"Okay, okay. I understand. You don't have to share where you went for six days with Sir Aloit. I respect his privacy. I don't care about it anymore as long as you are here now safe and sound beside me," Alda mentions. 

"Thank you for your understanding, Alda," Yerre responds, feeling thankful for having a respectful and very understanding person beside her.

The two of them continue cuddling, Yerre still sitting at her lap like a child, clinging to her like a koala, while Alda keeps caressing and stroking Yerre hair as she decided to speak about where she is heading tomorrow. 

"Tomorrow, I will not be able to visit you," Alda mentions, which made Yerre wonder. 

"Hm? Why?" Yerre asks.

"Because I will be heading to the Voldrone land tomorrow for two days," She mentions, which made Yerre jolted in worry and pulled away from her embrace with eyes full of anxiety. 

"You're going there? But that place is dangerous. I already told you what happened to me there, right?" Yerre responds in a frightened voice. 


"So why are you going there? No, you're not going there. If you go there, I'll make sure that you will not step a foot inside the Marquis residence, and you will never see me again," Yerre said in haste, making Alda afraid and scared by using a simple threat, but it didn't work because Alda only chuckled and embrace her back to her arms. 

Yerre tried to break away from her hold, but Alda grasp is tight that she can't even budge a little. So, she gives up and punches Alda shoulder upon feeling worried.

"Listen to me first, okay?" Alda mentions, but Yerre refused to do so. 

"No! No matter what reason it is. I still won't let you. No! No," Yerre responds as tears of worry flow now to her cheeks, and Alda knows it. She sighs, then strokes Yerre hair. 

"Why are you making me a bad guy here, Yerre-ah," Alda mentions under her soothing tone of voice, stress because she made Yerre cry because of her. Yerre continues crying into her arms while she felt pressured and guilty inside her heart. 

'Aiya, I shouldn't have said where I will going tomorrow to her. Aiya, I'm becoming more and more an idiot as days passed,' She thought, feeling displeased.

"Yerre-ah," She called, but Yerre refused to acknowledge her call as she cries louder into Alda arms.

"Yerre-ah, please. Stop crying, you know I hate seeing you cry. It made my heart weak," Alda mentions, which made Yerre stop crying for a while but then continue later. Alda release a heavy sigh then caresses Yerre back to calm her from crying. 

"Okay, okay. I won't go to Voldrone land anymore," Alda said in defeat as Yerre then stop crying and wipe all her tears away from her eyes. 

'Sigh, why are you so unfair, Yerre-ah,' Alda thought, kissing Yerre forehead and cheeks that are still wet from tears. Yerre looks at her, still unsober from crying, then nod while pouting like a puppy who ave scolded by her owner, making Alda feel fuzzy upon seeing her cute way of nodding.

Alda pinch Yerre cheeks and stole a quick kiss into Yerre lips, which made Yerre shocked and sober from her sulking hours. She got stiff into her position while flustering reaction. Show into her eyes and face that has the color of a tomato.

Alda chuckled and giggled upon seeing Yerre reactions, then Yerre covered her face and drowned it to Alda shoulder, feeling embarrassed and shy. 

"Aiya, why are you still shy. Show me your cute blushing face, naaa," Alda tease Yerre. 

"Erm!" Yerre refused as she shakes her head as a no, her face still covered by her hands while being drowned into Alda left shoulder. 

"Haiyo, I am so blessed to have such a cute girlfriend like you," Alda mentions, as she leans her lips close into Yerre left ear, whispering embarrassing words she wants Yerre to say to her.

"Yerre-ah, can you call me honey from now on, hm?" Alda demand as she uses her raspy and alluring voice while whispering into Yerre's ear.

Her heart pounds in surprise upon hearing Alda demand. Her face blushed even more upon imagining her calling Alda in such a passionate way. Yerre lips quiver as she tried to address Alda into what she demands.

"… erm, ho-um, Alda," Yerre calls out to her upon feeling pressured by her demand.

"Hm?" Alda responds, sniffing the lavender scent into Yerre's neck while her eyes close, feeling the relaxation and contentment at the moment. Yerre looks at Alda then clings to her neck, hugging her as she takes courage to say what Alda demands.

"My honey," Yerre mentions, whispering into Yerre's right ear, which made Alda heart pound in excitement and happiness. Alda held Yerre waist tight, then drowned her face more into Yerre's neck with the same close eyes as she smiles and feels happy because of Yerre.

"I love you always," Alda responds, feeling comfort in Yerre's arms.

The woman she loves did not reply. Instead, she gives kisses to Alda cheeks and continues hugging her into her arms.

After their intimate and sweet moment, Alda then let Yerre sat beside her on the couch. Then held her hands while Yerre leaned her head to her shoulder. The two of them enjoyed the moment for a second, then Alda asks Yerre for a reason why Yerre cried out of nowhere earlier.

"Yerre-ah," Alda call. 

"Hm?" Yerre responds, not looking at her as her eyes focus outside the window. That showed the view of stars.

"Earlier, may I know the reason why you cry?" Alda mentions, making Yerre flinch at her request. Alda looks at her side where Yerre is, then with a concerned heart. She consults her again. 


