After exploring inside the dark and creepy place for one hour, she then figured out where it was headed. It was headed to the back of the Duke's mansion, where an area is only often scouted or checked by the knight guards because it is located close to the female servant quarters. Alda smiled and grinned, feeling joy as she discovered an easy way to escape and explore Voldrone town with Sir Arnold and his brother without being scouted by many knight guards. She looked at her shoulder where the bird was and said.

"We hit a jack pot, ha. I am very lucky today, "

Upon saying that a cold wind passed through their area, creating a strong impact that vanished the light of the candle. The place where they were standing got dark in a second, making Alda curse and worry. 

"Shit! Now I can't see. Sigh. FUCK THAT NAUGHTY WIND! I was having a joyous moment. Why did you have to pass by without permission? Urgh! " 

Alda looked for a single light that they could lean on, but found none. She spoke to the bird once again and pleaded with him to lead the way instead, because she couldn't see where they were heading anymore. The bird plucks its feathers as a response, then leaps down to the ground as he enters the secret passage that Alda discovers, making her panic for a bit because she didn't know if the birds understood what she said.

The bird waited for her to follow him inside, but she didn't come. So, he flew outside the passage area once again and landed in front of her on the ground. Before Alda could move her feet, the bird prickled her feet, making her hiss in pain and surprise. 

"The fuck! What is that for? " Alda asked, irritated. 

The bird looks up at her then starts flapping its wings like it wants to say something. But Alda still could not understand what he wanted to say to her. So he pricks his feet again, which made Alda angry and cursed again. 

"Fuck! Why did you prick my feet again? What do you want? I can't understand you... " 

Alda stopped talking as she tried to understand the birds' actions. The bird started to flap its two wings again as it marched through the ground like a person while flapping his wings, trying his best to make Alda understand what he wanted to portray to her. Alda also tried her best to understand the bird until her mind made an assumption. 

"Wait, you.. d-do you want me to follow the sound of your wings?" She guesses and the bird sings out, which means she is right. Alda sighed in relief and said. 

"Okay, okay. Good, good. You are such a clever bird. I love you already. Come on, lead the way. " 

The bird then started to flap its wings again, producing cold air while it marched in front of her feet like a three-year old child. Alda chuckled upon imagining the bird's appearance, trying hard to walk while flapping its wings.

'Pft! Haha, sigh. What did I make this amazing bird do? ' She thought as they then started to move and entered the hidden passage and went back inside Lady Cathlen's library. It didn't take long for them to arrive back, which made Alda relieved and at ease as she deep sighed. She thanked the birds for helping her out of trouble, then went out to the library with him.

The bird then flew back inside the chamber in haste, making Alda wonder and feel like something was strange. She stopped in her tracks, closed her eyes and felt the sound inside the room. Then she heard the familiar voices of an older man and a young man inside the chamber. She suspected who it was, but she was still on guard because sometimes instinct and guessing are not always the right answers when it comes to staying out or protecting yourself from danger.

She walked slowly to the chamber as familiar voices became louder and clearer.

"Sir Arnold?" She called as she sped her steps going to the chamber.

"Yes, we only arrived today because our carriage had a bit of an issue." Sir Arnold replied, making Alda's heart at ease and in complete relief. When she arrived back at her chamber, she gave out a thankful smile and went close to them. Patting their shoulders like long-lost friends, she said. 

"It is good to see you all again. Did you all already have dinner? " 

"No, we haven't," Mike responded. 

"That is good. I also have not eaten dinner, "Alda mentions, making Sir Arnold and his brother surprised. 

"Right, what do you guys want to eat?" She asked, making all the people inside confused, and said the words.


"Aish, never mind. I will choose instead. Could you guys hide inside that library for a while? I'm going to order us some food for a while. Now come on to the library. Hide, hide, "she said while she waved her hands, telling them to move fast and hide inside the library, as she went close to the drawer beside the bed, got the medium-sized bell and rang it like she was calling someone over. 

