After Mary leaves Lady Vendia chamber, Yerre then strode towards the guest room to wait for someone. Someone she wants to give her a hug and comfort. Someone to tell her that everything will be all right. 

Yerre walks over towards the terrace glass door opening it wide so that the person she was expecting later to come will go inside, with no second. She went to the couch inside the guest room, then sat, tagging her knees close to her stomach, and look towards the glass door at the terrace.

She waits for thirty minutes, but Alda still has not arrived. Her eyes start to fall into a slumber, but she fights it. 

"No, I won't fall asleep until Alda arrived," Yerre mentions, persistent, while her yes is looking towards the ground, full of determination, with no mind. That Alda is already climbing up to the terrace, and now she is in front of Yerre. Smirking, like she heard something interesting. 

"Hohoho, did I made my Yerre wait for long?" Alda mentions, making Yerre flinch and jolted her head up in surprise. The two of them stare at each other for a second until Alda opens her hands wide open for a hug. 

"Come on, get your reward. Your future husband made you wait for long, no?" Alda added with a sweet smile which made Yerre captivated by her charming appearance and blush. Yerre stood out from the couch, then embrace her tight to her arms. 

"What took you so long," Yerre complain as her voice starts to crack and tears fall to her eyes. 

"I'm sorry, I was late," Alda hugged Yerre back then heard her sobs. Alda let go of the hug and made Yerre look straight up to her as she held her face with her hands. 

"What's wrong?" Alda asks, wiping away all the tears that come out from Yerre eyes. But Yerre didn't respond. She only looks straight at Alda sobbing, like a five-year-old child who lost her toys. Alda sigh and hugged her back into her arms, then kissed the top of her head. 

"Is all right. I am here now. Everything will be all right," Alda mentions, making Yerre sob even harder. She clings into Alda clothes like she is holding for her life, while Alda continues comforting her with sweet words and a warm embrace.

Yerre continues sobbing until five minutes passed. Alda breaks the hug, then she sat on the couch, with Yerre sitting in front of her lap, facing her. 

Alda showed warmth and a comforting smile to Yerre, while Yerre looks at her with tired and wet eyes, still calming down from her breakdown earlier, then drowned her face close into Alda shoulder, which made Alda chuckled and felt fuzzy inside her heart.

The room turned silent for three minutes. The two of them continue embracing each other on the couch like a married couple, having a comfortable and fluffy moment.  Alda waits for Yerre to sober up from her emotions and feelings while she held her waist, securing her not to fall to the ground as she sat on her lap like a baby. 

After Yerre had burst all her emotions and feelings into crying, she then pulled herself away from Alda and notice that their position is a bit awkward and sensual. She blushed and was about to stand out from Alda lap, but Alda stops her by holding her tight to her waist. With a smirk and satisfied smile engrave to Alda smile, she said out vulgar words to Yerre.

"You are not allowed to stand yet," 

Yerre whines in discomfort as she looks straight at Alda with a tomato face while biting her lower lip from feeling embarrassed and awkward in their position. She thinks of an excuse so Alda would let her stand up and sat properly on the couch beside her.

"B-but, I'm heavy and is uncomfortable, let's sit properly, com-ah!" 

Alda didn't let Yerre finish her words as she pulled her close to her arms and sniff the lavender scent on her neck, which made Yerre startled and felt shivered down to her spine. Yerre releases a huffing and trembling sound into her mouth like she is inside the cold weather as her heartbeat from surprised and anxious. 

Yerre does not know what actions Alda would do after. All that she knows is that she is not ready for mature physical contact yet. She tried to push herself away from Alda again, but it didn't work. Alda grasp is tight and unbreakable.

"Did your maid Mary help you from bathing today?" Alda asks out of nowhere while she traveled her head down to Yerre collarbone and chest, kissing it like a rare object. Yerre releases a groan and disturbing moan upon feeling a hot touch of Alda lips to her body as she replies, stuttering from a tingling sensation she felt inside her body because of Alda actions.

"Y-yes, sh-she does," 

Upon hearing Yerre respond, Alda felt a ping of jealousy and possessiveness. She tightens her grip on Yerre body then bites her right shoulder, which made Yerre moan in pain. 

"A-alda, it hurts... what are you doing?" She asks. 

"Marking," Alda reply in a territorial and dominant tone of voice, then lick the part she bites into Yerre body, making Yerre nimble from a tingling and tickling feeling of Alda tongue to her skin. 

"What? Why are you..." Yerre could not finish her words as she felt pain on her shoulder, also pleasure through Alda bold actions.

"Yerre-ah, I'm jealous," Alda mentions in a gruffed tone of voice as she looks straight at Yerre with an emotionless expression, which made Yerre surprised and understood her behavior. Yerre smile and chuckled. She cooped Alda face to her hands, then kissed her cheeks, making Alda shocked by her action. Yerre looks straight into Alda shocked eyes then smiles as she replies to Alda words. 

