Mia sigh in relief inside her thought upon hearing Sir Aloit undoubted reply and relaxed as she asks a question back to Sir Aloit.

"What about you, Sir Aloit?" Mia asks with an innocent eye. 

"Ah-oh, I also came to recheck things before I go back home and rest, but it seems you already do the job for me. Thank you, Mia," Sir Aloit answers, patting Mia's right shoulder as he gives out a gentle smile to her, then let go. 

"Your welcome, Sir Aloit. I will retire back to my chamber now, see you tomorrow Sir Aloit," Mia responds with a smile, then bowed as she then straightens herself and leaves, strolling back to her quarter.  While Sir Aloit only looks at her figure fading away from the dark hallway that's only light reflecting by the moonlight. 

"Haiya, I need to go back home and rest. Aiyo, I can't believe that I feel exhausted from our travel to Nipa villag," Sir Aloit words get cut upon seeing someone unfamiliar standing under the dark side of the hallway. Sir Aloit stands on guard as he holds the head of his sword while standing at Lady Vendia entrance door with a piercing look on his face. 

"Who are you? How did you get inside?" Sir Aloit ask because all the Marquis servants were not only ordinary servants. All the Marquis servant can fight and risk their life like a warrior for their masters. So, Sir Aloit wonder how did this person get inside with no difficulties.

"What did you do to the guards and the other servants who monitor outside?" Sir Aloit added in his firm tone of voice.

"Be at east, Sir Aloit my master lead me here to tell you his message, and I didn't hurt any servants or guards. Our master gives me a passageway to enter inside without causing any disturbance," A deep but soothing tone of man's voice reply. 

"How could I trust your words, you are an intruder, and you said you come here by your master order?" Sir Aloit still does not feel safe towards the man who is hiding under the dark hallway. 

"Yes, if Sir Aloit still doubts that I am not a threat, then I shall show myself to you," the grown man responds, who walks close to the area where the moonlight rules, which made Sir Aloit shocked.

The man who showed up in front of him has a six-point eight of height, with tanned skin, black-long hair tied into a ponytail, black almond shape eyes, long lashes, pink lips, straight thick black eyebrows, square ears, aquiline nose, sturdy body, and firm face. 

Sir Aloit stare at the man for a second, then scanned him with his eyes, observing the man up and down as the man spoke out to him.

"My name is Michael. I am from the Alfendra king, Prince Albert shadow knight, and I am here to deliver a message that he wants you to receive," Sir Michael mentions, making Sir Aloit surprised.


"I'm Prince Albert's right-hand knight," Sir Michael repeat with clarity, which made Sir Aloit sigh then nod, not doubting his presence inside the residence anymore.

"I see," Sir Aloit reply not sensing any danger anymore.

"But before you delivered his message to me. May I ask how did you get inside our residence without facing difficulties and problems?" Sir Aloit asks with a plain face, still want to make sure that this person does come here only to deliver a message and nothing more than that. 

"I came by my master's guidance," Sir Michael answer, not lying. 

"What do you mean by that?" Sir Aloit looks at him with piercing eyes and faces again, feeling insecure for the Marquis, and Sir Michael can understand his expression.

"Sir Aloit, rest assured that my master didn't plan anything other than this. I don't specifically know how my master knows all the Marquis hidden passageway, but I can assure you that I only came here to deliver his message," Sir Michael trying to make the misunderstood atmosphere into an understandable one.

"I'm only a servant, and we only hired to do things, not to know things out of outreach," Sir Michael added as Sir Aloit closes his eyes for a second to relaxed, then look at Sir Michael again with clear eyes and clear vision. 

"I trust your master, for he risks his life for someone he did not know for long, but if tomorrow I figured that change has done around the Marquis residence. I will not hesitate to haunt him down," Sir Aloit responds with a face full of loyalty and solidity.

"I understand," Sir Michael respond with a plain face. 

"Speak his message, then leave in silent," Sir Aloit demands, and Sir Michael nods. 

"Master wish for your presence to his store later at dawn," Sir Michael mentions. 

'What? Dawn? But the dawn is coming!' Sir Aloit thought, exhausted.

"Are you sure is dawn?" Sir Aloit ask for clarifications with the sweat of exhaustion floating to the right side of his head. 

"Emn," Sir Michael reply with a nod. 

"Ugh... but you know. I need to rest for eight hours tonight because I am exhausted from our trip. So how about tomorrow morning at eight instead. Tell your master that we will meet at eight am tomorrow," Sir Aloit suggested, but Sir Michael shake his head two times as a no.

