On the other side of the Marquis mansion, someone who wears a servant attire is strolling to the hallway and stop in front of Madam Rose's chamber. The person knocks, informing Madam Rose inside but didn't receive a reply.


The person knocks and call out Madam Rose again but still did not receive a reply. 

"Madam? Madam is beky. Lord Marthen and Sir Aloit are already in the dining room waiting for you," Beky called again, but still no response.

"Madam?" She calls again, thinking maybe her Madam only did not hear her clearer for the fourth time, but still no response. 

Beky thoughts start to circulate an intolerable scenario towards Madam Rose while her breath gets fast as her heartfelt anxiety and worry. But she still stops herself from entering with no consent because she is not one of Madam Rose's servants. She is also a part of the servant who only does daily stuff inside the mansion.

"Madam, can I enter your room?" Beky asks but no response. 

'What's going on? Madam always wakes up early than us. Why she could not hear me?' Beky thought become extravagant as she now convinces that something is wrong. 

"Madam, forgive me for intruding with no consent," She mentions in pace as she opened the door in haste but only found a clean and tidy room but no Madam Rose inside. 

"...Sigh," Beky sigh in relief upon seeing nothing had happened, but her heart still wanders where could Madam Rose had gone to, then the thought of Lady Vendia pops into her thoughts.

"...Ahh, the Madam must have gone to Miss Vendia room," Beky utter as she then went out to Madam Rose's chamber and strive to where Lady Vendia chamber for assurance. 

Beky stroll through the hallway for five minutes. From the time she arrived in front of a door. She then heard a broken vase being crash inside the room. 

Beky flinches and gasps from surprise as her heartbeat fast in anxiety. 

"MISS VENDIA?" Beky calls out in anxiety, opens the door in haste, runs to where the sound has echoed while her face showed fright and fear.

'MISS VENDIA!' Beky shouts in fear inside her thought as she arrived inside Lady Vendia guest room, then saw Madam Rose, who wears knitted brows while coveringLady Vendia into her back. Beky also saw two people are standing four meters away from them.

Beky frown as her brows knitted from curiosity and worry.

"What are you doing here? How did you get inside? What do you want from my daughter?" Madam Rose asks in between her calm but threatening tone of voice as she continues talking, not waiting for the two people to respond.

"I won't let you harm my daughter's mentality and heart again. Get out! Leave my daughter alone! Leave now! Get Lost!" Madam Rose shout in rage to the two people who stood four meters away from them. 

Beky got shocked upon seeing Madam Rose, so angry that she becomes more curious to know who those people are. She steps a little more inside the guest room using a silent steps technique. They learn to attack their enemy in silence. 

As she walks close to the guest room, Beky got shocked. 

"Prince Adam?" Beky utter, her blood boils from rage also as her heart beats in a fret.

'Tsk! No wonder Madam Rose is so angry,' She thought as she smirks and grits her teeth in anger. 

She runs to where Madam Rose and Lady Vendia take out the dagger to her wrist that hides under her maid outfit, as she stood in front of Madam Rose and Yerre protecting them. 

She points the dagger to Prince Adam and his knight as she greets them with a satisfied but angry smile. 

"Greetings, your highness, and to you too, Sir," Beky mentions in her mocking tone of voice.

"Beky?" Yerre called out in surprise. 

"Beky, good you are here," Madam Rose mentions, relief. 

"I apologize for being late, Madam," Beky apologize as she focuses her eyes on the uninvited guest inside their residence. 

"It's okay," Madam Rose respond. 

"Mother, is that a dagger? Mother, tell Beky to put it down is dangerous," Yerre speaks out, her worried towards Beky, but Madam  Rose ignores her like she didn't hear her. 

"Aiya, it's fine, Miss. Madam, they already waiting inside the dining room for you two," Beky mentions as Madam Rose nod, then respond. 

"Okay, we will meet you there. Drag those two invaders out to the mansion. Come on, Vendia lets go to the dining," 

Madam Rose then hold Lady Vendia wrist, dragging her away from the commotion and from the two people who intrude with no consent inside the chamber.

"Mother, what will happen to Prince Adam and his knight?" Yerre asks, worried while they stride in the hallway in haste. 

Even though the Prince has done unfair treatment to Vendia in the past, Yerre still can't bring herself not to worry because she thinks that, is not righteous to hurt back the people who had harmed you before. 

Yerre believes that if you harmed the people who had done wrong to you. It can only mean that you are no different from them.

"Mother, I think we should get back to my chamber. I'm worried about Beky and the Prince," Yerre suggested in concern, which made Madam Rose felt more rage and anger.

