Sir Albert lowers his head then looks at the child he saves and raises for years. He can't help but feel worried also but calculating their situation. Sir Albert could not help but feel bitter inside his heart because Sir Albert could not choose a better solution at the moment. 

He could not trust any other people other than his. Even if he has relatives, a father, and brothers, he still could not bring himself to feel at ease seeking help from all of them.

Ordinary families don't have a second thought to seek help from their relatives and kin when desperation takes over them. But in Sir Albert's case is different as years pass by. 

He could not avoid to notices the changes around the people who use to have kindness through their hearts and mission through their lives have now turned solemn and doubtful dreamed.

Back at the Astrod kingdom inside king Phantrel throne room, Sir Albert did not expect him to risk his life and his people, but at the desperate time, seeing Sir Aloit life being taken away with no consideration to a person who waits and loves him makes him lost of options.

All his life, he only wants freedom and peace for all people who become parts of his life. He does not want to see suffering and mourn to all people he chose to trust and treasure.

Before, when his father chooses him to be the next ruler of their kingdom, he was happy and grateful, but when he saw his brother's expression howling of jealousy. All the feelings he felt faded and become a silent dream. 

He has a dream for the Alfendra people to be better than it was already. But upon seeing his brother's reactions, he could not bring himself to pursue his father's throne and his ambition for the Alfendra people. 

He does not want blood. He only wants water. But as years pass by, everything starts to changes. The place they use to put have fun and innocent play have now turned to dull and mature. No one can hear a laugh anymore, and no one can no longer see a sincere smile. 

Everything change and became lost. All there perspective and belief starts to clash into misunderstanding. That's when Sir Albert decided to cut his ties to his family and let go of his privilege as the next king to their kingdom.

He does not want to be in a long tide of darkness with his brothers. He chose to left and live life on his terms. But he does not forget the people he raises and gives a second hope to live.

Sir Albert build an agreement with his father before he left, so his people could still live free and comfortably under his father's care; however,  his people refuse, and his father could not help but formed another agreement with him. 

He can leave and give up his position as a prince, but he still welcomes to come back at any time and redeem his position as such. He won't command his son people. His people will always be his, no matter what happened. 

Even if Sir Albert left and let go of his position. His people will still follow him and listen to his command only. His father is a considerate and always an understanding person. But when it comes to controlling his sons and his kingdom's future his one of the imperfect people.

So even if things are great between them, theirs still uncertainties.

Sir Albert sigh as he thought of Sir Lay's wellness of their situations.

'I'll make sure no harm will come at you and your brothers. But for now, I must put you into Lady Vendia care for a better understanding of our situations if things get clear. I will put things back to their place and bring you back to your brother's side,' Sir Albert swore under his breath as he gritted his teeth inside with an anxious feeling. He sighs in silence, calming his thought as he responds to Sir Lay.

"Rise," Sir Albert mentions with a firm tone of voice, and Sir Lay stood up, fixing his posture and look straight into Sir Albert's eyes, with no fear or hesitation. 

"Starting tomorrow. Your duty will no longer be under my command. It will be under Lady Vendia commands. I ask you one more time, do you accept this privilege in serving the Marquis's only daughter for the rest of your life?" Sir Albert asks within his dominant tone of voice. 

Sir Fen, Sir Ongi, Sir Vin, Sir Clark, and Sir Michael stare at Sir Lay with a concerned face, waiting for him to reply. 

"Yes, my lord. I am willing to risk all my life to protect and serve Lady Vendia until my last breath takes me," Sir Lay responds, vowing to his benefactor and savior. 

"Mn, Sir Aloit?" Sir Albert respond, then turned to look at Sir Aloit. Who looks at them with a concerned face. 

"There's no need for us to rush," Sir Aloit responds as he pauses his words for a while, then looks at all the people inside the room for a second and continues.

