After two and half hours of walking, Prince Adam finally decided to rest in the inn inside the town. On the first floor lies a place for their costumer to eat and chat while on the second floor are made for people to rest and have a good time.

Prince Adam gets inside as he continues covering his appearance with the cloak, which has an emblem of their kingdom. But the people did not notice the symbol. For it was small and was put at the back of his shoulder. Not like the other kingdom who put their every emblem at the front of their shoulder. So, people could notice and recognize them directly. 

But as for Prince Adam's father, king Phantrel he made their emblem size into a small one. For he believes, making your emblem immense so that people could notice you right away. Only mean that you are being full of yourself and being inconsiderate to someone else title.

Prince Adam stride inside the inn, then went over to the counter to ask the receptionist for a room to stay in for one night. His body was still wet from being entangled in the heavy rain earlier. But he didn't care. For some reason him imagining being sick and could not wake up anymore made him felt at peace.

'Haaa,' He sighs inside his thought. 

"What a wet evening. How may I help you, our extinguish guest?" The man receptionist asks with a smile to Prince Adam.

"Give me a private room that is away from any noise," Prince Adam demands with a plain expression.

"Only one room?" The receptionist asks. 

"Do I look like I have other companions beside myself?" Prince Adam, mocking reply but the receptionist didn't get affected by his remarks, because he's already used to it. 

The man receptionist faces different costumer and guests for so many years already. The man receptionist is already immune and use to any different attitude and behavior of the customer. So, the kind of attitude that Prince Adam has is already not new and surprising to him.

"Aiya, forgive me out extinguish guest. My eyes almost retire for today. One room it is and away from any noise," The receptionist reply as he repeats Prince Adam's request, then give him a key to his room. 

"Your room number is three zero six. Enjoy your stay," The receptionist added, making Prince Adam sneered and scoff at him. 

"Tsk!" Prince Adam reply as he takes the key out from the man receptionist, then left as he went upstairs to get to his room. 

On the way, he meets many people who stare at him full of weirdness and surprise. All people he went pass through as he strolls to the hallway. Keep whispering curious words, but he didn't mind, or he didn't hear him for his distracted of his thoughts.

He continues striding to the hallway to get to his room for five minutes. After it, he then arrived in front of the door that showed fine woods and art designs painted on the wall.

Prince Adam looks at the door quality and designed for a minute, then unlocks the door and gets inside. When he got inside, Prince Adam then smells a familiar scent that he misses from his childhood.

He walks further inside the room he pays, then saw across the bed a desk that has a vase, and inside is a violet flower. He walks close to the bed sat on it, then leans in to smell the flower. 

He sniffs and sniffs until memories hug him back to the past again. He lay on his bed while all his body was still wet from the rain. He spread his arms into the bed and close his eyes to see the memories well. 

In the past, inside the garden, different flowers bloom, making the birds and butterflies attracted to it. Their's some other things that made your eyes mesmerize and feel such a delight.

Two young children played inside, doing random stuff that only child who can understand. 

"Adam!" A beautiful and angelic face of a young girl shouts out to him as she runs to get to him. 

'Vendia?' Prince Adam thought, surprised.

"I thought you and your parents went on a vacation," Prince Adam mentions, with an inspirited expression as he sat on the grassy ground with her. 

"My parents went on vacation, but I choose to stay," Vendia respond, which made Prince Adam turn to look at her in surprise. 

"They went on vacation without you?" Prince Adam asks in disbelief. 

"Em!" Vendia answer, nodding as she showed a bright smile to him.

"Are you crazy? Why you didn't join your parents on their vacation?" 

"Aiya, mother said that your mother got sick. So I am to keep you company and take care of you while your mother is healing," Vendia answered, which made Adam's heart flutter, but it didn't last for the image of his mother being sick to flash through him again like a virus, making him weak and out of spirit.

Vendia saw it and felt concerned for him. She thinks about how to cheer him up for two seconds then she got one.

