On the way, the wind kept passing through them, hugging them like a cold blanket. Thankfully, all of them wore thick cloaks that covered them from the coldness that the night brought. They all continued going to the exact location that Alda pointed at on the map before, riding their horses at a fast speed.

Everyone faces were serious and cautions through every path they pass through. They will take safety measures and caution after they enter. 

Since the mating season of all wild animals is still not done yet, they all must consider being cautious through and through, even if they feel no threat on the way, because wild animals are experts at hiding and catching their prey in silent and surprising attacks.

Wild animals are tricky and playful when it comes to eating and hunting. If you are an expert hunter, then you are aware of this, but if you are just an ordinary hunter, then you might learn from an expert first before entering the hunting zone. 

Luckily, Sir Arnold and his brothers are experts. They all already know if the path they will take will lead to death or safety by observing the state of the area that they will pass through or enter.

They also know where the Astrod knight are currently scouting tonight. So they will never be caught even if wild animals spotted them. They could easily kill them in silent before the knight patrol hear them howling as they die.

Sir Arnold takes a halt at the center, which has two paths to take. He held his free hands up, making his brother stop riding for a while. Alda wondered why they stopped. Then she heard a wolf howling not far from where they were standing. Kayla squeaked in fear. She drowned herself closer to Mike, which made Mike irritated, but he controlled himself by speaking out his mind to Kayla.

"Mrs. Tilda, forgive me, but I am not used to people sticking so close to me," he said. Upon saying his words, Kayla immediately pulled away from him and apologized. 

"I'm sorry," her body was shivering from fear. She looks to the front where Alda is riding with Sir Arnold and hopes that she could ride with them instead because she does not trust this person at her back.

Her eyes showed discomfort and plead. She wants to go towards Alda and ride with her. But she knows she is not allowed to go down the horse right now, because there is a possibility that the wolves that they were avoiding will hear her nervous footsteps and their whereabouts will be spotted, which will cause major problems for all of them. 

Alda felt like someone was shouting at her back. She felt shivered down to her back. So she turned her head a little to the left and body to the side. Then looked at Mike, who was riding with Kayla.

She then saw that Kayla was nervous, shuddering and biting her lower lip from fear and discomfort. Her face was so pitiful and her eyes were terrified. Upon seeing her state, Alda can't help but heave a sigh. 

"I will go down," she said and immediately jumped off the horse. She didn't give Sir Arnold a chance to react. She walks in a hurry towards Sir Mike and looks straight at him with a plain face. 

"What are you doing?" Mike looked at him worried.

"Go back immediately, the wolves are circling our area. They're all still have not left yet," he said in a forceful whisper.

Sir Arnold didn't turn his horse around. He focused his attention on the frontier because the wild animals they heard earlier still had not faded away from their area. It would be dangerous if his focus got distracted.

Even if he got shocked about Alda suddenly jumping off his horse earlier, he could not turn around and tell her to come back because it would distract him and make a loud noise in their area. It will cause an alert for the wolves to know that there is meat in their area to eat. 

Alda continued to look at Mike with the same expression and said. 

"Get down. I will ride your horse instead. Go ride with your elder brother, "she said in a whisper. Mike looked at her in disbelief. He does not know why she is acting this way, but all he knows is that he does not want his horse to be led by anyone except him. So he showed a dominant face to her and replied. 

"No, go back to my brother and be quiet," 

Alda clicks her tongue in irritation and jumps up on Mike's horse with no warning. When she already managed to sit on his horse. She then held Mike's collar and pulled him away from his horse by using the strength of her martial arts technique.

Then put him down at a fast speed with no sound, making Mike unaware of what had just happened. She put him down to the ground in a graceful manner, making sure that her force was not strong or weak. Just a right amount of mild pressure.

Mike was caught of guard. It was too fast and he didn't even feel that someone had pulled him down to his horse. It made him shocked and drop his jaw in stunned. His other brothers looked at them, also shocked and stunned. They couldn't believe what they had just seen.

How come a delicate woman does such a trick on a man who has a mesomorph body? Their faces were full of intense curiosity and admiration. They all want to know what kind of technique she used just now.