"Tomorrow might not be the best to announce and promote him as Lady Vendia knight because I have not explained things to her," Sir Aloit mentions as he continues talking.

"I still need to explain things to her and will inform the Marquis about Sir Lay before I promote and announce him as Lady Vendia knight," Sir Aloit added, making all people inside nod and understand his proposition. 

"I understand," Sir Albert reply. 


After their conversation, Sir Aloit stays at Sir Albert's office for two hours, having tea with his knights to form a comfortable relationship with them, even if it's a short time.

The winds start to formed hymns that can relax anyone who woke up as soon as the sun rises, birds chirping, and roasters are singing, making all people aware of the time for opportunities and striving.

Sir Aloit bid goodbye to Sir Albert knights and him after their long conversation. He goes back to his home, thirteen meters away from the Marquis residence, takes a bath, and prepares himself to meet the Marquis especially, Lady Vendia.

He arrived at the Marquis residence early than the servant has expected, which Sir Sebi surprised. 

"Sir Aloit, you're early. Did you have your breakfast already?" Sir Sebi asks, concern. 

"Yes, I do. Where's Marthen and Rose?" Sir Aloit responds, asking for Lord Marthen and Madam Rose.

"Oh, the madam has not awake yet. But Lord Marthen is already inside his office," Sir Sebi responds. 

"Ahh, okay. Thank you for your response, Sebi. I will go now," Sir Aloit reply patting Sir Sebi's shoulder, then leave him in the hallway alone.

Sir Aloit stride in pace to Lord Marthen office for five minutes, and when he arrived in front of the entrance door, Sir Aloit sigh then knocks four times into the door, making Lord Marthen aware of his arrival.

"Who is it?" Lord Marthen asks, not looking at the door as he read some daily newspaper that has been sent to their home a minute ago. 

"Is Aloit, are you busy?" Sir Aloit respond outside the door. 

"Aloit?" Lord Marthen responds, surprised. He lay the newspaper down to his desk and stare at the door as he responds.

"Come in," 

Sir Aloit smile then twists the doorknob so he can get inside. Once he got inside, he then locks the door so no one can come and disturb him.

"What is it? Why your so early to come here?" Lord Marthen asks as he focuses his eyes on Sir Aloit, who stood in front of his desk with a grin and playful smile.

"Jeje, I miss your food here. So I come early, so I can eat with all of you," Sir Aloit responds. Lord Marthen looks at Sir Aloit for two minutes, scanning his expressions and behavior while his left browse raises as he felt something suspicious. 

"What?" Sir Aloit asks with a voice sound, like his mocking. His smile breaks upon seeing Lord Marthen stare at him while wearing a suspicious expression. 

"What is it. Tell me what is the real reason," Lord Marthen asks within his stern tone of voice while he wears a plain expression. 

Sir Aloit chuckled as he strides towards the couch. He sat while he lay his foot on the table, then for two minutes, Sir Aloit continues smiling like an idiot, and after that, he then showed his attentive expression to Lord Marthen.

"Earlier, Prince Albert send his one people inside the Marquis residence to deliver his message to me," Sir Aloit mentions, making Lord Marthen brows narrows with suspicion. 

"What is his message? How come his people enter here with no difficulties?" Lord Marthen asks, feeling insecure and unease but the feeling he felt got distracted upon hearing Sir Aloit stomach growl. 

Sir Aloit looks at Lord Marthen with an awkward expression and embarrassed expression. 

"...Uh, jejeje," Sir Aloit laugh in awkward.

"Sigh, let's talk further about this matter later," Lord Marthen mentions as he stood out from his chair, then went close to Sir Aloit. 

"Come on, let's go to the dining room and eat breakfast," Lord Marthen added as he walks away, then went out to his office first, and Sir Aloit followed. 

On the other side of the Marquis mansion, someone is strolling to the hallway and stop in front of Madam Rose's chamber. The person knocks, informing Madam Rose inside but didn't receive a reply.

To be continued.

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