But Vendia was different. Even though the Prince despised and blamed her for his mother's death, which is unacceptable and unreasonable. She still pushes through herself to help the Prince back to his usual self. 

Meanwhile, Prince Adam didn't even put a small appreciation and attention to all her effort and care for him. He looks at Vendia like she is someone only from his dream and nothing more. He changed and had forgotten everything until such a day has come. Prince Adam meets Lady Cathlen, and everything she has done has turned to an empty land.

At such a young age, losing a light that holds warmth and comfort to an unexplainable environment will make you let go and forget all the memories from the past.

"Adam! Look! Look! I got a male rabbit!" A young Vendia shouts in joy while hugging the black rabbit into her arms, securing it not to jump down to run away from her. 

"Aiya, let go of that is dirty," A young Prince responds with a disgusting expression. 

"Jeje, your so picky. Here, hold him," A young Vendia demands as she extends her hands that held the rabbit, giving the rabbit to Prince Adam.

"No, I don't want to. That thing is dirty," Prince Adam reject her. 

"Jejeje, okay. I will clean him for you and after his clean. I will give him to you," A young Vendia mentions with a bright smile.

"Why would you give that thing to me. I don't want to. You can keep it yourself," Prince Adam insisted. 

"Aiyo, this is not a thing. Is a rabbit, and his name will be Adam," A young Vendia responds. 

"WHAT? Why my name?" A young Prince asks in surprise, which made the young Vendia laugh for a second.

"That's because Adam is my advance gift for your birthday tomorrow," Vendia explains. 

"No, I hate rabbits. Gift me something else except rabbits," A young Prince still did not want to accept a sincere gift from the young Vendia.

"Haiya, please accept it. So that when I am away, Adam can accompany you, please," A young Vendia beg with a cat eye, making the young Prince pressured and tempted to accept her gift. For two minutes the young Prince force himself not to take it, but in the end, Vendia win. 

"Yey! Adam, you hear him? He said yes, he will be your master from now on. Be good and listen to him, okay?" A young Vendia mentions then giggled, making the young Prince looked at him with soft eyes and a glad feeling.

The rain has stopped as the clouds start to split into a soft and calm formation, making the stars awake while the moon begins to rule. The view of the night has turned into a peaceful pace of the sea. 

But other people could not relate to the vibe of its peaceful scenery. Prince Adam continues lying into the bed as he opens his eyes in snail motions, stare at the artistic ceiling, then heave a torment sigh.

"Haaa, I didn't know. I," Prince Adam mentions while his heartfelt and mind felt blurry and foggy.

'I didn't know. What I have done,'

"Did I ruined you, Vendia? Am I the reason why," Prince Adam pauses his words for a while, then releases light and distress laugh. 

"Why am I still asking? I already know the answer. All this time, Vendia, she, only wants what's best for me, and all this time, she holds into my young self promises. But I being an idiot and unreasonable, chose to ignore and forget it all," Prince Adam blurt out, with hearts full of guilt and confusion. 

'But, I didn't mean to forget it all. I choose to run away from the past and leave behind everything I have known from it. I chose to become selfish for myself with no consideration from other people who become part of my past,' he thought.

"But, I didn't know people from the past will suffer because of the decision the I create for myself. I didn't know. Till now," Prince Adam mentions, then continue talking. 

"Everything makes sense now. Now I know what I should do," Prince Adam blurt out, then hold his forehead with his hand while he closes his eyes in melancholy. 

'I must not get close to Vendia and get her tangled in my life again,' Prince Adam thought. 

"Is a good thing that she forgot everything because she can now start over with full of joy, smile, and happiness," Prince Adam utter as he opens his eyes again, but now his eyes glowed with mass sadness and regrets.

'Without me with it,' 

"Is fair because I am the only one who chose to let go of the past first, now is Vendia turn to forget and let go of all the memories we shared. We are now strangers," Prince Adam mentions with tiny tears skip from his eyes. 

He, at last, let go and forgive everything is cleaned and clear. His friend and his best friend from the past have now faded like a cloud of dust. Joining the wind everywhere it goes.