"Why would you feel jealous? I'm yours already," 

Alda smiled and felt happy upon hearing Yerre declaration about their relationship. She touches Yerre hands that held her face, signaling Yerre to let go of her face. Alda then drowned her face into Yerre stomach, feeling glad and grateful. 

Yerre chuckled and hugged Alda back as she felt fuzzy upon seeing Alda cute behavior. She stroke Alda head then kissed it. They stay at their position for one second, then let go of each other embrace. 

Alda still made Yerre sat on her lap. She doesn't have a plan to let her stood out from her lap yet. Yerre didn't felt uncomfortable and awkward anymore as time passed. Yerre forgot all the feeling of awkwardness. She now felt calm sitting into Alda lap.

"I'm sorry, did it still stings? Let me see my bite in your shoulder," Alda mentions uncovering the cloths covering Yerre shoulder as she scanned towards Yerre shoulder, looking at the bite she made on Yerre skin. 

"Was it deep?" Yerre ask. 

"Yup, it is," Alda answer, making Yerre worried and anxious. She looks straight into Yerre panicked eyes and laughs. 

"Pahahahaha, I was only kidding, is not deep. It will heal tomorrow," Alda mentions, which made Yerre sigh in relief and calm. She smiles then picks a kiss on Alda lips. 

Alda smirk and felt unsatisfied with Yerre lips. She pulled Yerre close to her, then kissed her like a hungry beast, making Yerre moan in surprise. They kissed for two seconds, twisting their heads from side to side while their tongue intertwined, making a mess of their saliva, dripping it out some from their mouth.

Alda let go of Yerre mouth as she traveled down to her jaw and neck, kissing also licking like a hungry beast for her mate. 

'Okay, okay, let's stop now. Let's stop right here for now. I might lose control if I continue,' Alda thought, looking at Yerre breathless and alluring expression. Yerre catches her breath while Alda kissed her forehead, convincing herself to calm and stops doing further mature action into Yerre. 

"Sorry, I almost go overboard," Alda mentions as she hugged the girl she loved for so many years into her arms like a precious object that no one can compare into this world. Yerre hugged her back, then rest her head on Alda shoulder. 

"Don't worry. I will never let you go overboard," Yerre quip, making Alda release a light laugh for two seconds, then reply.

"I expect it so. Don't worry. I can wait until you are ready. Let's take things at a slow pace until you are ready," Alda respond, stroking Yerre hair with her free hands, then kissed her forehead once again. 

Yerre felt warmth in Alda gentle caress and respectful words. 

"Thank you, Alda. Don't worry. I won't make you wait for long," Yerre responds with a determined smile as she looks straight to Alda. 

"Don't rush yourself. I can wait. We have plenty of time and years ahead of us," Alda mentions, making Yerre heartbeat in gratefulness and feel secure. 

"Mn," Yerre responds as they continue cuddling and embracing each other to the couch, not thinking of anyone else.  For one hour, a feeling of comfort and relaxation spread inside the room like a scented candle or perfume. 

Alda and Yerre enjoy their moment in silence while they wander their eyes outside the window, where stars are showed, glittering like silver dust, which made Yerre remember her trip to the Nipa land. 

"Alda, I haven't told you about where I went with Sir Aloit for six days, right?" Yerre ask. 

"Oh, right. I almost forgot about it. thank god you still remembered," Alda reply. 

"I also forgot about it, but the stars outside the window made me remember everything," Yerre mentions. 

"Ahh, then. Thank you, stars," Alda respond, making Yerre chuckled and giggled. Yerre sighs then start telling the story that she experiences in Nipa land to Alda. 

"When we start our journey. I didn't know where we are going because Sir Aloit didn't tell me the exact please were heading. I only follow him while I ride my horse beside him. He only told me where we're heading until I saw a hut house ten meters away," Yerre explain. 

"So, where did you two went?" Alda asks, curious. Yerre remembered what Sir Aloit had told her before, which made her think twice upon telling Alda about the place they went through. Alda waits for Yerre answer for two seconds, but there's no response. 

She lowers her head to look at Yerre resting on her right shoulder. Then saw that she is having a worried look on her face. She sat straight and made Yerre look straight at her. 

"What's wrong?" Alda asks, concern. Yerre gazes at her then lower her head for a second with a pressured expression, which made Alda even worried.

"Yerre, you're making me panic here. Tell me what's wrong," Alda added. Yerre pulled her head up then look straight at Alda with a plain face.

"The thing is, um," Yerre pauses biting her lips as she lowers her head again. 

"What is it," Alda asks, persistent to know more of Yerre change of mood.

"Sir Aloit told me not to tell anyone about the place we have been because that place is special to him. He does not want other people to know other than the people he cherishes, trusts, and loves," Yerre explains. 

"Is that it?" Alda asks, feeling dumbfounded. 

"Yes," Yerre answer, and Alda sigh in relief as she replies alongside her laugh. 

"Hahaha, I thought something is... hahaha," Alda laugh at Yerre concern, then patted her head. 

To be continued.

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