"Don't worry. I will help you differentiate it, and I will teach you not to be shy towards me, from now on, hm?" Alda mentions, making Yerre look at her with a daring eye, then smile as she replies.


"Okay, let's start with this," Alda mentions as she leans close to Yerre face and kisses her deep again, which earns a moan out from Yerre voice. 

"En, em!" Yerre felt lightheaded because of Alda powerful lust and appeal. She pulled her head away from Alda and moaningly pulled out the feelings she felt all over her body.

"Ah, A-alda, wait, em~"

Yerre moans between her words while feeling a warm and wet sensation under her neck. Alda travels down to her neck, kissing and licking every part of her neck like candy. Yerre's body is shuddering, not from pain or fear, but from receiving the gentle and warm touch of her beloved. A new and surreal sensation had awakened inside of her, which made her curious and want to continue exploring what this sensation was.

"En~ egh, guh, Al-alda, wait-ah!" Yerre moans and whines about Alda's gentle touch and aggressive exploration of her body. Until she feels pain under her neck. She looked down and saw that Alda had bit the left side of her collar bone like a lump of meat. Yerre can't help but hiss and moan in pain while she closes her eyes for a bit and opens them again only to see Alda staring at him with eyes like a lion who wants to eat what is in front of her. 

This made Yerre shudder even more all over her body. She wasn't scared, but she was pleased to see such eyes staring at her as if they wanted to ravish and wreck her entire body.She likes it, but she does not know why. This new sensation that has awakened inside of her is weird and interesting for her. 

Alda chuckled in a dry and heavy tone, which made Yerre shiver down to her spine and feel a tempting heat bursting out from inside her body. She bit her lower lip in an alluring way and pushed her body closer to Alda, which made her girlfriend smirk and feel excited. Alda is delighted, seeing Yerre openly submitting herself to her. It's a blessing and unwavering happiness for Alda.

Yerre's face was all red like she had drunk some alcohol, and her eyes had tiny tears skipping like Alda had bullied her. Her eyes were unfocused, her breath released a misty fog like her insides were boiling hot and her body was filled with sweat from nervousness and pleasure. Alda leans closer to her ear and licks her earlobe, which gains a tempting moan in Yerre's lips. Alda groaned as a result of this. Her voice was deep, like a lion's, waiting to mark his mate. It made Yerre's body feel weak and want to submit more.

"Yerre, I love you," Alda whispered into Yerre's ear in between her unsober and lustful tones, then kissed Yerre's lips again in a fit of hunger.

"Em!" Yerre's moaning under their kisses. She responded back to the kiss, which made Alda chuckle and feel happy. She breaks the kiss, making light of the saliva that slides out of their mouths, so they are messy and sticky. Alda stared at Yerre and couldn't help but feel satisfied. She got Yerre fully under her hand. She is so tempting and beautiful.

She kissed her cheeks, then pulled her head down under Yerre's neck again, licking and kissing it like a rare object, then kissed Yerre to her lips again, while she traveled her hand down into Yerre's right leg, caressing it in a snail motion, making Yerre flinch and break their kiss as she jolted her head up upon feeling a tickled and flavored sensation of pleasure.

"Ah! A-alda, wai-em~ uh~"she begged under her alluring moan, making Alda move her hips in a snake motion, then groaned. She pressed her body against Yerre lower and more sensitive part. Then, once again moved her hips in snake motions, making Yerre feel a new tasty flavor of pleasure. As a result of it, Yerre raises her head after feeling a strange pleasure in her lower part and moans.

"Em~ Al-wha-ah~" Yerre could not utter another word because Alda stole a peck of kisses under her neck.

"You want me to stop Yerre, hm?" she asked under her neck. Her voice is deep and you can trace a lustful tone out of it, which made Yerre tremble and shake her head as a no. Alda chuckled in a dried tone.

As a result of this, Yerre bit her lower lip again while Alda continued caressing her leg, then went on licking her neck while continuing to travel with her hands to Yerre's thigh, then to her butt. She squeezed it like a sponge and bit the side of Yerre neck, which made her moan in a high-pitched tone.

"Ah! A-al-alda, wait!" Yerre exclaimed as she pushed Alda away, then turned her back to her in haste, making Alda surprised and worried.

