"I mean, my honey is inside this different body and appearance. So I don't feel weird," Yerre mentions pointing her index hand to Alda chest, making Alda chuckled then smirk as she replies. 

"Aiya, who teaches you to sweet talk, hm?" Alda responds as she leaned her face and body down to level it to Yerre.

"My honey, of course," Yerre respond, with a sweet smile making Alda chuckled and feel proud upon knowing that Yerre learned some tips on how to flirt from her. 

She hugged Yerre to her waist. Then lie her head close to Yerre chest as she turns her face to the left, feeling contented and comfortable. 

"Erm, Al-I means honey. Can you get up now?" Yerre called with an uncomfortable voice and unpleasant expression. Alda looks up at her then saw her having a hard time. She wonders why Yerre is having a hard time. Then figured as Yerre confesses out the feeling she felt.

"Your heavy," 

Alda then pulled herself away and stood out from Yerre body in a panic. She stood on the floor with a guilt expression, scratching the side of her neck, feeling uncomfortable and sorry. 

"I'm sorry, did you feel numb anywhere?" Alda asks as she went close to Yerre, who also stood out from the couch with an uncomfortable face. Alda went on consulting her in a fret, but Yerre only laughs at her worried face. 

"Hahaha," Yerre continues laughing and laughing while Alda looks at her with a stunned and confused expression, thinking, why is her girlfriend laughing. 

'What is there to laugh about?' Then she proceeds to ask while she felt dumbfounded. 

"Why are you laughing?" 

Yerre stops laughing then cooped Alda face into her hands as she showed a playful smile to her and reply. 

"I'm sorry, you were not that heavy. I was only kidding," Yerre confesses, which made Alda sigh and smirk. 

"Are you sure I'm not that heavy?" Alda asks as she hugged Yerre waist with her hands, pulling her close to her arms, while Yerre clings her hands to her shoulder, smiling.

"You are a bit heavy but don't worry, I'm fine," Yerre responds, with an assuring smile, making Alda nod then smile back at her. The two of them lock eyes for three seconds. Then Yerre yawns, breaking their locked eyes moment that's full of admirations, comfort, and love.

"Are you sleepy?" Alda asks within her soothing and gentle tone of voice while Yerre drowned herself in Alda body as she releases a comfortable tired sound from her mouth with a nod, making Alda chuckled, then kiss her head.

"Is more comfortable and cozy there than this couch, don't you think so?" Yerre mentions within her tired tone of voice, which made Alda feel fuzzy and happy. 

"It is," Alda responds as she then carries Yerre into a bridal style, making her shocked and sober from her tired self. 

"Wha-I'm heavy put me down," Yerre demands panicking and worry for her girlfriend, but Alda only smirks. She didn't listen to her. 

"You always say those words ever since, don't you remember? I never listen," Alda mentions, showing a persistent face to her girlfriend. Yerre sigh and didn't fight with Alda anymore. Instead, Yerre hangs onto her neck like a koala, then drowned her face close to her shoulder, with eyes closed, feeling tired and sleepy. 

"Mn, do whatever you want as long as I'm with it and as long as you won't be in harm. Understand?" Yerre strong demand as she held into Alda neck tight like she's begging for Alda to follow her words. 

"I understand," Alda responds, holding Yerre tight into her arms while she kissed her cheeks. Then she starts to stride to the chamber bed while Yerre only stays still into her embrace. 

Alda lay Yerre to the bed like a fragile flower, then kissed her forehead as she tucks her in with a blanket. After it, she also snuggled down with her to the bed, hugging each other face to face.  Yerre pulled herself more closer into Alda body, snuggling her face into Alda chest like she is searching for a comfortable place to feel more relaxed, and Alda finds it cute like a puppy. That is searching for a spot to snug herself into a proper position. 

Alda kissed Yerre forehead once again, then hugged her to her arms, closing her eyes as she feels the relaxing and cozy feeling that Yerre gives to her. The two of them snuggled into the bed full of comfort and gentle love. Yerre already meets the slumber and now snoozing into Alda embrace. 

Alda heard her snoring and felt like is funny and cute. She opens her eyes while releasing a light laugh, then lowers her head a bit to kissed Yerre nose, which creates an uncomfortable sensation in Yerre sleep. She whines and releases a discomforting sound into her mouth as she pulled herself away from Alda but, she didn't let her. 

"I'm sorry. I won't disturb your sleep anymore. So don't push me away, hm? Here we go, there, there," Alda mentions as she pulled Yerre back into her arms, hugging her close while she caresses her back, then stroke her head with her free hand.

"Hum," Yerre release a sound of comfort. She once again sleeps full of comfort and ease. Alda sigh in relief, then close her eyes once again as she once again enjoys this irreplaceable moment and comfort.

But their comfort hours didn't last long because the time is running, and is now time for Alda to go back home. She opens her eyes, feeling persistent and selfish. Alda didn't want to go home and left Yerre yet. She wants to stay to her side for long, cuddle her and give her long-lasting gentleness of love. But she also knows that she can't do that for now. 

