don't know how to cook and, urgh," Alda utters in silence, feeling distressed.

The sun almost set, and the people on the street are now busier than ever. Some are walking back home, while others remain in their place to sell, buy and search for something or enjoy the view of the town. 

"Miss, do you want to eat something?" Angela asks as they pass by to the stalls where different delicacies from Astrod land have catered. 

"Oh, yes. Can you recommend something delicious for me to eat, Angela?" Alda respond. 

"Of course, follow me, Miss. I will take you to where Mia and I always went to eat when we go out to the town," Angela replied, but before they can move and go to the place that Angela where talking about, Alda saw a familiar face and figure, whose riding a horse that heading to their direction.

'Yerre? They arrived back home!' Alda thought, surprised and happy, but her happiness didn't last long as she saw Yerre being embrace by someone else. Her heartthrob from jealousy. 

"Miss?" Angela gaze at Alda then saw her frown and jealous expression. 

"Miss?" She called her again, but Alda could not hear her because her jealous feelings already take over her. Angela got worried, then decided to look at where her eyes headed and saw Yerre with Sir Aloit riding one horse while the other horse followed at them. 

"Isn't that Lady Vendia and Sir Aloit? Why is he holding her so close?" Angela pauses her words as she gasps, then continues. 

"Are they a thing?" Angela blurts out with surprise, which made Alda blood boil from jealousy. 

Alda turns around in anger, walks away with her horse, then enters the place she first spotted to hide and to continue spying at the two people who embrace each other while riding one horse.

'Why am I so jealous upon seeing Yerre being embrace by a guy? I mean, I know that guy is Vendia uncle, but, but,' Alda pauses her thought as she grits her teeth inside, full of irritation and jealousy.

"That's Yerre! Urgh! I know Yerre already explain to me that he's gay but," Alda walks fast as she talks to her jealous self.

"Miss! Where are you going!" Angela shouts at her, full of worries as she followed her pace to catch up to her, then ended up in the dark alley in the town hiding with their horse. 

"Miss? Why are we here?" Angela asks, scared. 

"Hemp!" Alda scoffs and snorted as she focuses her gaze on the two people who are now further away from where they're hiding. 

"Let's go back home," Alda reply as her voice toned full of force and displeasing. Angela got surprised upon hearing the tone of her voice, she does not know what is going on, but she is worried.

"Are you not feeling well, Miss?" Angela asks, but Alda didn't answer as she forgot that the person who also cares for her is beside her right now, full of worries.

"Let's hurry back home. I have something for you to do," Alda reply not looking at Angela. 

"I... yes, Miss," Angela reply inspirited. 

The two of them then ride away from the town in haste and go back home full of different emotions and feelings. 

When they arrived, the two of them then tied back their horse to the barn, stride back into Lady Cathlen chamber, and sat at the separate couch inside Lady Cathlen guest room. 

"What is it you want me to do, Miss?" Angela asks. 

"Can you deliver a letter to Mia today?" Alda asks with a firm tone of voice. The emotions and feeling she feels earlier still has not unsubsidized, making Angela feel like something is wrong. 

"I can, Miss," Angela answer, not adding any unrelated words because she thinks that if her Miss does not want to tell me about what is going on, then I must respect it. 

"Good, deliver the letter to her with no delay and come back with her reply, understand?" Alda reply with an impatient expression. 

"Wait, here I will write the letter in pace," Alda mentions as she stood out from the couch then went back inside Lady Cathlen room to get a white paper, white paper envelope, and pin to write and sealed the letter while Angela stays put at her position, not moving an inch.

After seven-minute Alda then comes back inside the guest room with an already sealed paperwhite enveloped. Then hand it over to Angela as she wears a plain expression. 

"Give that to Mia and wait for her reply before you get back home, understand?" Alda mentions. 

"I understand, Miss," Angela answer, full of confidence and determination. 

