When their town conducts a free scholarship, in which all the passers of the exams will be given ten thousand pesos a month for their families and five thousand pesos for the students every month.

She entered with no second thought, thinking this could save their family from future difficulties. Kayla did everything she could to pass the exams and because of the lack of electricity in their house.

Every night, Kayla would go down to the mountain to go to the village where lights are free and electric energy is abundant to study under the light with no table or chair.

She sat on the dirty and cold ground under the light which provided light for the street for the passersby to have a peace voyage when going back home late at night.

She spends four to six hours studying the books that are given to them in their town for the scholarship entrance exam.

Kayla never wavers, even though her body shows sleepiness and tiredness already. She still pursues and persistently pushes herself to go out in her strength and limits, even though she sometimes forgets to eat.

But she never worried because she thought that all the grumbling tummies and heavy things she felt today would be filled with success and happiness after she passed the exams, so she endured until the end.

Until the exam month for the scholarships comes. Kayla passed the exam and the Mayor sponsored her. They entered Kayla into a prestigious school which was far from their home and her family.

But Kayla didn't think much and felt worried. She accepts it all with no complaints and hesitations because she believes that this scholarship can give benefits and things that would make her parents and siblings live a comfortable life.

She does not care if she suffers on the way to her family's greatness, because all she wants is for them all to survive.

Because Kayla is one of the passers, her family will be given ten thousand pesos every month for their needs and wants, and she will also be given five thousand pesos every month. Once Kayla graduates from the course she is taking and becomes a cum laude, she will be given one million pesos. 

Kayla studied hard for her family and herself for years, because of her competitiveness and determined mind and heart. She accelerated higher than anyone in her school and graduated early, but after her graduation she was diagnosed with cancer.

Kayla succeeds in giving her parents and siblings a comfortable life, but through it all she forgets herself and suffers from an incurable illness. But she never regrets it, she never complains and she never blames anyone. She accepted everything that had been given to her and has been blessed. 

She went through therapy and medical sessions for years until the doctor said her condition could no longer be saved. Her parents and siblings were devastated and in distress. But Kayla didn't waver. She was not afraid to leave the world. Because she has already done the thing she wants, and that is to save her parents and siblings from the world's difficulties.

Even though she was in a critical state, she still thought of her parents and siblings. She transferred all her bank accounts to her second sister, entrusting her with it all and entrusting her with holding responsibility for their family's well being because she could no longer do it. 

"A tree that grows is beautiful and wonderful. But no matter how strong it goes, when time comes, it still can't stop withering and dying. It is a must that anyone should understand that nothing is permanent. Everything is meant to wither, but memories, lessons, and experience do not, " 

That's what she said to her siblings and parents before she decided to push them away, not letting them inside her hospital room anymore, because she did not want to leave this world hearing their mourning and cries for her. She wants to leave in peace with no heavy feelings and sad memories. 

Kayla went over to her phone and scrolled through social media, using her time to chill while all the electric things provide her with eighty percent of her life. Until she came across this web novel app.

She clicked it and saw that there was a competition going on. All you have to do is write a story that consists of three thousand chapters and one thousand words per chapter. If you win the competition, you will get two million pesos and a contract. The earning of your book will also run even if your book has already ended.

Kayla became interested in it and wanted to try it, thinking it would help her parents and siblings. Even if she is gone, her parents and siblings can still be sustained by her book money that she earned through its readers. So Kayla tried her luck. She went to download the app and write a story which related to her and her illness. She spent two months and five weeks finishing her book and publishing it. 

After one week, she got an email through the writing app where she uploaded her book and signed a contract. That's when her author life began. Her book became popular and gained many supporters as months passed by. It continues until the competition announcement is released. She won first place. Kayla felt joy and complete because of it. But all of it began to fade away in her heart and mind as her time started to come. 

At night, she sent a message to her younger sister, whom she entrusted the bank book to, saying that she should go and update the bank account every ten days to check if the money from overseas had arrived. Her sister asked her where the money came from and she gave her the link that would explain everything. After that, everything turned peaceful. She was gone, leaving the world in peace, but a worry about her parents and siblings still lingered in her heart. 

The room was quiet for a while when Alda heard all of it. She finally convinced herself that the woman in front of her was really the creator of this book. She can't help but feel pity and sentimental, but what she did to Yerre is still not right. So she blurted out some words that made Kayla release a maniac laugh. 

"Even so, your actions still did not clear out the harm you did to Yerre."

"I know," Kayla replied.

"You are crazy and selfish," Alda said.

"Yeah? Will this unfair world make me one? Why not enjoy it for once? I am already dead and I have a right to complain about this world because this is my creation and I spent my last days doing this, but your right, "Kayla replied, pausing her words for a while as she lowered her head to the floor as guilt started to surge through her.

"I didn't know that I was becoming unfair and unjust just like the world too, which I only figured out today thanks to you. So I want to say sorry, "she said, which made Alda dumbstruck and stunned for a minute, processing the words she said to her. 

"What?" She blurted it out, confused. Kayla looked at her with a gentle smile and a guilty face, then said.

"I didn't mean to do it, you know? It was a desperate act because I was thinking of my family back in our world. Please, forgive me, "Kayla apologized.

Alda looked at her for a minute with eyes filled with clarity and harmony, then gave out a deep sigh. She replied with a face that showed sturdiness and said. 

"It's all right. I can understand, but I want you to stop harming her. " 

"That's simple," Kayla replied with a relieved smile.

Also, I can't deny the world inside your book has changed a lot, and that is not only because of her. It is also because of me, "Alda mentions as she pauses for a minute to sigh and continues. 

"And I apologize for doing it too. However, I also want you to know that we can't turn it back anymore. I am Alda, not Cathlen, and Yerre is Yerre, not Vendia. This world gives us a life we can't have back in our world. I'm sorry, I know it's selfish, but could you let us live here in harmony even though we change the plot of your book? " Alda asks permission from the creator of this world. Kayla looked at her for a minute, thinking through her words, until she blurted out a long, heavy sigh and said with a bitter smile. 

"I'm glad my book gives you both a second chance to live your life with reason and happiness. Your both are lucky your know?" She pause. 

"As for me, I am still wondering why God has given me a second chance to live in this world again. I can't help but ask why. Until I get tired of asking and thinking critically about it. I figured why not just live it and enjoy it, "Kayla said as she gave out a sincere smile to Alda. 

"Well, everything that has been given to us has a reason and purpose, you know? Maybe you are here for a given purpose and reason. You just have to figure it out on your own, "Alda replied.

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