She grit her teeth in annoyance then looks at Yerre face for a while, admiring her girlfriend with eyes full of gentleness, tenderness, and love. 

"Yerre-ah, I'm going now and..." Alda pause in the middle of her sentence as she looks at Yerre with a bitter expression and smile. 

"I'm sorry, I have to lie to you. I will be away for two days. I have to fix this matter first so everything will go smooth as we go on living into this world," Alda mentions, stroking Yerre hair then kissed the tip of it. 

"Don't worry. I'll be home unharmed. I promise I love you very much, Yerre, so much that I will do everything for you. I will see you in two days. Until then, please stay safe and stay well," Alda added as she takes a quick kiss into Yerre lips then stood out into a bed in silence, not making many movements so Yerre won't wake up from her peaceful slumber. 

As she does, she turns to look at Yerre whose sleeping in a bed full of peace and comfort with an admirable smile engrave into her face. After she felt satisfied, Alda then turns her back to Yerre and continue walking away, going to the balcony. 

She climbs down to the balcony and does things she always does when she visits Yerre into a Marquis residence, observing, scanning, and monitoring the place, assuring if it's all right to go further. 

Five minutes have passed, and Alda, at last, arrived inside the Marquis garden. She checks the surrounding for a while, assuring things. Then leaps up to the wall and leaps down to the other side, where Angela and Mia are waiting.

She takes her time to fix and straighten her appearance into a decent one while she is busy, Angela looks at her with an admiration eye and amazement, which made Mia a bit jealous, but she didn't know why. 

Mia gaze at Alda with a frown and furrowed eyebrows, but she then brushes it off after two seconds with a sound of 'Hemp!' Coming out from her mouth. 

Alda went close to where they are with a grateful smile, then patted Mia's shoulder as she says her thanks to her for helping her upon visiting Yerre. But Mia didn't even look at her and started to walk away like she had done something wrong. 

'Ay? Wh-what just happened? Why does she...' Alda thought, confused and surprised. She turns to look at Angela, but she also looks clueless about what happened too. Alda tilts her head to the side, thinking. But she only got even more confused.

She turns to the front wants to ask what is going to Mia. But when she does, Mia already went to the other side. She curses, which made Angela shocked and concern. 

"Miss? Is everything all right?" Angela asks while she sat at the top of the horse. Alda turned around to look at her with an annoyed face. 

"What's wrong with your friend? She walks off without replying to me. Did I do something wrong to her that I am not aware of?" Alda asks, but Angela only looks at her with a confused expression also as she replies. 


Alda deep sigh and decided to ignore Mia's peculiar behavior. Then proceed to leap up into Angela's horse. 

"Never mind, don't mind what I ask you. Let's go home is almost dawn," Alda responds as she kicks the horse butt, then they ride away back home while Angela is sitting in front. 

Upon arriving home, Alda then demands Angela to go straight back to their quarter for safe measure. After that, she then went to her chamber through her balcony, climbing into the ladder. 

As she arrived back inside Lady Cathlen chamber, Alda then went to change into sleeping clothes that Angela usually recommends for her to put on and went on Lady Cathlen drawer to look for things she wants to bring to Voldrone land. But she could not find simple and comfortable clothes. All she saw inside Lady Cathlen drawer are dresses that are heavy and not good for an outing. 

"Tsk! She sure doesn't like outdoors, ha," Alda mumble, irritated. She closes the drawer hard, which made a loud bang sound. That goes into an empty hall. Alda went to Lady Cathlen bed, doesn't want to pack things anymore. 

"Oh, right. Duchess Aerwen mentions that I don't need to pack things anymore. I forgot, Jaja," Alda added, laughing a bit as she remembered Duchess Aerwen words earlier.

She twists and turns to Lady Cathlen bed for a minute, then positions herself into a comfortable posture to sleep. She looks up at the unfamiliar ceiling that's a very creative painting designed, which made you wonder. What kind of structure is that and the story behind it. 

Alda keeps staring at the ceiling paint until her eyes start to feel heavy, then she meets slumber. Through Alda slumber. She came to meet the dreamland and had a journey through her memories from the past. 

She saw herself and Yerre playing tag on the playground while the rain is pouring hard at them. The next day she got sick. Yerre went to their house to check on her and ended up sleeping inside her room. 

Alda lips formed a daring smile as her eyes close, still sleeping. She felt glad upon having precious dreams once again. 

"Yerre," She mumbles in her sleep with full of admiration and gentleness towards the person she calls. Alda dream continues until morning came. 

To be continue.

Hello, is your author: Yia~ T_T Hi everyone how are you all doing? I hope you are all okay and doing fine.

I apologize if I update so late this days. I have a mild fever but I can still carry on. I hope you guys will bear with me and will always support me even though I still have some lacking capability in delivering my stories. Thank you so much guys for your full support and loyalty in my first contracted book here in webnovel. I will never get tired thanking you all. THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH. Your all support and words meant a lot for my improving and growing as an author thank you so so much. T_T

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