Madam Rose halt from walking, making Yerre surprised. She let go of her Vendia wrist, then turns around to look at her daughter with a piercing expression. Her breath got quicken from anger. 

She breathes in and out to relaxed herself a little, but it didn't work. Upon thinking that her daughter still has a heart, to think and worried about the person who harms her. 

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? DON'T YOU KNOW WHO THAT MAN IS!?" Madam Rose exclaimed, full of rage as she raises her voice to her daughter.

Madam didn't mean to raise her voice to her daughter in rage. She only felt worried and anxious about her daughter, so her behavior got to mess up, and emotions burst up, which made Yerre shocked for a second, then relaxed as her heartbeat from instant guilt.

"Mother..." She utter in her sad tone of voice.

She knows why Vendia mother is acting and being like this. She knows it very well, but she is Yerre. She does not want someone to get hurt because of her. If that happened, her conscience and guilt will never let her sleep or be at ease.

"Are you even thinking about us?" Madam Rose asks as tears skip in her eyes, making Yerre surprised and jolted awake from her worries.

"Mother, I..." She could not reply. Yerre does not know what to respond at the moment. 

"I can't... I can't take it. I can't see you being like that again. No, no," Madam Rose utter as her face showed fright and fear. 

"I can't. I can't, so please, stop your heart upon thinking of that Prince. Think of us instead, ha," Madam Rose mentions as she went close to her daughter, with trembling hands and body.

"Mother..." Yerre responds. Her heartache upon seeing Vendia mother in such a mess. 

"You're my only daughter, our only star in our life. I can't take it. Your father and I can't handle losing you," Madam Rose mentions, as she held her daughter's face with her hands, caressing it while tears start to flood out to her eyes like waterfalls.

"Mother," Yerre felt heavy inside her heart.

"Mother and Father love you very much, so stop caring about that Prince, okay? Okay?" Madam Rose pleaded as she hugs her daughter into her arms. 

"Yes, mother. I'm sorry," Yerre apologizes, heaving a sigh, hugging Madam Rose back into her arms. 

"We almost lost you. I can't take it if that to happen again," Madam Rose mentions as the past events come back through her while she continues sobbing into her daughter's arms. 

"That will never happen again, Mother, I assure you," Yerre responds as she caresses Madam Rose back to calm her down. 

'That will never happen again because I'm not Vendia. I'm Yerre, and I will always be who I am. That will never change,' Yerre thought, taking an oath to herself. 

The cold wind passed through the Marquis residence as the sun and clouds start to fight to whose going to rule. But not long the clouds win, covering all the traces of the light that the sun gives into the land. 

Grey clouds start to form, eating all the wonderful, colorful, and breathtaking views of the Astrod land. The human and non-human beings are now running to take shelter from the passing cold of the rain.

While others are busy running for their health and well-being, two people who stroll in the town with no umbrellas or thick things to cover their bodies to the rain continue with no care about the rain.

"Your highness," His right arm man calls out to him, with a sad expression and worried tone of voice. 

"I will not go back to the palace for now. Go back and inform my father that I will be staying out to the town for the meantime," Prince Adam mentions. 

His eyes showed no light and sparks. His body felt inspirited and out of energy. He felt tired and sore, but he does not know the reason. He was confused and annoyed. 

"But, your highness is dangerous. If you stay ou-" 

"Sir Ken!" Prince Adam cut Sir Ken's words as he raises his voice in anger. His eyes lost light, and his expression showed a beast reflection, which made Sir Ken shocked and scared. 

The heavy rain has now poured down to the town, turning the town street silent and empty. Prince Adam and Sir Ken stared at each other for two seconds. One is staring in rage while the other is staring in worried.

"...Your, sigh, I understand," Sir Ken sighing in defeat, then he continues talking. 

"Please, stay safe and retrieve yourself back to its state soon," Sir Ken respond. 

He didn't force himself to Prince Adam anymore, for Sir Ken already know what Prince Adam wants to say to him. Prince Adam only wants some time alone to breathe and relaxed his mind away from people who cause him distractions, confusion, and heavy emotions.

Prince Adam deep sighs as he breathes in and out to calm himself, who got out of control from emotions and anger. 

"Sigh, Mn. Don't worry. I will get back to the palace tomorrow early in the morning," Prince Adam respond with a calm expression. 

"Em, take care, your highness," Sir Ken reply as he vowed at him, stood up, then leap to his horse and ride back home at high speed, leaving Prince Adam alone strolling to the stormy town.

To be continued.

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