They all then ran over to their elder brother to assist him with standing up. Mike looked at Alda with a piercing glare and said. 

"Why did you kick my brother? He just asked and was worried, " 

Alda looked at Sir Arnold again and saw him truly in pain. She felt guilty. She must have used full force earlier because of her anger. She didn't mean it. Sir Arnold's surprise action made her shocked and uncomfortable.

She didn't want a man to touch her with a strong force. It made her angry and feel bad. She does not know why, but this is how she has always felt ever since she was a little child. She didn't hate every man in this world. Alda does not have the worst experience when it comes to men.

In fact, she only has good experiences with them being her friends and buddies. Alda just didn't like them showing their toughness to her. It made her weak and small. It made her uncomfortable as a lesbian. Alda sighed to calm herself and apologized to them. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. It's just... you surprised me and... I didn't like someone gripping tight on me like they didn't want me to skip or something. It made me uncomfortable. Please don't do that again, " 

Sir Arnold looked at her with a painful expression and answered. 

"I'm sorry. I was unaware of my behavior towards you too, Lady Cathlen, "he apologized. His brother looked at Alda with an uneasy expression and she couldn't help but close her eyes for a moment and sigh in regret. She went over to Sir Arnold's side and patted her shoulder. 

"I accept your apology," she smiled at him and continued talking. 

"I'm going to fetch a herbal flower that Mrs. Tilda and I saw around the path that we passed through earlier," 

Sir Arnold and his brother looked at her in surprise for a moment and asked. 

"Is there a flower that can be made into an herbal inside this forest?" Clark asked and Alda nodded. Sir Arnold is still leaning on his two brothers so he can stand straight because the pain in his feet is still lingering. He stared at Alda and said. 

"Then bring Troy, June and Mike with you for safety," he suggested, and Alda didn't protest it because she also thought she might need someone to watch her back while she plucks those flowers. Alda showed a thankful smile to Sir Arnold and nodded. 

"Okay, let's go," she replied, and the three brothers then went to their horses to join her on her journey to get the herbal flower back to the last location they went through earlier. It is a good way to start the day.

"We will wait here for you all to come back," Sir Arnold said, and Alda nodded again. She untied the reins of her horse from the tree and jumped up on it. To ride it away. Mr. Mong walked closer to Sir Arnold's side and said. 

"I will start warming some water after you all left. Make sure to be back fast, " 

Alda smiled and thanked him. They all then ride away fast to get back to their previous path they passed through to get the herbal flower for Kayla to drink.

So she would heal fast and regain her usual self back to a normal and healthy state. The ride was quiet, no one talked. They made their horses run faster, not stopping until they arrived at the desired location they were searching for. 

They stop at a location where the moonlight is so visible that their shadows are also in clear vision. Troy checks the surroundings for a while before they go down to their horses to search for the flower that Alda had told them earlier. 

Earlier, when they were already close to the goal location, Alda instructed them to find a flower that was yellow and blue because that was what they needed. All of them then went down to their horses and went on a search for the flower together.

June, Mike and Troy decided that they would search for the flower as a team. They won't separate from each other because it is dangerous. The wolves are not done hunting for food and it is still mating season. They tied their horses to the tree where they could see them and started to search further for the flower.

Alda couldn't disobey or reject their plan because she knew that they were only trying to protect themselves from any predators or wild animals that were still lurking inside the forest. No one is safe until the sun is asleep. They continue searching for the flower as a group. Until one of them formed a question in their mind and asked out. 

"How do you know that those flowers that we were searching for can become herbal medicine?" Mike said. Alda didn't look at him. She just continued looking out for the subjective flower and answer. 

"That's because I asked Mrs. Tilda about it earlier when we rode at this location," 

Mike nodded and June was the second person to ask her question again. 

"Can it cure illness?" 

Alda turned to face him and looked straight at him with a smirk on her face. 

"Yes. Mrs. Tilda told me that it can't only cure sickness, but it can also cure severe deep wounds that can lead to death. Amazing, right? If you have deep wounds and are nearly dying, you can be saved by it. You just need to create an herbal out of it and drink it, "Alda replied, explaining everything to them.

June, Mike and Troy, looked at her in disbelief. They were stunned for a second. They can't believe such kinds of herbal medicine exist. This is the first time they heard of such a thing and it is amazing.

"But we need someone who is an expert in medicine and herbals," Alda added, making the two brothers awake from their stunned moment. 

"Why? Is there a side effect to it? " Troy asked, curious. Alda shook her head and replied.

"I don't know. Mrs. Tilda didn't tell me if there was a side effect. She only told me that in making those flowers into an herbal you need to put them in the right process of making them. Or else it can't be used or be effective, " 

This made the two brothers concerned. 

"Don't worry, I'm sure Mr. Mong is already an expert at making herbal right?" Alda added, but the two brothers only looked at her with an uneasy and uncomfortable expression. They're not sure if Mr. Mong knows how to herbal because he only saw him mending other people's sicknesses by checking up on them and giving them prescribed medicine, also forming surgery for those who have deep wounds. Alda saw through their reactions and couldn't help but heave a sigh. 

"I need him to be good at making them, or else another problem will arise. Not just to me, but to us all, "she said these words while turning her attention back to the surroundings and continuing searching for the flower. 

'I need Mr. Mong to make it right because I need Kayla to wake up or else I will face a big crisis,' she thought, anxious and irritated. She subconsciously bit her lower lip again and the two brothers saw it.

They couldn't help but be concerned because they saw her lip started to bleed out blood, but she still bit them like a candy without feeling pain. Mike and June can't take to see her biting her lip tight for long. So they went over to her and patted her shoulder. Alda looked straight at them with wide eyes and asked. 

"What's wrong?" 

Mike used his index finger and pointed at her lower lip. She then touched her lip and felt a stinging pain in it. 

"You bite it hard without knowing that it got wounded," June said. 

"Is it still bleeding?" She asked, with an expression that she was in pain. 

"A little bit. The wound is not fatal, so it is fine, "Mike answered, and Alda couldn't help but chuckle at his words. She let go of her lips and replied. 

"Thank you for telling me. Go back to Troy and let's search for the flower in haste. The sun is almost rising, " 

Mike together with June then nodded and hurriedly went back to his area. They all then resumed their search without delay for fifteen minutes. Until Mike spotted something beside the willow tree.

Alda, June and Troy went over to his side and checked if the flower he was talking about was right. Alda scanned the flower and sighed in relief. 

"Yes, that is the one. Lets pluck lots of them. Very good, Mike, "Alda said, praising Mike for finding the flower that they had been searching for almost one hour.

They all then use their swords to cut through flower roots and carry them. They go back to their horses and put all the flowers in the medium traveling bag that Troy has at the back of his horse. 

When they were done, they all untied their horses' reins from the tree and hoped back up to them. 

To be continued.

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