What is the name of that technique? How come a fragile and feminine body like hers can do such a thing? They don't even know what she just did to their younger brother, Mike. 

'She is a mysterious and amazing woman,' they all thought. Alda looked at Mike with a smirk and a gentle smile.

"Go now and ride with your elder brother. Let me borrow your horse for a while, "she said, and Mike jolted awake from his surprise.

He looks at Alda and can't help but click his tongue in annoyance. He wants to rant at her and complain at her, but he can't do it for now because their situation is still fatal. So he obeyed and turned his back on them as he went towards Sir Arnold and rode his horse with him.

Sir Arnold smelled a familiar scent at his back and said.

"Mike? Where is she? "

Mike clicks his tongue in irritation again and answers.

"She is with my horse,"

Sir Arnold sighed and nodded.

"Let her be for now. Once these wolves fade from our area, we will then settle the problem, okay? " Sir Arnold tried to give relief to his younger brother. Mike sighs, then nods in reply to Sir Arnold's words. He didn't reply with words anymore because he knew his elder brother was focusing his senses on the front tier. Kayla saw that Alda was now at her back and she sighed in relief. 

"Thank god you are here," she said with a face full of relief and gladness. Her body didn't shiver in fear anymore. She didn't know why, but she felt safer when she was with Alda, even if they tease, quip and irritate each other sometimes.

Kayla still prepared to be with Alda no matter what the occasion was because she felt more safer beside her than other people. Alda chuckled and took the reins of the horse to take the lead. 

"Aish, you and Angela are the same. Why are you so afraid of wolves? "Alda replied, full of stress and pressured feelings inside her mind.

After such words, she then turned her attention to the frontier and closed her eyes as she used a hearing technique to listen to the surroundings. She focused her ears on every corner of the place until she could no longer hear any wolf movement or noise. 

She opened her eyes again and saw Sir Arnold's free hands being raised into the air, and it could only mean that it was safe to move forward. Alda can't help but feel a competent vibe and feelings rising towards Sir Arnold, but she also does not care. So she just stayed still and let him do the whole work. She paid them to do such work, so why not let them do all things? 

Sir Arnold started to move with his horse again and he went to the left path. Alda and the others then followed along with him. When they enter the area, they do not ride their horses at a fast speed, yet they still observe the surroundings and make sure that there is nothing hard to deal with.

For three seconds, the silence made them think that it was better to move at a faster speed, and so Sir Arnold signaled them that it was all right now to ride at their pace. 

When they saw his signal, they prepared themselves to run at a fast speed again. Sir Arnold was the first one to go and the others then followed. They rode their horses at a fast speed for thirty minutes with no signs of stopping.

They all rode like they were in a race. Their faces showed persistence and firmness. When they were almost at the area, Sir Arnold then signaled his free hands to slow their pace a little.

The others then followed. The area they are in now is open and only has a few trees. The moonlight shining down on them is so visible and clear that they can now see their own shadow as they ride further to the place they aim to reach.

To be continued. 

AUTHOR: Hello my friends~

I hope you are all doing fine~ I'm I am here to say. That I hope you are liking the new writing style I created to try for myself improvement. I hope you all like it. I will try harder to improve more as an author and to deliver my story with a clear sentence to you all. 

Because I don't want you all be stress about it. Regarding about the grammar, eje... um... hahaha. I don't think, I am improving about it but I hope I am. Again I am not promising anything to anyone here. I just here to let you all my progress as an author so far. 

And also, I am here to show my appreciation and gratitude to have you all in my journey here at webonovel. I thank you all again, thank you for your all heart warming reply about my book and for your unforceful support in my book. I know you all can't afford to pay my book in every chapter. 

So I decided to low the chapter price. I didn't write for the money. I write for myself improvement because my dream is to be an author who wrote story for people and myself. I want to shout my hidden words to the world and bring warm imagination, inspiration, determination and light dreamed to all people. I hope you all receive my intention positively. That would be a very wonderful and amazing reward and blessings to me.

I will go now. I don't want to take your all time for long. I hope you all spend time reading this letter of mine and also hope you all still join me at my new journey in my other books. I love you all my friends. Take care always and stay healthy~ <3

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