"Adam, let's create a flower crown for your mother," Vendia mentions. 

"Flower crown?" Adam ask.

"Yes, I always made a flower crown every time my mother got sick, and after that, she gets healed," Vendia answer with an excited smile.

"Huh? But I can't make those. I'm a man, and those are only for girls to make," Prince Adam respond. 

"Eh? But these are flowers. It won't define someone's gender," Vendia reply.

"Are you sure?" Adam asks in between his worried tone of voice. 

"En, don't worry. I won't tell anyone that you made a flower crown for your parents," Vendia replies with another the same smile as she touches Adam's head then rearrange it. 

"Aiya! Don't turn my hair into a mess," Adam complains as he shoved Vendia hand away from his hands, but he only receives a giggle and apologizes.

"Jeje, come on. Let's start making flower crowns," Vendia mentions, feeling excited and happy. 

"Em," Adam responds. 

The two of them then spend five minutes creating a flower crown until it ended. 

"Waaa, your flower is pretty. I'm sure your mother will love it," Vendia exclaimed with eyes full of honesty and sincerity. 

"Are you sure? I think yours is better than I am," Prince Adam reply, with a disappointed expression, and Vendia saw it. 

"Aiyo! Don't be like that. Your flower crown is more beautiful than anyone," Vendia responds as she slaps Prince Adam's right shoulder, causing him to frown and hiss in pain. 

"What's the slap for?" Prince Adam asks as he held his shoulder that Vendia slapped a minute ago. 

"Is for you because you look distressed, jejeje," Vendia responds with a light laugh. 

"Haiyaaa, don't slap me like that again. Is hurt," Prince Adam demand, making Vendia feel guilty and sorry.

"Jejeje, forgive me," Venida apologize. 

"Never mind. Let's go give this to my mother now," Prince Adam reply with demand as he held the flower crown close to his chest, securing it not to fall and be rearrange.

"Em," Vendia reply, then the two of them stood up to the ground and stride to walk out in the garden, but before they could exit the gate, Vendia stops walking as she remembers something. 

"What is it? Why did you stop walking?" Prince Adam asks concern as he stops walking and turns to look at Vendia, who smiles at him then runs back to the garden, making Prince Adam wonder and confused. 

"Vendia, where are you going?" Prince Ada shouts at her because she is now far away from him. She went inside the gigantic grass bush. 

"Vendia! Eish! Yah! Come on, why are you still playing," Prince Adam call out to her as he strides back to the garden. 

Vendia went inside the gigantic grass bush to get something inside as she remembered very beneficial things.

Three minutes have passed, but Vendia still has not gone out to the bush, making Prince Adam worried and anxious. 

"Vendia?" Prince Adam calls in an anxious tone of voice as he stood in front of the grass bush, waiting for Vendia to come back. 

"Vendia?" he called again, this time his heartbeat from much worried. His abou to get inside the large bush too, but before he could do it. Vendia has already gone out to it, holding a tall flower that has a color of lavender. 

"What's that?" Prince Adam asks. 

"Here," Vendia replies, smiling as she gives the flower to Prince Adam.

"That flower is called Salvia. My mother said that flowers could heal illness. Put this inside your mother's vase inside her room. So she can smell the scent of that flower, and she will get better more," Vendia explained, making Prince Adam glad. 

"Em! Thank you, Vendia," Prince Adam respond with a thankful smile.

"Your welcome, now let's go to your mother and heal her," Vendia reply. 

"Em! Let's go!" Prince Adam exclaimed, excited to see his mother getting well. 

But after that day, his mother passed away, which made him feel bitter and lost. He was not ready to accept that his mother has gone into paradise, leaving him alone at such a young age. 

His comfort and his strength in life have lessened. All he thought and can think of is dying along with his mother. He becomes a mess and different as time passes. He blamed and mock Vendia, saying words that can turn someone into a pathetic and useless person. 

To be continued

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