She uses a spell that can link an object you first think of in your mind to your body and spot where it is hiding. The spell was light, but it will require a lot of energy because it will also use your body like you were walking or running to how far the object you are searching for. You can feel exhausted like a hiker does.

A light that glowed like gold in the sky. That was when Kayla knew that the lamp was not on land, but inside the water. Located at the Astrod Dutch dock.

Kayla immediately opened her eyes and made an invisible string light to connect the line going to the lamp, using the spell she was using just now. Astril Kang, the name that Kayla bestowed on the genie inside her book. 

"Master, where are you? Why can't I see you? " Astril responded and this made Kayla sigh in relief because it meant Astril had not yet been found or touched by anyone. Meaning he was still inside the water.

Kayla heard him inside her brain. She closed her eyes once again and replied, using the link spell.

"Wait for me tomorrow. We will see each other. Hide yourself from anyone first. Don't let other people touch your home. Understand? " 

"Yes, Master," Astril said, and the link was then cut. 

Kayla breathed in a sigh of relief and, using her last strength of energy, she cast off all the spells she used, even the barrier, then fell down to the ground like a leaf and lost consciousness like a dead person. 

Alda gasped upon seeing this and wanted to hurriedly catch her before she fell to the ground, but her feet failed her. Her feet still didn't have strength. She gritted her teeth again, feeling irritated because of her weak body. But seeing Sir Arnold's brother Troy and the others hurried over to Kayla, she then breathed in relief. She wiped away her tears and just stayed in her position for the meantime until her feet gained strength again.

Jin managed to catch her before she hit the ground, and Sir Arnold assisted Alda by standing up from the ground, guiding her towards Kayla. She finally gained strength back in her feet and is now able to walk properly.

When they arrived, her eyes showed relief, but the sorrow she felt for her still lingered. Kayla's state is so pale, she looks like a corpse. Alda hurried to check her pules, then her brows furrowed in worry because her pules were weak. They palpitate at a low level, which is not normal. Next, she checked her body temperature and breathing. Her body still feels cold, but her breathing is stable. Alda sighs in relief, but she is still worried.

Jin carried her in a bridal style and made sure that she was in a comfortable position. Alda closed her eyes for a bit, then opened them again with a firm expression. She is now back to her usual self. 

"We need to tend to her. Let's go back to the tent in haste, "Alda said. Sir Arnold turned to look at Mike and Troy. 

"Go fetch uncle Mong to our headquarters. Take some food to bring back in case she wakes up and feels hungry, "he instructed. They didn't ask anymore questions and just followed their elder brother's command.

Mr. Mong, another outcast character, has given a name to Kayla's book. He is the unlisted citizen of Astrod Land's personal physician and he is an expert at everything. He was once the personal physician of the late owner of the Marquis residence, the previous outcast character in the book.

Troy and Mike ride their horses away in opposite directions, while the others ride back to their usual path location to get back to the tent. Sir Arnold is riding with Alda, while Jin is riding with an unconscious Kayla.

Their ride was quiet and full of worry. When they arrived, Alda and Sir Arnold then helped Jin by getting Kayla out to the top of the horse. They guide each other as they take Kayla from him gently. 

After that, they then put Kayla on the soft bed inside the tent and waited for others to come with a physician. While they wait, Alda can't help but make her way to the side of the tent to make some fire outside to warm some cold water inside the cauldron. So she can wipe Kayla's sweaty body with some warm, mild water.

Sir Arnold joined her and they sat on the grassy ground while they waited for the cold water to be warmed inside the cauldron. Alda stares at the tree like she is in deep thought and Sir Arnold can't help but sigh seeing her expression so dreary, like she has done something horrible to a person. 

"Are you hanging on?" Sir Arnold asked while he was leaning his body against the grass, lying on it like it was a bed. Alda turned to look at him, then chuckled. 

"Yeah, why do I look like I am dying?" She answered with a smirk and a smile, but the worry in her eyes was still visible in Sir Arnold's eyes. He sighed and patted Alda's shoulder with his free hand. 

"She will be fine. You said she has a gift that can predict the future, right? So it means she is already prepared for things to become like this before we can react to them. So stay calm, "Sir Arnold said. Alda nodded, then turned away from him. As she realizes that these people here do not know who they really are, what their true capabilities are, and what they really are true as a person. She begins to think about what Yerre said to her the other day.

She began to feel how Yerre must have felt. It's depressing and terrifying. The thought of being able to live again is a blessing, but in people's eyes, your true self is invisible to them because the one in front of them is the one they always think and talk about. The people who have already made history in the book are Cathlen, Vendia, and Mrs. Tilda, not them. 

'People here will never ever know who we really are, and when we die, they will already remember the character name and the person inside this book, not the real person inside the body.' she thought, feeling inspirited. She now fully understands why Yerre was in a deep emotional state at that time. She heaved a sigh again, which made Sir Arnold alarmed. He turned around to her and asked. 

"Are you all right?" 

Alda heard his words and turned to him in haste. 

"Hm? Why? What is wrong? " She asked, unaware of what she was doing to herself a minute ago. 

"You were sighing a lot. Are you thinking about something? " Sir Arnold replied. Alda chuckled and said. 

"No, I'm not thinking of anything. You observe people a lot, it's scary, "she quips, trying to cover up her mistake earlier. Sir Arnold turned back to the sky and sighed. He didn't mind her reply anymore because he knew she wouldn't share her personal matters with them and he didn't mind it. At least this person already knows that someone is also appreciating her, not as a royal or noble person, but as a human being.

Alda still looks at him and can't help but feel a bit sad because once the lamp came back into her hand. She knew she would never see them again. She is saddened because she has built some memories with them. On her journey to find the lamp and on finding a way for them to live at peace inside the book. All of them made Alda experience something she couldn't have experienced back in their worlds, and that was having an older brother and younger siblings. 

She sighs again and stares back up at the sky that is full of beautiful and breath-taking sparkling stars. Her thoughts circulated again.

'This situation is depressing to think about. It's better to just let it happen. Now I know how much Yerre had to endure her emotions and feelings towards them all '

"Don't worry, Yerre, we were so close to making ourselves free," she says in a whisper as she sighs and leans her body against the grass. She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes for a while, imagining Yerre's smile to make her heart and mind at ease. Thinking that everything is only a challenge, the real bridge is getting themselves out and free from other people's blind eyes.

She opened her eyes again, then heard a horse noise heading towards them. Sir Arnold stood up from the grass and checked who it was. It was Troy and Mike with Mr. Mong.

Mr. Mong is 40 years old. His facial features are those of a healthy elderly man. His body is also healthy and fit. He has a five-point six height. Sir Arnold and his brother are taller than him. Mike was holding a medium-sized lunch box. Upon seeing the people who arrived, Alda stood up from the ground too and walked closer to them, with Sir Arnold beside her. 

To be continued.

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