Because of how shocked Vendia is of knowing the young child capability. The young noble girl could not express another words out from her lips for two minutes, living the young child in thinking of what to do while she is spacing out in front of her. 

She shocked that such a young child could now cooked food? She lower her gaze to the young child hands and her eyes is indicating observation through the young Mary physical features. 

She has such a tiny hands like every five year old have and a tiny leg. Just now when they enter the carriage she even had a hard time climbing up to sat up on her own. Vendia still help her to climb up and sat perfectly at the carriage couch. 

How can? Vendia traveled her eyes up only to see that the young child, Mary is looking at her with a confused expression. She seemed to be waiting for her to speak up to her again. 

What other capabilities does this young child have? Why do she always keep making me surprised? Vendia can't help but still felt in disbelief from knowing that this young child in front of her already know how to cook food. 

"Does your mother taught you how to cook food?" she ask. A tone of astonishment and disbelief can be trace under her voice. 

The young Mary stare at her with a proud smile and answer. 

"Yes, my mother taught me how to cook food at the age of four," the tone of her voice is filled of excitement and confident. Vendia nod but inside her heart she still can believe it. 

Is her first time to know that there's such a five year old who can cook. She only read about those things in a novel she love to read at her library when her home school ended at the afternoon. 

She would immediately run over to the library with her maid accompany her while she goes traveling her eyes, searching for an interesting book to read. 

Inside the library lays different genres and age difference but her parents didn't put age restrictions or warning to it. Luckily the book Vendia always love to read is on the side where most noble children would like and love to read. Fantasy, history and politics. 

She was so busy being a book worm at the younger age that learning to cook food didn't cross to her mind. She always watch the chef cooking at their kitchen but she never taken an interest to learn how to do it.

Because she felt like theres no use in learning to it anymore, but meeting this young child in front of her made her think otherwise. She made her want to learn how to cook food also.

She glance at the young Mary and thought,

'She must have not taste some delicious foods,' Vendia look at the young Mary with eyes that says eagerness. An eagerness to give the young child something she didn't haven't tasted or eaten before. 

"Your mother must be a very kind and warm hearted person. I can't wait to meet her when I come back here next month," Vendia said and the young Mary only shook her head as a no. 

After she was done reading some book she choose at the library, she would go giving their servant a hard time to clean and sometimes make a prank on them. That she was injured just to get their attention. 

Ever since the young Vendia was born, her parents routine are always been raising money, connecting ties through rich noble families, using business and formed a thin bond through other people who has a big influence of politics to gain benefits. 

So their family can have a continued privilege life and rich status. Her parent's works very hard, for they don't want to be forgotten in a lineup of popular noble family. 

In short her parents stride higher for Vendia future. In case she wants to aim to become a part of the royal family, she will not have to climb up or start from scratch because they already have a ties to the royal blood family. 

It will be easier for her to be choose as a final contestant to become the crown prince wife and become the Queen. But they never thought that while they stride for higher and comfortable life for her, they also trap her inside the cage that's full of thorns and incurable poison. 

Until such day their only angel in their life had turned to someone they could never comprehend and understand anymore. She became further and further away from everyone who cherish her and not long the cage break and the person inside turned to soil. 

"Was it hard to learn?" Vendia ask out of curiosity. 

"Yes, but I get used to it after trying so many times," 

'Also I was eager to learn for my mother seek so, it was not all that difficult,' Mary words. 

"Did you cut your hands while you chop from ingredients? How's your experience to it?" Vendia could not help but be intrigue into the young child experience at learning how to cook. That the young Mary could not help but let out an awkward sigh and giggled. 

Her giggled is cute and soothing to the ear which made Vendia smiled and feel relaxed. The young child somehow feel pressured being questioned out of nowhere about her experience in cooking food at such a young age.

But it was fine, she was used to it. Most people who known her mother and her. Also ask her same question, is just that today she was tired and already had use some of her fully energy from all people she talk with about the crops and makeup products. 

Having a five year old body but have an independent mind, is blissful but also tiring sometimes because your brain don't have same balance at your age, which made you felt drained and exhausted. But having meet this young noble girl today made her fully charge again. 

The young Mary felt strange that this young noble girl, she now treat as an elder sister, immediately felt close to her. But she seemed also felt comfortable and felt like they had already known each other long time ago. 

So she didn't worry that much, also she felt like this young girl can be trusted. Her mother always said to her that, she must remember to be courtesy and feel grateful for someone handling her kindness and warm considerations, because not all people are like that. So Mary didn't find difficulties accepting Vendia immediately as her friend and an unrelated elder sister. 

Beside she didn't look like someone who will harmed and lied to a five year old child like her. The young Vendia look straight at the young Mary and wait for her respond. 

"Does sister Vendia want to learn how to cook?" Mary ask and Vendia immediately look straight at her with eyes filled of shocked for three seconds, then turned calmed. 

'Just how sharp does this young child?' she thought. Vendia could not help that the young child in front of her had seen though her thoughts. Mary released and excited sigh and stare back at the young Vendia. 

"If sister Vendia want to learn. I can teach you how to cook and even cook some food if you want me to," Mary respond. Her eyes showed sincerity and clarity indicating that her words were all wholeheartedly true, no lie being said. 

Upon hearing the young child words, Vendia could not help but immediately nod and accept the young child words. She didn't deny that she want to learn how to cook anymore because the child already had read what's inside her thought a second ago.

What's the use of denying it anyway, in the end I still want to learn how to cook food?

She is willing to learn and determined to know things about cooking with the young child because she thought it would be fun and very interesting. She can't wait to try it. 

"Okay, when I come back into this land next month. Meet me at the same place we meet earlier, then we go back together to your house to meet your mother and teach me how to cook," Vendia reply. 

"Mn, Mary will wait for sister Vendia to come back and meet her again," Mary answer with delight and excitement. Seeing the young child reaction, Vendia could not help but caress the young Mary head with her right hand, filled of gentleness and care.

The young noble girl never thought that someday she would be having an interest on how to cook food. Well there's no harm in trying something beneficial and different from her usual routine. It's also interesting, so why not try it? 

Vendia smiled at the young child with eyes filled of calmness and excitement.

'I will come back to meet you and your mother again, Mary, I promise.' Vendia thought, full of determination.

To be continued.

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