Vendia was shocked. She didn't think that Yerre would feel like this. She only wanted her to have her life as a noble woman and made her experience what it felt like to have a family who loved and cherished you as a daughter. She didn't think this would hurt her and bring distress to her. She didn't mean it.

As a result of this, Vendia could not move to the couch for three seconds. She just stared down at Yerre, who continued sitting on the floor while hugging her knees close to her breast, crying in a mess. This made Vendia feel guilty and at fault. She could not help but feel responsible for what Yerre had been feeling. She sighed and closed her eyes for a bit to breath in the feeling she felt and to speak out. 

"For how long did you feel like this?" Ask Vendia. Yerre calmed her sobs for a bit and replied while just looking at the floor with eyes filled with tears and pain. 

"From the time that I started to realize that everything I have here was not mine. It all belongs to you only. Nothing belonged to me except the person who loved me, and that is Alda, "her words were filled with loss and truthfulness. Vendia could not help but be quiet for a bit before talking back to her again. 

The room became silent for a while, and only sobs could be heard all around the room, but they could not be heard from outside. The air around them became heavy and emotional, making Vendia uncomfortable and also emotional, but she controlled it from the inside. 

"So what do you plan to do?" Vendia and Yerre still remained sobbing while gazing at the floor. 

"I don't know. I didn't want to leave your parents because they have also become close to my heart, and your wish was for me to take good care of them, but it is just. It hurt me to see them look me in the eyes and say your name, instead of mine. It feels like the real me is sinking away further and further from me. It made me scared. I don't like it, "she answered. Hugging her shoulder with her arms as she cried. 

"I didn't want to forget who I am and where I came from. I'm Yerre. I'm not you, but other people only see me as you, not me. " Yerre's voice was filled with sadness and loneliness. It made Vendia's heart ache and she felt even more guilty. To be honest, she didn't think through her plans for putting Yerre in her place because all she could think about was making her parents happy and having Yerre experience a life she could never have back in their world. She didn't think through the end of it, because she didn't think this would be the outcome. 

She didn't know what to do. Yerre was right. She also didn't want her to leave her parents because it would have torn her. The only way out of this is to tell them the truth about herself or to marry someone and settle with them. Then she would be free from this kind of suffering, but again, Yerre already has someone, which is her best friend Alda, who becomes a heroine in this book. This made Vendia sigh. For a while, she could not think of a way out of Yerre's suffering, which left her to make Yerre bear it for a while. 

"Bear with it for the time being; I'll find a way to set you free here, but please don't abandon my parents. I'm begging you, "she said. Pleading. Yerre stopped sobbing and looked straight at her. She then saw that Vendia's eyes were filled with sorrow and guilt. She could not help but nod at her request, because she also could not think of abandoning Vendia parents. She already thought of them as her second parents and they gave her something she could not have before, back to their world. So how could she let go of it so easily? 

"You don't have to worry. I do not have the guts to let go of your parents. Like I said, my heart and mind were already fond of them. But about my problem, you don't have to worry about it anymore, "she said. Her words were firm, but her voice still had the tone of someone that had cried earlier. Hoarse and gentle. Vendia stared at her and asked

"Why?" Her voice was filled with curiosity and worry. 

"Alda already had it under control. "Yerre answered, and Vendia couldn't help but wear a poker face. 

"What do you mean? You two already have a plan?" She asked, trying to get clarity from Yerre's answers. 

"No, but she does. I still don't know what it is, "Yerre explains.

"I see, but in this situation I only saw two solutions. "Vendia started to elaborate on their situation, making Yerre look straight at her with interest. 

"What is it?" she asked. But before Vendia answered her question, she stood up from the couch and said,

"Go fix yourself first and eat breakfast for a while; I'll be back later to continue talking about the matter between us," she said calmly. But her words made no sense to Yerre. She stood up from the floor, wiped her wet face using the strands of her clothes, and asked. 

"Why are you going somewhere?" Her voice was filled with curiosity and her eyes showed perplexion. 

"No, someons is coming. So we need to postpone this matter for later, "Vendia explained, and Yerre nodded. Earlier, while they continued talking, Vendia felt like the wind was passing differently.

Until she heard the first footstep of someone ten meters away from the hall way, which indicated that someone was coming. This made Vendia immediately stop their conversation and get up from the couch. She could not afford someone to hear Yerre talking alone in her room. They will think something strange is going on. Yerre nods, understanding what she means by her words. She immediately pulled herself back to her usual state and fixed herself, while continuing to wipe away the traces of tears in her eyes and face. 

Vendia smiled at her, then disappeared into the wind that had passed by just now, making Yerr's hair swing and spread like a silk curtain. The room once again became silent and peaceful. Yerre strode over to the door and waited for someone to knock on it. She stood there for three seconds, until she heard a footstep heading towards the chamber and stopping in front of the door. The door then receives a knock. Yerre didn't waste time, and she opened it after the knock ended, then saw that it was Vendia's mother, Madam Rose. 

"Mother?" Yerre called. Her voice was filled with surprise. She lowered her eyes and saw that she was carrying a table tray with food. Yerre was shocked and immediately took the table tray from Vendia's mother. 

"Mary told us that you were still sleeping earlier. So I decided to bring your breakfast myself, "Madam Rose mentions. Yerre looked at her with an uneasy expression. She had no intention of oversleeping.just that her body was tired from all the things she had been thinking about lately. Yerre smiled and replied to Madam Rose. 

"I apologize to my mother. I didn't mean to over sleep, "as she said these words. They strided over to the guest room. Yerre then put down the table tray that had her breakfast on the table inside the guest room, and she sat on the opposite couch. Madam Rose also sat on the couch in front of her and looked at her child with a gentle smile. 

"Did you sleep well?" she asks. 

"Yes, I did. Thank you for bringing me my breakfast, mother, but... I didn't disturb your work right? " Yerre asked me back. Everyday, Madam Rose will manage the responsibilities of the house while Lord Marthen will manage the properties and investments of their family. That is why Yerre could not help but be concerned. Madam Rose stared at her with eyes filled with gentleness and care.

"You don't have to worry. Your mother is already free. I finished my errands the other day so I could spend time with my daughter today, "she said. Upon hearing Madam Rose's words, Yerre could not help but sigh in relief in her thoughts. But she also could not help but wonder what kind of things they would do today together. It made her somewhat excited, but the negative thoughts in her mind ruined all her excitement. She looked at the food in front of her and started eating, hoping to fade the negative thoughts away for the moment, and just enjoy her day today with Vendia's mother. 

Madam Rose, who kept looking at her child, could not help but feel glad upon seeing her child eating well in front of her. 

"How about visiting your uncle Aloit today?" which made Yerre choke on the food she was swishing down to her throat. Madam Rose was shocked. She got panicked. She immediately took the glass cup that had the milk and gave it to her child. Yerre then drank it slowly and, not long after, she felt relieved and calmed.

To be contined.

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