"Vendia, forgive me, and I'm sorry," Prince Adam utter as he let his sour, hot tears flow out to his eyes like stormy water.

"Adam! Hurry! Don't let the guards catch us! Come on! Let's go to the town hurry! Hurry!" A young Vendia shouts outside the castle as they run away from all the guards who want to catch them back to the kingdom. 

The two of them are running to go to the town to have fun and eat different foods.

"Wait!" A Prince responds with a haggard face and huffing sound of voice caused by running so fast. 

"Jeje, slowpoke! Hurry!"  A young Vendia respond, making the young Prince groaned in irritation. 

"Yah! Don't call me a slowpoke! I'm not slow," 

"Hahahaha, okay, okay. Hurry up then," 

The stiff wind passed by, making the trees tremble in discomfort and shakes in excitement. Its leaves fall and droughts, like those memories and feelings. 

The past has now faded and becomes a dream. No one wants to recall and want to come back to it again. Prince Adam has now let go wholly, with no intention of turning to see the path of loss once again.

That night, Prince Adam could not sleep and only wait till the morning comes while tears of the past still flow out from his eyes, draining out all the remaining stains until nothing is left.

The next day comes, and the feeling of the storm has now gone. Prince Adam stood out from the bed. Fix himself and go out as he continues walking to the path he chooses from the very start, with no guilt and regrets.

The past now faded. All its left is the start of the new beginning. Prince Adam pays all the expenses he uses in the inn and gets back home riding his horse. 

When he arrived, all his servants then greet him outside with respect and concern. His butler helps him to get change into a proper and decent attire of cloths. 

After that, he then proceeds to eat breakfast alone for his father the King woke up early to face all the issues in his govern, which made Prince Adam not surprise because he already uses to eat alone with no companion.

After having his breakfast, Prince Adam then strides back to his chamber palace and commands his butler to summon Sir Ken, Sir Roy, and Sir Ben inside his office.

As he waits, he decided to sit in his office chair and wrote something on plain white paper. For ten minutes, he spends it all writing a knit and formal letter for someone. Then a knock made him stop writing as he answered.


"Come in," He demands, and the three expected people then open the door and enter inside, vowing to give respect to him. 

"You call for us, your highness?" Sir Roy asks.

"Yes, I have a task for you three," Prince Adam respond as he put his letter inside the envelope on white paper, sealed it with a wax that has a royal symbol.

"What is it, your highness?" Sir Ken asks, curious. 

"This task is separate into two. Sir Ben and Sir Roy go to the Marquis residence and deliver this letter to them," Prince Adam mentions, lending the white envelope to Sir Roy. 

"Eh? What for?" Sir Ben ask which earned a smack on his shoulder from Roy. 

"Aiya! What's that for?" Sir Ben complain as he felt pain in his right shoulder because of Sir Roy's heavy smack. 

"Tell yourself why I smack you, Idoit," Sir Roy responds with a sigh.

"Ayy! I only want to know the reason. I am concerned," Sir Ben explains, making Sir Ken sigh in stress. 

"Your hopeless," Sir Roy respond, making Sir Ben felt unbelievable. 

"What did you say? You!"

"Stop arguing. I'm not in good weather today. I haven't slept all day. So, can I request a peaceful day from you three today?" Prince Adam reply to his three trusted friends and knight. 

"I'm sorry, your highness," Sir Ben apologize, lowering his head in guilt. 

"We apologize for our disrespectful behavior, your highness," Sir Ken mentions. 

"Em, don't worry, I understand. Let's go back to the task. Sir Ken, I want you to inform my cousin, Prince Albert, that I will be visiting him in the evening because I want to talk to him about something," Prince Adam respond and explain. 

"As you wish, your highness," Sir Ken respond, vowing. 

"Em, you three can go now and be careful. Come back unharmed, understand?" Prince Adam mentions reminding his friend to act according to their pulse and self. Meaning they can kill and harmed people when a critical state has taken over. 

"Yes, we understand, your highness," Sir Ken, Sir Roy, and Sir Ben mentions in sync, vowing, then leave the office to do their every different task.

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