"Master told me he could not see you when the sun already up," Sir Michael reply, making Sir Aloit annoyed.

"Eish! Okay, okay," Sir Aloit responds with an irritated expression. 


"May I ask the reason why he wants to see me later?" Sir Aloit reply. 

"My master did not say the reason. Prince Albert only told me his message for you," Sir Michael answer, and Sir Aloit nod understand what Sir Michael mean by his words. 

"Okay, is that's all?" Sir Aloit ask.

"No," Sir Michael responds. 

"What is it hurry, so I can go back home and rest," Sir Aloit impatient. 

"My master told me that he also wants you to bring Lady Vendia with you later at dawn," Sir Michael deliver his last message. 

"Say what now?... No! I object to his second request. I can't bring Lady Vendia with me later at dawn because she is also exhausted from our trip," Sir Aloit unapproved into Sir Albert's request. 

"Tell your master that I can go, but Lady Vendia can't," Sir Aloit added. 

"Mn, then I will leave now, Sir Aloit. Thank you for listening to my master message for you and for trusting our master," Sir Michael mentions. 

"Mn," Sir Aloit respond with a nod. Sir Michael once again went towards the dark area of the hallway, then disappear like a ghost making Sir Aloit felt goosebumps all over his body. 

"Ayyyya~ why these people use something strange to go out from a place," Sir Aloit mentions as he felt his body shivered from invincible coldness for a second, then relaxed, sighing. 

He gazes at Lady Vendia entrance door for two minutes thinking whether to bring her along with him later or not, then deep sighs with tired eyes as he speaks while strolling away from Lady Vendia chamber.

"Haaa, I already told his knight that I would not bring her over later. So, there's no need for me to be indecisive," Sir Aloit, deep sighing as he continues walking away into Lady Vendia chamber, then went back to his home to rest and sleep. 

Meanwhile, Sir Michael just got out from the Marquis residence and now riding. His horse, back into Sir Albert's art store. He rode his horse back home for four hours at a fast pace and when he arrived.

Sir Michael then went to the backyard of the art store and leap up to the wall, land on rough ground. Sir Aloit gazes up, straightens his posture while facing the back door through the art store, then twists the doorknob that's unlocked and enters inside, striding further to get to the place where he wants to meet his master.

From the time he saw the door that has a symbol of a panther. Sir Michael then stops in front of it, knock, and spoke out his name. 

"Master is me, Michael. I have arrived back," 

"Come in," Sir Albert responds, permitting Sir Michael to get inside. Sir Michael then touches the doorknob opening it, and enters.

"Master," Sir Michael bowed, then kneel in front of him.

"Stand up," Sir Albert demand as he sits at his office chair, looking at Sir Michael, who stood up and straightens his posture. 

"How was it. What did Sir Aloit respond to my request?" Sir Albert ask, standing his hands to his office table and resting his chin to it, making him look like he's observing Sir Michael with a curious eye.

"Sir Aloit accepted your request, Master, but..." Sir Michael pause his words which made Sir Albert feel alarmed. 

"But, what?" Sir Albert ask, impatient as he sat at the correct posture to his chair while waiting for Sir Michael to respond. 

"He said he could not bring Lady Vendia along with him because Lady Vendia is exhausted by their trip," Sir Michael delivered what Sir Aloit want him to say to Sir Albert. 

"Hmm... I see. I understand," Sir Albert respond with a nod. 

"Okay,  you can retire back to your place for now, but later at dawn, inform everyone to be here on time," Sir Albert mentions.

"May I ask the reason behind your words, Master?" Sir Michael responds with a question that made Sir Albert look straight at him with a pressing expression.

"I will be choosing a perfect person to guard Lady Vendia as a knight later at dawn. You and the others are the candidates," Sir Albert answer, making Sir Michael dumbfounded and surprised. 

"B-but, but if you choose one of us to become Miss Vendia knight, then that means we will become a part of the Marquis," Sir Michael responds, worried. 

"Yes, your right," Sir Albert respond. 

"But, master, if that will happen, then, then that means the person whom you choose won't be serving you anymore," Sir Michael mentions in an anxious tone of voice.

"But, master! Don't you understand what will happen if you give one of your men to other people?" Sir Michael speaks out his worries and concerns. 

"Your force will be weakened, and also, what if the Marquis use the person you chose to guard Miss Vendia into planning to destroy you! Master, you must think this throug," 

"Shut up!" Sir Albert shut Sir Michael's mouth by raising his voice while his eyes showed a piercing glare and warning. 

To be continue.

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