After a while, Mary went out of the carriage and finally bid good bye to Vendia to get back home in hurry to her mother but before she could go the noble girl stranded her for a second giving her red pouch bag that are designed of silk and leather.

The pouch looks expensive and very well made, every detailed to the strands are well defined and sew. Mary stare at it for a while then look straight at Vendia only to see her wearing a grateful smile.

"Keep it and give it back to me when we meet again. That is the proof of my promise to you," Vendia said and Mary could not help but hug close the pouch bag close to her chest like she is securing it well from anyone who would want to take it.

"Mn! Mary will keep it well, until sister Vendia and Mary meet again," Mary replied with eyes filled of determination. Vendia could not help but chuckled upon seeing the young Mary cute reactions.

"En, then. You must prepare your cooking skills for me, okay?" Vendia respond and Mary only nod at her words, she can't wait to cook for her unrelated sister when she goes back to this land again.

After their small conversation, the young Mary then bowed at her, then she fled away running to get back home while hugging the money and pouch bag that Vendia had given to her as a promise token of their first meeting.

From the time Mary left, Vendia also decided to go back to where her parents left her to wait earlier. The day is still lively and cheerful, Mary went back home full of happiness and delight.

She can't wait to cook her mother favorite food again, chicken ginseng but when she arrived her mother was no longer in the bed. The young Mary got panic and accidentally let go of the money and the pouch bag that Vendia had given to her. Her mind circulated something unpleasant and tormenting which made her heart beat fast from anxiousness and worries.

"Mother? Mother! Mother where are you? Mother! "

Mary shout in an anxious tone of voice, while she went further inside the room, running back and forth like a lost puppy as tears skip out from her eyes, being overly worried, her brain seemed to stop working, she seemed could not figure out what she want to do and where she want to go.

Her mind had turned blank, her body is trembling in worry and fear, while her brain would not stop giving her displease images of her mother being eaten by the wild animals.

Their cabin house is located inside the forest and many people only visits their neighbor hoods, because it was known for having many wild animals at an autumn season but Mary mother already use to it.

After all, the wild animals who live inside the forest is not that harmful and not hard to deal with, that is if you won't harm them and invade their territorial space or place. Wild animals are not fond of being disturb and being disrespect by their own territory.

Same as human. Is just that wild animals is sharper and exotic, while humans are more smart and tactful.

Mary continue walking back in forth inside their house while she keep crying out for her mother, fear tears still skip out from her eyes like a rain drops. She continue repeating her actions and words. Until she heard a rough and dry cough inside their kitchen. She hurried over to their kitchen and saw her mother standing in front of the boiling water with a chicken raw meat in her hand. She seemed to be cooking something. The young Mary look surprised and relief. She run over to her mother crying and hug her tight into her embrace, making her mother flinch in shocked upon receiving a surprised attack of embrace from her mother.

"Mother! I thought those wild animals had already eaten you, I am so scared," the young Mary said.

The fear and nervousness can be trace at her voice. Her mother exhaled a heavy sigh, then smiled upon hearing her daughter worries upon not seeing her inside their house.

She put the raw meat inside the cauldron that has a boiling water, before she respond into her daughter anxiousness. She break her daughter embrace and touch her shoulder to make her look straight at her.

"Mother is okay, mother just want to cook her princess her favorite meal," she said. Mary stop sobbing and wipe all her tears that fall from her cheeks. She then stare back at her mother with a worried eyes.

"Are you okay, now mother?" She ask. The voice that had went through worry and anxiousness's still can be trace along the tone her words.

"Mn, Mary don't have to worry about mother, because mother is already heal" her mother reply. She look at her mother, observing her complexion and facial features. It's still pale and there's no brightness can be seen. There's also a thick eye bags can be seen under her eyes. Showing a person who have not a proper sleep for straight five days.

But the young child is still five years old so, what her mother words say to her she would believe it even though, she know inside her heart that something is still not right at her mother.

Her mother is only forcing herself to get up and cooked for her daughter. She had been lying in the bed for almost one month now and seeing her child suffering day by day because of her incompleteness capability.

Her heart ache, it made her eager to be better fast, but her body seemed fail her and won't respond in the way she want it to be. She hate it, she can't help but cry out the anger she felt herself.

But after sobering from crying, she once again, decide to force herself on trying to standing up and do some work for her daughter, to lessen the burden and guilt she felt inside her heart.

She force herself weak self to stood up and cook her daughter favorite dish, ginseng chicken cheese soup. Even if it's hard for herself, she still endure it. Because she can't forgive herself to see her daughter being sick as well. She won't forgive herself if that would happened.

The young Mary glance at her mother dark eye bags and thought,

'It's okay, I can give mother a makeover, so she would look livelier outside,' Mary felt excited upon thinking about it. Because of it she seemed had forgotten of having anxious and worry a minute ago.

She held her mother hand and smile.

"Then, mother can Mary give you a makeover?" she ask. Her mother eyes showed surprised for a second, then she smiled, holding back her daughter hand.

"Does our Mary practice to do a makeover while mother is in bed all day?" her mother respond. Mary exhaled and exciting tone out of her lips, then said.

"No, Mary meet a grateful young noble girl to the street today. She bought mother products and crops, after that she then teach me how to do make up," Mary explain everything that happened to her mother from start to finished.

"She also ask me a favor," she mentioned.

"What kind of favor?" Mary mother felt glad that the noble girl her daughter purchase all their crops and makeup products that she made, but inside her heart she also could not help but be worry.

For meeting a noble people sometimes can be very dangerous, because some of them approach you with some negative motive and unbeneficial intention. In short some of them only approach you with an ill intention and selfish request that can bring negative effects to you as a person.

Mary saw her mother worry eyes and she immediately touch her mother hand that she was holding with her free hand, to make her focus her thought to her. She smiled then reply.

"Mother don't have to worry, the noble girl is very kind and warmhearted person. Her name is Vendia and she request for me to call her an elder sister because sh—"Mary stop in the middle of her sentence, upon feeling something is missing. She let go of her mother hand and observe her hand as if she lost something important to her.

Her thought look through her memory that happened earlier, while her mother look at her with worry.

"What is it?" Her mother ask, but Mary could not answer her back because she was very anxious right now and she seemed firm in her thought. Until she gasp.

She touch her chest, with her hands, then her pants pocket hoping to find the thing she manage to remember but the thing she was aiming to find was not with her. Her heart start to beat in fright. The pouch bag and the money she earn today was not with her.

'No, I promise to keep it well,' 


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