"Good, go now and be alert. Don't slack off and be distracted," Alda pieces of advice to Angela. 

"I won't, Miss, you can rest assured," Angela answer as he stood out from the couch then goes out of the room to do what Alda task her to do. 

Angela walks down to the stairs in haste, then meets the head butler to ask permission for her to go out for a bit while hiding the letter Alda made inside her cloth pocket. 

"Okay, be back after the master's dinner is serve," the head butler permit her to leave for one hour. 

"I will, thank you," Angela replies with a gentle smile as she then walks out from the mansion and meets her horse again inside the barn. 

"Let's go for another trip, I'm sorry to disturb your sleep, but the Miss has a mission for us to complete," Angela mentions to her horse, who only listens to her. 

Angela releases her horse from her cage then rides her away to the Duke residence to go to Marquis's residence. 

She rides her horse in haste as she tried to catch up to the time that keeps moving and ticking. Angela arrived in front of the Marquis gate and saw three guards in the entrance gate. 

She went close to the gate, and the guard asks for her reason to visit the Marquis residence, then she mentions Mia's name, which made the guards understand with no seconds. 

"Okay, wait a minute, we will pass your name to miss Mia," The guard responds. 

"Huh? Why not let me in like before?" Angela asks, confused. 

"The visitation hours in the Marquis residence already finished," the guard answer. 

"Oh, so your curfew here is early?" Angela entertains them with questions while one guard left to let Mia know that she is here.

"Yes," the other guard answer. 

"I see," Angela respond. 

Is not long when Angela heard Mia's voice seven meters away. 

"Ange! Why are you here?" Mia asks as she went closer to the entrance gate, then went outside to hug Angela with a smile. 

"Here, read it in silence," Angela mentions as gave the white paper enveloped to Mia.

"Okay," Mia responds as she went to open the white envelope then reads what's inside of it. 

Inside the letter, Alda asks if Mia could help Alda sneak inside the Marquis residence to go to Lady Vendia chamber because she wants to talk about something important and urgent to Lady Vendia. 

Mia sigh and gaze at Angela with a smile as she mentions what's inside the letter to Angela. 

"She asks if I could sneak her inside to talk to Lady Vendia about something important and urgent," 

"I see, so? Can you do it?" Angela ask. 

"Of course," Mia answer. 

"That's great then,"

"Mn, tell her to meet me to the back yard of the Marquis residence after dinner," Mia mentions.

'"Okay," Angela answer as Mia nod then they both went their separate way. 

Angela rides back home to the Duke residence while Mia went back inside the Marquis mansion to help the other maids. 

Meanwhile, three people have been hiding under the gigantic tree. In front of Vendia chamber are now planning. To head back to the Astrod kingdom to report to their master. 

"Let's go and inform his highness," Ken mentions as the two remaining people nod then went down from the tree with caution through every surrounding.

After they leave, Ben spotted Angela outside the Marquis residence and got curious. 

"Hey, Ken, that's Lady Cathlen maid, right?" Ben asks, pointing towards the left direction.

Roy and Ken look to where he is looking. Then saw Angela already sitting at her horse and ride away. 

"Yeah, that's Lady Cathlen maid," Roy responds, surprised. 

"Strange why she comes at the Marquis residence?" Ben asks, sensing something wrong. 

Ken continues looking at Angela's figure until it fades away from the darkness with a suspicious feeling. 

"You two, go ahead and inform his highness," Ken mentions, making his two, not related blood brother surprised by his words. 

"What? Why? Where are you going?" Ben ask.

"I'm going to follow, Lady Cathlen maid," Ken speaks his reasoned. 

"Ahh, then let you have the fun yourself. Not a chance," Ben didn't agree to his request. 

"What? What are you saying right now! I am not following her for fun," Sir Ken raise his voice in irritation. 

"Ssh! We're still at the Marquis residence!" Sir Ben shush him in a whisper tone of voice.

To be continued.

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