Yerre did not reply for two seconds. Her heartfelt heavy and uncomfortable upon remembering that Sir Aloit will not be in her side anymore accompanying, guarding, and keeping her safe. For Sir, Aloit will be serving as a knight into an Astrod kingdom.

"Yerre-ah," Alda call out to her for the third time. 

"Is related to Sir Aloit," Yerre mentions, as she turns to her side and looks straight into Alda eyes with a bitter expression. 

"He will be serving the Prince as a punishment for what he had done to the king's physician, Sir Alfredo," Yerre explains as tears skip into her eyes again. Alda felt hurt upon seeing Yerre cries once again. 

"Is because of me. Because of me Sir Aloit, he. He will not be in our side anymore," Yerre blamed herself, and Alda felt torn upon hearing it. She hugged Yerre close to her, then caress her back to ease the sadness and anger she felt inside. 

"Ssh, it's all right," Alda respond as she tried to soothe Yerre feelings.

Alda let Yerre cried for a long minute, bursting out all her emotions, then ask her again about the issue for a better understanding. Yerre gathered herself as she calmed and did not overthink things again.  So, she does not cry again. 

After two minutes, Yerre has calmed and is now ready to explain all things to Alda in the correct order. Her recitation and explanation lasted for fifteen minutes as Alda only listen to her with hearts full of concern and wondering. 

"That is why I cry out of nowhere earlier. Sorry for making you worried," Yerre mentions, apologizing to Alda. 

"Eish, it's all right. At least now I know the reason behind your breakdown earlier," Alda responds, smiling at her as she pats Yerre head with her hands. 

"Mn," Yerre responds with a nod as she then gives out a daring smile to Alda. 

Alda heart races from gladness. Upon seeing Yerre smile again as she responds to Yerre reply. 

"Aiya, what ya look at my Yerre, so cute and pretty when she smiles more," Alda mentions, saying flowery and cringe words to Yerre, making her giggled.

"Jaja, your words are so cringed. It gives me goosebumps," Yerre replies.

"Jeje, at least it works. I made you giggled and smile even more beautiful, right?" Alda mentions, which earn a gentle smile and a peck kiss to her lips from Yerre.

"It does, thank you, Alda," Yerre responds, feeling grateful and happy. 

"You are always welcome," Alda reply, hugging Yerre close to her arms, smelling the lavender fragrant that comes out from Yerre body. 

"Yerre-ah. The scent in your body is making me meet a slumber is very relaxing," Alda mentions, with close eyes. Yerre breaks their hug and looks straight at her with a confused expression. 

"Huh? I have a scent in my body?" Yerre asks with surprised eyes. Alda looks straight at her eyes then chuckled. 

"Aiya, don't you smell yourself? You smell like lavender," Alda respond. 

"No, I don't. I don't smell anything," Yerre responds as she sniffs her arms, then smelled a sweet scent of lavender. She looks at Alda, shocked upon knowing that she does have a fragrance in her body. With a shocked face, she responds with a voice raising from surprise. 

"It does! I do have a scent of lavender," 

"See, told you. Mary chose a good liquid bath soap for you," Alda mentions, a bit jealous upon thinking about Mary helping Yerre bath by touching her body. She gritted her teeth inside and grabbed Yerre close to her arms. 

"Alda?" Yerre called, shocked by Alda surprising actions. 

"Yerre-ah. I'm jealous again," Alda mentions, making Yerre buffer and think for a second, then heard a slight laugh into Yerre. 

She breaks the hug with a pout like a five-year-old child, which made Yerre finds her reaction cute, can't help to kiss her girlfriend's nose. Alda got startled by her unexpected actions, then smiled wide, satisfied upon receiving a kiss to her nose from Yerre.

She looks straight at Yerre then pretends to be sulking again as she pouts, for she wants to be kissed again by Yerre. Her girlfriend look at her with a stunned expression then giggled. Already know what Alda wants her to do. 

Yerre clasps her face to her hands, then kisses her nose once again, giggling. Alda pulled her face away from Yerre then pout again while looking at Yerre. 

"Jeje, Alda," Yerre calls out, feeling amused by Alda playful behavior. 

"Yerre does not love me anymore. Yerre does not call me honey anymore. She called me Alda. She does not love me anymore," Alda respond, sulking and pouting. Yerre got stunned by her words for a second, thinking then understand what Alda mean by her words. 

She laughs, then moves nearer to Alda side as she leans her face close to Alda. Their lips are very close now to each other. 

"I'm sorry, honey. Please forgive your Yerre-ah, okay?" Yerre responds with her sweet and soothing tone of voice.  Alda chuckled, then break out into a grinned smile.

She shoved Yerre down to the couch, hovering her, then stole a kiss to her forehead, nose, and lips for three seconds. After that, she then looks at Yerre appearance, scanning every detail of her face as she showed a daring smile to her. 

Yerre smiled back to her while blushing. Then touch Alda face, stroking it in snail motions, also admiring Alda appearance.

"You look very different. It felt weird," Alda utter, making Yerre giggled. 

"You too, but my Alda," Yerre got a pause in her sentence upon seeing Alda pout her mouth once again. She let go of a slight laugh then continue her words. 

To be continued.

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