"Mr. Mong, sorry for bothering you so late at night," Sir Arnold apologized, and Mr. Mong sighed as he patted his shoulder. 

"It's fine, but where is the patient?" Mr. Mong said he was still unaware of Alda's presence because his eyes were near-sighted. He can only see clearly if he wears his glasses, and right now he is not wearing them. He just used his instincts with the familiar scent of the person he already knew. Sir Arnold and others already know this fact.

"She is inside, but Mr. Mong, let me introduce you to Lady Cathlen first," Sir Arnold said, making Mr. Mong surprised and panicky. 

"The Duchess's daughter is here?! How come Troy and Clark didn't tell me about it? " He said and immediately found his eye glasses inside his aid kit bag and put them on in haste. When he had already put them on, he then saw Alda beside Sir Arnold, smiling, while waving a hi at him. Mr. Mong went over to her and greeted her. 

"Good evening Lady Cathlen. What brought you inside the Astrod forest so late at night? "he asked. Sir Arnold touched his shoulder and replied. 

"We will explain everything later, but for now, let's head inside and heal the patient," 

Mr. Mong nodded. They all went inside the tent and looked at Kayla's conditions. Alda observed all the things that Mr. Mong did to her from start to finish until he finished. 

"How is she?" she asked, concerned. Mr. Mong looked at her and replied. 

"Her breathing was stable but her condition was still fatal. She will stay unconscious for three days, but she will wake up afterward. When she wakes up, give her a proper meal and medication, "Mr. Mong continued. 

"I will give you some vitamins and mild prescriptions that only last for a few days. So she will gain back the strength in her body and the energy that she lost. After six days, if she still has not healed, call me so I can check her up again, " 

Alda sighed and nodded at him. She will go along with Mr. Mong's suggestions because she is not a doctor and she only knows a few things about aiding people. 

"Okay, thank you," she replied. Mr. Mong stood up from the bed and looked at Alda. He was curious about her relationship with the sick woman and so he asked. 

"Pardon me from asking, but is she your servant Lady Cathlen?"

Alda turned to him and nodded. She only nodded because she didn't want to explain anymore things that could cause confusion to him. She averted her gaze from Mr. Mong and looked at Sir Arnol, signaling him to explain everything to Mr. Mong instead, because she was not in the mood to do it. She prepared to take care of Kayla first before talking to them and made the time run without doing anything. 

Sir Arnold nodded. She then went out to the tent to see if the water she put inside the cauldron was already ready. Troy went out to the tent and went over to her. 

"Can I help you with anything?" he asked. Alda looked at him and said. 

"Yes, do you guys have a basin?"

Troy nodded and instructed him to get a basin and put half of the cold water inside of it because she would use it to clean Kayla's body away from sweat. Troy didn't ask anymore questions and just did what she asked her to do. When he was done, he then gave the basin that had cold water to Alda and she then put 1 liter of hot water inside.

After putting some hot water in the basin, Troy then gave her a clean face towel and she accepted it. 

The two of them then went inside the tent and went over to Kayla. 

"Troy, can I borrow some extra clothes and pants from you all? Also, after that, can I ask you guys to go out for a bit? " She said. Troy didn't ask anymore questions because her words were already clear to him. She wants to borrow some clothes for Kayla to change, and she wants them to go out so she can change Kayla's clothes. 

"Okay," he answered and went over to their bag packed full of their clothes. When he was done searching for clothes, he went back to Alda's side and gave the clothes to her. Alda thanked him and accepted the clothes.

Troy nodded and then went to see his elder brother, who was talking to Mr. Mong at the moment. Sir Arnold looked at Alda and nodded upon receiving her words from Troy. 

Sir Arnold then and the other went outside the tent. Giving some privacy to Alda and Kayla inside the tent. After the men left the room, she then started helping Kayla by cleaning herself.

While she was at it, Alda couldn't help but feel pressured about their situation. She didn't think this would be the result of their task today.

It made her anxious and worried. She didn't know what to do with their situation today. If she gets back home, she has to rely on Sir Arnold and the others to carry Kayla back to the Duke mansion without seeing anyone, even Marsha. 

Speaking of Marsha. She didn't have any idea about this whole thing. So she brought Kayla back to the Duke residence and Marsha saw her unconscious and in a weak state.

She might end up speculating that something wrong had happened to her mother. This will cause another problem to answer and to solve. Upon thinking of such a thing, Alda couldn't help but heave a very deep sigh in front of Kayla. 

She was already done changing Kayla and was now out of breath. Alda looked at Kayla, thinking about what she should do as she felt stressed inside. She sighed again and averted her gaze towards everything inside the tent. I am still thinking and circulating ideas on how to solve this problem that is occurring today.

Until she looked down at the ground and saw green grass. Then the scenery she saw earlier came back to her and the conversation she had with Kayla earlier about the flower came to a clear point of view inside her mind. 

This made her pause for a moment and widen the memory she had with Kayla earlier when they talked about the flower, which was colored blue and yellow. A flower that also sparkled like a night flower. Then an idea came to her mind. She turned around to look at Kayla and smiled.

A smiled full of hope and gladness, but she was still unrelieved because Kayla had said earlier that the so-called herbal flower needed to be processed in the correct manner. Which means if they didn't do the correct procedures for making it into an herbal, this would become a problem and would worsen Kayla's condition. 

Alda couldn't help but click her tongue and gritted her teeth because of irritation. 

"Aish! No matter what happened, I have to try it," she said, storming out of the room full of annoyance. Everyone saw her storm out of the room and they all approached her. Alda saw Mr. Mong still had not left and another idea popped up in her mind. She smiled and went to touch Mr. Mong's shoulder like a boy who wanted to praise his father and said. 

"Mr. Mong, do you know how to make herbal medicine?" 

Mr. Mong and the others looked at her in confusion and their eyes were full of curiosity. They didn't know what was going on inside her brain.

Why did she suddenly ask that kind of question? They're all curious. Mr. Mong looked straight at her and nodded. This made Alda happy and she finally breathed in relief. His eyes showed lightness again and everyone saw it. 

"Great! Wait here, I will go get some herbal medicine for my servant. Wait here for me please, " She said, not wasting another moment as she hurried over to her horse and almost leapt up to leave, but Sir Arnold grabbed her arms before she could get close to her horse. He turned her around and made her face his firm expression. 

"Where are you going alone? The wolves are still roaming around hunting and eating their prey, "Sir Arnold asked. His voice was firm and sturdy. He gripped tightly onto Alda's arms and this made Alda angry. She kicked Sir Arnold's feet so hard that it made Sir Arnold stumble to stand and fall down with his butt to the ground.

Alda stared at him with an angry expression as she held her arms that Sir Arnold had gripped earlier and caressed them to calm the throbbing they felt. 

"Don't do that kind of gesture and action to me again or else I won't hesitate to stab you with my sword in front of your brothers," she said with a voice full of threat and anger. Sir Arnold looked at her in pain.

The pain he felt was not in his butt but in his feet, the ones that Alda kicked a minute ago. Troy and the others saw what happened.

To be continued.

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