Yerre got sobered up in her thoughts as she realized the voice she had been using all this time. From the time Alda kisses her deeply, licks her neck like candy, bites her collarbone, touches her legs, caresses them, squeezes her butt and bites her neck, that's when Yerre fully grasps her senses back to herself.

Upon realizing the things she had been doing all this time with Alda. She jolted away and turned her back to Alda because of the embarrassment she felt inside her heart.

"Yerre, did I do something wrong?" Alda asked, panicking. She was surprised and worried that Yerre had broken their heated moment. She just turned around without saying a reason.

"... Erm, you didn't do anything wrong, Alda, um" Yerre couldn't utter the right words as she felt ashamed of herself right now. She covers her face with her hands, then bites her lower lip while her face flushes red from embarrassment. 

"Yerre?" Alda called out to her in her guilty tone of voice, still panicking and worried. She pulled herself closer to Yerre and hugged her waist.

"I'm sorry," Yerre mentions apologizing to Alda for a second, which made Alda confused for a second, then relaxed.

"Yerre-ah, you don't need to apologi-" Alda's words got cut off as she heard Yerre sobbing. She was caught off guard. She didn't know why Yerre cried. This made her panic again and concerned. Yerre's sobs got messy as she felt guilt and Alda's deep sigh of distress. 

'Haiyaaa, Yerre-ah, haiyooo,' Alda thought, feeling a familiar vibe of Yerre reactions. She held Yerre's left shoulder, then turned her around to face her. But once Alda turned her around, Yerre covered her face with her hands in haste while sobbing, making Alda sigh again.

"Yerre-ah, look at me," Alda pleads in her comforting and soft tone of voice as she held Yerre's hands, then moved them away from her face. 

Yerre then closed her eyes tight while tears still flowed out of her eyes like a river, which made Alda sigh in distress again. 

"Yerre-ah..." Alda calls out to her again as she leans her face close to Yerre's and kisses her closed eyes one by one, making Yerre flinch and startled by her surprise actions again. 

"If my cute Yerre won't open her eyes right now. I will kiss her on her lip and do lewd things again," Alda whispered into Yerre's right ear, which made Yerre open her eyes fast and blush, while the stain of the tears could still be seen through her eyelids.

"Alda..." Yerre cries once again while looking at Alda with a guilty expression. 

"Aiyo, why are you so cute, hm?" Alda embraces her close to her and then kisses the top of her head. 

"I'm sorry," Yerre apologizes again. 

"Aiyo, why are you apologizing, hm?" Yerre didn't answer, or should I say, she also did not know why she apologized to Alda. She only felt like she should apologize, but she did not know why. 

"Haiyo, there's nothing to be sorry about, kissing someone you cherish and love for a long time is normal," Alda mentions. 

"But Alda..." Yerre halted her sobs and talked her feelings out one by one. 

"Hm?" Alda responds with a hum as she caresses Yerre hair in slow motion while still embracing her into her arms. 

"Why do I feel like this is wrong?" Yerre mentions this as she stops sobbing and pulls herself out to Alda, who has a shocked and scared expression because of Yerre's words. 

"Alda?" Yerre called out to her in surprise as she saw Alda's expression, but Alda didn't respond. Instead, she smiled and snatched Yerre back into her arms.

"I'm sorry, I won't kiss you and do things like that without your permission again," Alda mentions without knowing that her body trembled for some reason. 

"Alda?" Yerre hugged her back and got worried upon feeling Alda's body tremble. 

Alda hugged Yerre tight while her body trembled more like a cat who's afraid of something, then Yerre realizes something.

'Oh, no, did I? Did Alda misunderstand my words just now? ' Yerre thoughts, concerns, and feelings of unhappiness

"Alda..." she called, but Alda still didn't reply. 

She tried to break into Alda's embrace so she could talk to her face-to-face, but she couldn't because Alda held her tight, and her force was too heavy to break. So, instead of pulling out herself from Alda's embrace, she replies with an assuring word to Alda.

"Alda, I'm sorry. I didn't know that my words could open an old scar in your heart. I apologize, "Yerre continues, explaining. 

"Alda, I only say that I feel like this is wrong because I think we should date first before kissing each other. Similarly to the book we read, "In the book, the couple dates first before they kiss, right? " Yerre mentions that which made Alda blink three times in surprise and laugh hard, while she broke the hug. 