Sir Arnold and his brother did what Alda told them to do, hiding inside the library like criminals, while waiting for her to call them out back to her chamber again. The door got a knock and she went close to it, opening it for the servant to hear her call. She smiled at her and welcomed her inside Lady Cathlen's chambers. 

"What can I do for you, Miss?" the young miad asked. 

"... uh, I am already hungry. Are you guys already done cooking?" She asked back with fake innocent eyes. 

"Oh, yes. But they are still arrainging the food we cooked for you, Miss, inside the dining room, "the young maid answered. 

"What? Haiya. I don't want to go out of my room anymore and walk because I'm already tired. Can you tell them to bring my dinner inside the chamber instead? " Alda demands as she pretends like she is exhausted from their trip, making the maid worry and nod. 

"Em, I will tell them right away, Miss. Don't worry, " 

"Oh, good, thank you," 

"Your welcome, miss. Is that all you want me to do? " The maid asked for any other tasks, but Alda answered. 

"No, that is all," 

"Okay, Miss. I will go to the dining room now to inform them, "the maid mentions, and Alda nods. When the maid exited the chamber, she then strided close to the library and went inside, only to see Sir Arnold and his brother sitting on a separate soft couch inside. Troy looked at her then asked. 

"Can we go out now?" 

"No, they still need to bring the food inside the chamber," Alda replied as she went to the desk table and sat in the chair like a boss. 

"Do you already have a plan?" Jin asked, turning Alda's attention to him. 

"I don't," Alda replied, making them all shocked in disbelief. 

"What? You still don't have a plan and yet you call us all here? " Jin complained, but Alda didn't listen to him. Instead, she rolled her eyes and stood up from the chair as she said with a sincere smile. 

"Lets all talk about that matter later, but for now. Lets eat dinner because having an empty stomach while talking about heavy and stressful stuff makes you go crazy and grumpy, " 

"You! Are you making fun of me right now? " Jin asked, also standing out from the soft couch, pissed off as Alda looked at her with a smirk, then answered. 

"See? You're applying the last words I said right now to yourself, " 

"You! Sigh! " Sir Jin replied, then sighed in defeat as he sat back on the couch, still angry. Alda scoff and went outside the library as she walked back to the chamber upon hearing a knock outside the entrance door to the room. She opened the door with a smile and saw five butlers and two maids bringing different kinds of food dishes. Alda opened the door wide and let the servant inside the room as they proceeded towards the guest room. 

Alda looked at all the servants as they settled and arranged the dishes for her dinner. When the servants had finished arranging the food, she then ordered them to leave her alone while eating. The servant nodded and vowed to follow her demand as they all went out, leaving her in peace inside the room. After the servant went out, she then pressed the lock button on the door, not letting anyone in inside.

After securing the room, she then strided back to the library, knocked on the door and said. It is a good way to start the day.

"You can all go out now. The food is already served, " 

Upon saying that, Alda didn't wait for them to go out. She went back to the guest room, sat on the couch as she got the plate that the maid prepared for her, then served herself with the food. Sir Arnold and his brother go out of the library and stride to the guest room, only to see Alda eating food already. 

"Waw, that so many," Mike mentions as his first time seeing such an abundant table filled with expensive dishes that only high-ranking people could afford. Alda gulped the food she munched down to her stomach, then said. 

"Go on, dig in, wait," Alda paused, making them confused.

"What?" Jin ask.

"Wash your hands in the bathroom. I'm sure there is soap inside already. Go on, "she answered as she instructed them to clean their hands first before digging into their food. Sir Arnold and his brothers didn't waste time anymore and started to go inside the bathroom to wash their hands and wipe away all the bacteria they got outside. When they are all done cleaning their hands, they then go out of the bath room and go back inside the guest room. Alda heard their feet step back into the room and said. 

"Go on, dig in you all. We must all enjoy delicious foods while we still can, " 

To be continued.

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