"Pft, hahahahaha, Yerre, you, why are you. Hahahahaha, ahahahahaha I can't, I can't. Ahahahaha, kekeke, hahahahaha, "

Seeing Alda reaction and hearing her laugh again, made Yerre sighs in relief. Yerre let go of a genuine smile as she lowered her head while blushing and feeling embarrassed.

"But is true, right? First, the couple should go on a date before kissing and... "Yerre pauses for a moment, then continues talking as she raises her head and looks straight at Alda. 

"I apologize for making you misunderstand my words. I promise the next time I say my thoughts out loud." Yerre mentions it with an apologetic expression, making Alda smile and feel glad. 

"It's okay. But, you almost made me cry, "Alda mentions while pulling Yerre back into her arms. Yerre hugs her back, then replies. 

"I'm sorry," 

"For a moment there. I thought your going to take back your acceptance to my confession and leave me,"  Alda mentions in her trembling voice, as she holds Yerre tight in her arms while her body shivers in fear again upon thinking about Yerre leaving her and being with someone else.

Yerre heard Alda's trembling voice, then felt her body shiver. She held Alda close to her, then kissed her cheeks, making Alda flinch in surprise as she replied with warmth and comforting words. 

"I'm sorry that I made you think that way, but my words and promises towards you will never change. No matter what happened. I will always be by your side, and I will give back what you have given to me." Yerre responded, which made Alda sigh in relief and relax in her embrace, while Alda's hug loosens up. Yerre pulls away from Alda, then kisses her forehead. 

"I also apologize for coming back home late." Yerre paused talking as she touched Alda's face, then saw Alda blushing and frowning like a five-year-old child. Yerre giggled upon seeing Alda's reaction, then listened to her reply.

"Hump!" Alda grumbled, her cheeks still flushed.

"I'm sorry," Yerre apologized, then giggled again upon seeing Alda's cute reaction. 

"Hemp! Don't you know that I have a fever? I called your name every night because I longed for your warmth, but you weren't their yo-" Alda stopped talking as she saw Yerre had a concerned and anguished expression. 

"Yerre... I, erm, aiya," Alda looks at Yerre, feeling unease upon seeing Yerre's reaction to her words. 

'Aiya, I shouldn't have brought up my fever. Haiya, aiyo, I spoiled Yerre mood,' Alda thought, feeling an idiot. 

"Ye-yerre, you don't have to worry. Yerre's mood was lifted when Alda mentioned it again, but it didn't work because Yerre lowered her head with a guilty expression.

'Haiyoo, what did I do?' Alda hit herself inside her head as she felt upset upon making Yerre sad and worried. 

"Aiyo, Yerre, don't worry, okay? Don't mind my words earlier. I was only teasing you, haha, " Alda hugged Yerre again and patted her back, but Yerre still felt guilty and sad because she could not be there when Alda needed her.

"I'm sorry. I promise I will be here beside you whenever you needed me," she said, but Alda still traces a pang of guilt and a sad tone to her voice. Alda patted her back once again, then replied. 

"Eish! Yerre, do not think about it so much, okay? What's important is that you right now, here beside me, hugging me, understand? " Alda mentions

"Mn, don't worry, from now on. Yerre responded, full of determination and confidence, then hugged Alda back. 

"Haiyo, okay, okay. "Let's stop this emotional conversation," Alda mentions, then Yerre nods. 

Yerre responded, then showed a gentle smile to Alda. 

"Do you have fun when you're away from Astrod land for six days?" Alda asks, curious.

"En, I do. I will tell you about everything that happened to me to where we went for six days tomorrow. But for now, I need to rest, "Yerre mentions as she drowns her head close to Alda's neck, smelling the autumn scent that Alda releases from her body, making herself relaxed and feeling a soft comfort. 

"Mn, I understand. You can tell and explain everything to me tomorrow, but for now, take a rest, and I'll see you again tomorrow night, okay? " Alda responds, then Yerre nods with tired eyes. Yerre yawned after she felt the sleepy feelings starting to rule over her. 

"En," Yerre replied while her eyes started to close in slow motion, then she drifted back to a peaceful sleep. 

"Sweet dreams, my Yerre-ah, "Alda utters in her soft and soothing tone of voice."

To be continued.

Author: Your welcome~ <3

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